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There are many shortcuts in osu! that can be utilised while in-game or while idle at any screen. They are listed out with their functions below.
Note: This article lists the default keyboard shortcuts. You can change some of them in the options.
These shortcuts work anywhere:
Alt + F4 |
Close the game client (no prompts). If in gameplay, beatmap editor, or osu!direct, go back to song selection or main menu (for osu!direct). |
Alt + Up/Down Arrow |
Adjust the master volume, use the left and right arrows to adjust effect and music volumes. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S |
Reload the current skin. If pressed during gameplay or at the results screen, this will be executed after returning to the song selection screen. |
Ctrl + F11 |
Toggle the frame times graph. Pressing Ctrl will pause this. |
F7 |
Cycle through the frame rate limiters. |
F8 |
Toggle the chat window. |
F9 |
Toggle the extended chat window. |
F10 |
Toggle all mouse buttons (except for the mouse wheel, which is always enabled). |
F12 |
Take a screenshot. Click on the dialog to open the screenshots folder. |
Shift + F12 |
Take a screenshot and upload to the server for sharing. The screenshot will also be saved locally. This will open the screenshot on your web browser. |
Insert |
This is the boss key. Minimise the game client into the notification area. This will also mute the game. |
Shift + F1 |
Open osu!status on your web browser. (Only when a connection error appears.) |
Ctrl + O |
Open the options sidebar. Can not enter the offset wizard if you are not in the main menu. |
Main menu
Alt + Enter |
Toggle fullscreen mode. |
Up/Down Arrow |
Adjust the master volume, use the left and right arrows to adjust effect and music volumes. |
Esc |
Go back or cancel. |
P , E , or O |
Open the play menu. |
P three times |
Enter Solo. |
P twice, then M |
Enter Multi. |
E twice |
Enter edit mode. |
O |
Open the options sidebar. |
Q |
Display the exit prompt. |
Esc |
Display the exit prompt, when the options and play menu are closed. |
F |
Toggle the FPS counter. |
Z or F1 |
Play the previous song. |
X or F2 |
Play the song. If playing, start the song over. |
C |
Toggle pause and play. |
F4 |
Stop playing (resets the current time). |
V or F5 |
Play the next song. |
J or F6 |
Opens the jump to menu. |
R |
Play a random song. |
Note: Not all of these work in the Multi mode's song select screen.
F1 |
Open the game modifiers selection menu. |
F2 |
Randomly select a beatmap. |
Shift + F2 |
Go back to the previously random-selected beatmap. |
F3 |
Open the beatmap options. |
F5 |
Reprocess beatmaps (this may prompt you to continue). |
Shift + Delete |
Prompt the delete beatmap dialog. This will ask you if you want to delete the beatmap (all difficulties), a single difficulty, or all visible beatmaps. |
Ctrl + 1 |
Switch the game mode to osu!. |
Ctrl + 2 |
Switch the game mode to osu!taiko. |
Ctrl + 3 |
Switch the game mode to osu!catch. |
Ctrl + 4 |
Switch the game mode to osu!mania. |
Ctrl + Enter |
Play the selected beatmap with the Auto mod. |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Play the selected beatmap with the Cinema mod. |
Ctrl + A |
Toggle the Auto mod. |
Ctrl + F3 or Ctrl + + |
Increase the osu!mania scroll speed (while in osu!mania mode). |
Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + - |
Decrease the osu!mania scroll speed (while in osu!mania mode). |
Ctrl + Backspace |
Delete the last word in the search bar. |
Up/Down Arrow |
Select the next difficulty up/down respectively. |
Left/Right Arrow |
Select the next beatmap up/down respectively. |
Page Up/Down |
Scroll the page up/down respectively. |
Enter |
Enter the current selection (if selecting over a beatmap or collection group) or being playing a difficulty (if selecting over a beatmap). |
Shift + Left/Right Arrow |
Enter the next/previous group. |
Shift + Enter |
Expand or collapse the selected group. |
Main page: Game modifiers
Note: Pressing the shortcut key will toggle it. You need to be in the game modifiers menu to use these shortcuts.
Note: Target practice (osu!), 1K and 2K (osu!mania), Co-op (osu!mania), and Mirror (osu!mania) do not have shortcuts.
Q |
Easy |
W |
No Fail |
E |
Half Time |
A |
Hard Rock |
S |
Sudden Death |
S twice |
Perfect |
D |
Double Time |
D twice |
Nightcore |
F |
Hidden (osu!, osu!taiko, and osu!catch) or Fade In (osu!mania) |
F twice |
Hidden (osu!mania) |
G |
Flashlight |
Z |
Relax (osu!, osu!taiko, and osu!catch) or cycle through xK mods (osu!mania) |
X |
Auto Pilot (osu!) or Random (osu!mania) |
C |
Spun Out (osu!) |
V |
Auto |
V twice |
Cinema |
B |
Score V2 |
3 to 9 |
3K to 9K (osu!mania) |
+ or - |
Adjust the local offset (hold Alt to change the precision). |
Esc |
Pause gameplay, or return to song selection if watching a replay or Auto or Cinema mod is used. |
Space |
Skip to gameplay. |
Tab |
Toggle the scoreboard. |
Shift + Tab |
Toggle hiding of the in-game interface. |
H |
Toggle hiding of the scoreboard and replay interface (when watching a replay or spectating). |
F3 or F4 |
Adjust speed for osu!mania (can be used near the beginning of gameplay). |
Ctrl + R or ` |
Must be held briefly. Quick retry the current map (skips the intro upon retry). |
Notice: You must use the cuttingedge release stream to use these.
5 |
Pause the replay. |
6 or 0 |
Resume or set playback speed to 1x. |
7 |
Set playback speed to 2x. |
8 |
Set playback speed to 3x. |
9 |
Set playback speed to 4x. |
Main page: Beatmap Editor
These shortcuts work anywhere within the beatmap editor:
Z |
Jump to first note or start of song. |
V |
Jump to last note or end of song. |
X |
Play from the start. |
C or Space |
Pause or resume. |
Left Arrow or Right Arrow |
Skip through the song. |
Up Arrow or Down Arrow |
Skip between timing points. |
Shift + Left Arrow or Shift + Right Arrow |
Skip through the song at 4x speed. |
Ctrl + B |
Add a bookmark at the current timestamp. |
Ctrl + Shift + B |
Remove the bookmark in the current timestamp. |
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow |
Jump to the previous/next bookmark. |
Ctrl + L |
Revert to the last saved state (partial). This will reload the .osu and .osb files. |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Revert to the last saved state (full). This will reload everything. |
Ctrl + O |
Opens the difficulty selection window. |
Ctrl + S |
Save the beatmap in its current state. |
Ctrl + N |
Prompt to remove all hit objects. |
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow |
Increase/decrease the playback speed by 25%. |
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow |
Increase/decrease the playback speed by 5%. |
F1 |
Switch to the compose mode. |
F2 |
Switch to the design mode. |
F3 |
Switch to the timing mode. |
F4 |
Open the song setup dialog. |
F5 |
Enter test mode. |
F6 |
Open the timing and control points dialog. |
Ctrl + P |
Add an uninherited timing point at the current timestamp. If not in the timing mode, this will also open the timing and control points dialog. |
Ctrl + Shift + P |
Add a inherited timing point at the current timestamp. This will also open the timing and control points dialog. |
Ctrl + I |
Delete the current uninherited or inherited section. This will not work on first uninherited timing point. |
Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
Seek forward/backward. |
Shift + Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
Seek forward/backward at 4x. |
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
Adjust the snap divisor. |
Alt + Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
Adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield. Adjust the timeline zoom when hovering over the timeline. |
Alt + Shift + Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
More precisely adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield. |
Alt + F4 or Esc |
Return to song selection. |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo. |
Ctrl + Y |
Redo. |
Ctrl + A |
Select all hit objects. |
Ctrl + X |
Cut. |
Ctrl + C |
Copy. |
Ctrl + V |
Paste. |
Ctrl + D |
Clone the selection. This will paste the selection 1 measure after last selected object. |
Ctrl + M |
Adjust the snap divisor. |
Delete |
Delete. |
1 , 2 , 3 , or 4 |
Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, slider, and spinner respectively (osu!, osu!taiko, or osu!catch). |
1 , 2 , or 3 |
Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, and hold respectively (osu!mania). |
Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel Up/Down |
Switch between placement/selection modes. |
Ctrl + Shift + A |
Open AiMod. |
Double Click |
On circles or slider ends to jump to the object's position in the timeline from any point in the song. (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch) |
Right Click |
Toggle new combo (when placing new hit objects) or delete object (when selecting). |
Alt |
Temporarily toggle distance snap while held down. |
Y |
Toggle distance snap. |
Shift |
Temporarily toggle grid snap while held down. |
T |
Toggle grid snap. |
G |
Cycle through grid size. |
Ctrl + 1 |
Set grid size to tiny. |
Ctrl + 2 |
Set grid size to small. |
Ctrl + 3 |
Set grid size to medium. |
Ctrl + 4 |
Set grid size to large. |
L |
Toggle locking of hit objects. |
Q |
Toggle new combo. |
Ctrl + , |
Rotate the selection by 90 degrees anticlockwise. |
Ctrl + . |
Rotate the selection by 90 degrees clockwise. |
Ctrl + H |
Flip the selection horizontally. |
Ctrl + J |
Flip the selection vertically. |
Ctrl + G |
Reverse the selection. That is, move the first selected object to the last selected object and so on. |
Ctrl + Shift + R |
Rotate the selected hit objects by a specified angle (opens a dialog). |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
Scale selected hit objects by a specified amount (opens a dialog). |
Ctrl + Shift + D |
Generate polygons with a specified number of points (opens a dialog). |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
Convert the selected slider into a hit circle stream (opens a dialog). |
Ctrl + Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow |
Nudge the selected notes in the pressed direction. (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch) |
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow |
Move selected objects left or right one column. (osu!mania) |
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow |
Move selected objects up or down 1 divisor. (osu!mania) |
W |
Toggle the Whistle addition to selection. |
E |
Toggle the Finish addition to selection. |
R |
Toggle the Clap addition to selection. |
Shift + (Q , W , E , or R ) |
Change sampleset for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively. |
Ctrl + (Q , W , E , or R ) |
Change addition set for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively. |
Ctrl + Shift + I |
Open the sample import dialog. |
Shift + (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, , 6 , 7 , 8 , or 9 ) |
Set the beat snap divisor to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 and 1/9 respectively. |
Shift (while dragging in the timeline) |
Ignore the beat snap divisor snapping. |
J |
Nudge the selection backwards 1 divisor. |
K |
Nudge the selection forwards 1 divisor. |
I |
Open the sprite library overlay. |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo. |
Ctrl + Y |
Redo. |
Ctrl + X |
Cut the selected sprite. |
Ctrl + C |
Copy the selected sprite. |
Ctrl + V |
Paste the sprite at the current time. Note: Pasted sprites will not be shown on the layer list until the beatmap is saved and reloaded. |
Delete |
Remove the selected sprite from the layer. |
W , A , S , D |
Nudge the selected sprite up, left, down, or right respectively one osu!pixel. |
T |
Set BPM and offset when tapped to the beat of the song. |
Shift while adjusting BPM or offset |
Increment 5x the normal amount. |
Ctrl while adjusting BPM |
Increment by 0.25. |
Ctrl while adjusting offset |
Increment by 1. |
Ctrl while adjusting slider velocity |
Increment by 0.1. |