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Beatmap Nominator evaluations

See also: Becoming a Beatmap Nominator § Application process

Evaluations of those who apply to become a Beatmap Nominator (BN) as well as current Beatmap Nominators are both carried out by members of the Nomination Assessment Team (NAT). These evaluations follow a set format to ensure that every application and nominator will be reviewed regularly. All evaluations take place on the BN website.

Each evaluation has two phases: individual and group. These phases differ in the details of how they work for applications or regular BN evaluations and will be detailed below.

Three NAT members are assigned to each evaluation, but additional members may join in the conversation during the group phase if there are elements of the evaluation that need further discussion on things the initial assigned NAT members cannot come to a consensus on.

If an assigned NAT member is unavailable or otherwise cannot do an assigned evaluation, their task can be randomly reassigned to another NAT member from the BN website.

References to Discord in this article pertain to the BN Discord server, which has limited entry to the BN, NAT, GMT, and former members for organisation, discussion, and group socialisation.

Current Beatmap Nominator evaluations

Every BN is reviewed regularly by members of the NAT.

For Nominators on probation, or that have been issued an activity warning, their next evaluation will be scheduled for roughly 1 month after being placed on probation or receiving their warning.

For full Beatmap Nominators without recent warnings, their evaluations will be scheduled to occur every 3 months.

The duration between evaluations is automatically scheduled by the BN website. However, if there is a substantial cause for concern about a BN's performance at a sooner date, NAT members can also manually schedule an evaluation to happen sooner than normal.

A BN is able to see the current progress of their evaluation via a progress bar in their BN website profile.

evaluation status progress barEvaluation status progress bar

Just like applications, current BN evaluations are randomly assigned to 3 evaluators and will be announced in the respective mode's NAT Discord channels.

Individual phase

The individual phase will show on the BN website 2 weeks before it is due, letting NAT members know what evaluations are upcoming to aid them in managing their workload appropriately. During the individual phase, NAT members can submit their evaluations on the Beatmap Nominator's performance. These evaluations will account for the BN's nominations, any nomination resets that happened on their nominations, as well as check on the BN's overall modding across a sample of their nominated maps. NAT members will also be checking for whether the BN is following the Beatmap Nominator rules and expectations appropriately.

Group phase

After three NAT members have submitted their evaluations, the evaluation will be moved to the group phase. During the group phase, NAT members will discuss their evaluations with each other, come to a consensus, and write evaluation feedback. The results and feedback will vary depending on the BN. If it is found a BN is not performing up to standard, they may either be given a warning or placed on probation depending on the severity of the issue.

Once the feedback is written and reviewed, it will be sent and accompany any user group changes needed. The feedback will be delivered by the Nomination Assessment Team bot as an announcement message.

Warnings due to subpar performance as a full Beatmap Nominator are effective for roughly one year. If a BN has reoccurring issues down the line after being warned recently, they may be removed from the Beatmap Nominators on future evaluations.

Special evaluations


Beatmap Nominators can resign from the group at any time via the BN website. When this happens, three NAT members will be assigned to evaluate the nominator one last time, in order to determine if the resignation is on "good" terms or on "standard" terms. This evaluation is given a 24-hour deadline and announced to the NAT members in their respective Discord channel.

Once a consensus for the resignation terms has been reached, the NAT will send the BN an announcement message via the Nomination Assessment Team bot informing them of their status and when they can reapply to become a BN if they so choose.

Good terms

Beatmap Nominators who have not been recently warned or been on probation, and were not about to be warned for issues, will usually resign on good terms.

The good-term status allows former Nominators to fast-track their way back to being a full BN if they choose to apply again within 1 year of their resignation. The resignation will turn to standard terms if it is older than 1 year.

Standard terms

A standard-term resignation is issued for nominators who have been warned recently, are on probation, or were about to be warned for issues on their upcoming current BN evaluation.

Nominators who resign on standard terms will have to reapply to become a BN after a 60-day cooldown if they wish to return to the group, and they will have to start from probation if they pass their reapplication.


Whenever a Beatmap Nominator's evaluation is created, their activity will be checked automatically by the BN website. If it fails to meet the minimum requirements, then the evaluation will be automatically moved to the group phase and have its consensus set to an activity warning or a removal, depending on the activity. Then, a member of the NAT will sanity check said evaluation, and send it if there are no issues.

If a Beatmap Nominator is returning from a good-term resignation and they have not reached their minimum activity within the first 30 days, a new evaluation will be created following the same procedure as above, with the consensus set to a removal.