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Jump mapping techniques

See Mapping techniques/Basics for a description on jumps.

Hit Circle


Nominator: Seibei4211

Anti-Jumps consist of a normal set of placed hit objects, followed by a stream of notes with half the spacing (placed closer) than the previous comboset.
This part could be a separate comboset.


Nominator: Seibei4211

Anti-SeibeiStyle-Jumps consist of a beat stream with a few beats with the same spacing further apart on the timeline than the others in the same combo.

Basically, hit objects are placed to have the appearance of a constant beat; however, timeline-wise, they are spaced a bit further apart.

Centre Anti-Jumps

Nominator: NoHitter

Centre anti-jumps have a note or a slider placed in the centre while the other hit objects but are spaced the same in the timeline as a form of an anti-jump.

Large Jumps


Oibon Jumps

Nominator: Zekira

Oibon jumps are jumps from the left side of the screen to the right side (or vice versa).


B&F Sliderbased Jumps

Nominator: Blue Dragon

B&F sliderbased jumps consist of making a back and forth jump (or triangle) using the slider as the base for the jump.

Endpoint Slider Jumps

Nominator: Lybydose

Endpoint slider jumps use two sliders, and a hit circle.
A slider is mapped, followed by a hit circle, followed by a horizontally-flipped copy of the slider.

Orbital Sliders

Nominator: Card N'FoRcE

Orbital sliders use mirrored sliders with a note in the middle.

This usually uses a beat long slider.
This is followed by a hit circle that is half the beat of the first slider, a beat afterwards.
This is then followed by another beat long slider that is half the beat of the hitcircle.
