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Bloom (mod)


Bloom mod icon

The cursor blooms into.. a larger cursor!

Acronym BM
Type Fun
Game modes
Score multiplier 1.00x
Status Unranked
Incompatible mods Flashlight (FL), No Scope (NS), Touch Device (TD)

For the full list of all lazer mods, see: Game modifier (lazer)

The Bloom mod progressively makes the cursor bigger as the combo builds up until it reaches a set limit configurable. If you miss an object, the cursor returns to its original size.


Bloom customisation options in the game client

  • Max size at combo (5–100, default 50): The combo count at which the cursor reaches its maximum size.
  • Final size multiplier (5,0–15,0, default 10,0): The multiplier applied to the cursor size when the combo reaches its maximum.