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A French-Canadian born producer of many talents, Nakanojojo's sound draws from anime music influences, heavily inspired by artists such as Soutaisei Riron (), Yunomi, Rin Toshite Shingure () and Yamapi (). His work has attracted significant acclaim and attention in Japan, having been featured on a multitude of big time TV shows like Ariyoshi Hanseikai (Nihonterebi), News na Futari (TBS Terebi), and even netting him an interview on the celebrity magazine Cyzo ().

Nakanojojo burst into the osu! scene with a custom "Game Mix" of his track Bittersweet, showcasing one of the very few times in osu!'s history where an artist and mapper have directly collaborated together to produce something entirely new.

His sound caters towards a mixture of fast-paced mapping and a more pensive, thoughtful meandering among musical lines. Those who are a fan of the more subdued approach to pop music will find much to like about Nakanojojo's sound, and be met with plenty to work within as far as sound design and production is concerned.