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User group

User group badge exampleUser group badge on a user's profile page

Listed below are user groups, most of which are made up of osu! community members that help maintain osu!. Most of these user groups can be recognised by their forum colours, in-game chat colours, user titles, and/or user group badges.

Clicking the badges will lead to the respective group listings, while the names link to the wiki articles.

ID Badge Name Description
4 GMT Global Moderation Team Keeping watch over the forums and in-game chat
7 NAT Nomination Assessment Team Managing the Beatmap Nominators
11 DEV Developers Making the game awesome by adding new features and fixing the bugs
16 ALM osu! Alumni Those known for their contributions who have since moved on
22 SPT Technical Support Team Help and assistance
26 Tournament Staff1 Users with extended tournament management commands
28 BN Beatmap Nominators Users going above and beyond the call to ensure beatmaps get qualified
29 BOT Chat Bots1 Special accounts run by automated services instead of real people
31 LVD Project Loved Recognising the beatmaps that the community loves most
32 BN Beatmap Nominators (Probationary) Probationary BN that await a positive evaluation to confirm their presence in the team as a full member.
33 PPY ppy1 Reserved for peppy, the creator of osu!
35 FA Featured Artist Musical creators who have partnered with osu!
47 Announce1 Users with permission to send announcement chat messages
48 BSC Beatmap Spotlight Curators Responsible for selecting high-quality maps for the Beatmap Spotlights


  1. This group's user listing is not public.