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Touhou Project Mania Cup 4th

Touhou Project Mania Cup 4th banner

The Touhou Project Mania Cup 4th (THMC 4th) is a team-based 2v2 osu!mania 4K tournament hosted by [GB]Sanae and YuEast 2018. The main theme of this tournament is the Touhou Project. The pool used for THMC 4th is 100% based on original and fan-made Touhou music. It is the fourth instalment of the Touhou Project Mania Cup.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2024-12-22 (00:00 UTC) / 2025-01-12 (24:00 UTC)
Qualifier showcase 2025-01-19 (12:00 UTC)
Qualifier stage 2025-01-20/2025-01-28
Qualifier results 2025-01-28 (04:00 UTC)
Group stage week 1 2025-01-28/2025-02-09
Group stage week 2 2025-02-14/2025-02-16
Round of 32 2025-02-21/2025-02-23
Round of 16 2025-02-28/2025-03-02
Quarterfinals 2025-03-07/2025-03-09
Semifinals 2025-03-14/2025-03-16
Finals 2025-03-21/2025-03-23
Grand Finals 2025-03-28/2025-03-30


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown TBD, profile badge (pending)
Silver crown TBD
Bronze crown TBD


The Touhou Project Mania Cup 4th is run by various community members.

Position Member(s)
Coordinator [GB]Sanae, YuEast 2018
Consultant akace100, cdwcgt, EpsilonMaiagare, ERA trooperr
Referee -Hindeko, [GB]ChickenGold, [GB]GanyuAngel, [GB]Sanae, [LS]Sagirium, affirmedcheese, akace100, Discord, Dynascape, ERA trooperr, EpsilonMaiagare, ILUVPUERTORICO, Infinitstart, Iskas, Konohana Lucia, Logg45vs, MidRed, normanzerga, normiplier, Pilot_BFFRI, Poity, RobotSkin_, Rush_FTK, SunApple, YuEast 2018
Streamer - Fubukiii, -Hindeko, [GB]ChickenGold, affirmedcheese, BlueCrystal004, Iskas, Logg45vs, MidRed, RobotSkin_, Rush_FTK, SunApple, YuEast 2018
Commentator - Fubukiii, -Nightkore, [GB]Reisen, [GB]V1do, blacktea12, Blue_Potion, Dynascape, epic man 2, ERA Sunny, Itawachi, MashedPotato, Nathanial, Nepijin, Paturages, PotassiumF, Rush_FTK, Silhoueska Elze, Sparky, SunApple, xXDark_MasterXx, YuEast 2018
Mappool playtester -Kita-, 11Bit, [Crz]raber, [Crz]Reimu, [GB]GanyuAngel, [GB]Oceanus, [GB]r3uz, [GB]Reisen, [GB]Sanae, cheewee10, Hidden is fun, Kiraz, Koishi Komeijie, MidRed, My Angel Rena, Paturages, Xu seventeen, YuEast 2018
Mapper -Deepdive-, -Kita-, -mint-, 0DZ0, [Crz]Crysarlene, [Crz]FolAH1217, [Crz]Reimu, [GB]Azukisan, [GB]Oceanus, [GB]Reisen, [GB]Sanae, [GB]sherweifa, [GB]V1do, [GS]hina, AelSan, Alptraum, AutotelicBrown, Blue_Potion, Castella, cherrychou, Critical_Star, elexire, epic man 2, ERA trooperr, ExNeko, eZmmR, fvrex, gzdongsheng, Hidden is fun, Hylotl, Hytex, ImperialTrinity, KimMui, Kiraz, Miaurichesu, Micleak, MyZterioN-, Nicknem_, PORTTAYER, RiceSS, Saemitsu, ScoliosisET, Ska, Usagi_, Xinhong1003, Xu seventeen, Xzzj, Ycloki, YuEast 2018
Statistician EpsilonMaiagare, Rush_FTK, YuEast 2018
Wiki akace100, Rush_FTK, YuEast 2018
Designer lous, lovely_hyahya, Sakura006, YuEast 2018


Team Members
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" Zoobin4, --Dragon--, TingMomentum, MiniEgg_23
:bucket::1217god::scream: Kesrie, Shice2566, amano_hina, -Veloce-
Adrianlazer Fanboys Tonels, Unitori-, Chicken Sammy, Mahiru-No-Yo
AKatsuki kissnolook, [ Kloc ], Ramchong, [Sick]LooM
Backed lasagna IL_fefe, Matty7281, alexblablak, mattyITA104
ball itchers HongFanboy, dumbidot, senkhyu, unluminated520
Bashame is goat Stillerzzy, Cozieuwu
Benny Goodman konkawe, Buschan, grillroasted, flowerful
Beta Sir Kojima [TCD]HowToKenny, [TCD] Yumi, [TCD] TinPotMan, [TCD] Meat
Blue-Haired Yuuka MatchaLatte-, SoSickSoSad, _Nepia_
Cat Yumy RhythmBoii, BronyaZaychik_, _yea, My Angel Chen
Chodan Naaaad, ggeexx1, Scitra, PocaFanboy
cheewee10 JayLye, ReJust, Fuuneral, Tosai_
Chen_Xi and Chen_Xi's后宫团 nyamushi, Chen_Xi, XLH, --ATRI--
Chopped Chin Enthusiasts nico-, silencegfx, Bpzyxl
Cino fan club TsukiyaWhiskers, ERA Sirbeyy, Lotex09, datnonameboi
copium inhalers anhnhatbui, Regretion, LagNeon, worstHDplayerr
cucumbers Manipstire, lyvet, Plana_, Selitation
Doki Doki Osu Club fofokii, KitoriQAQ, bili_TYL, Onimous
E=mc² Silhoueska Elze, hsod, minatoaquafan69, parponger
EL NACHO zKuri, paocompaoepaa, MORDEST68, player_rithimim
Eerie Idiots in Space DarkMew2, Eeriee, Agenius569
FARTLANTIS Valarian, - Freexy -, Deltune_, Wacxy10
File Archivers XenoPenguino, Chordjack, cwutchy, EuphX
filipinos kidnap indo et EveIyn, JustRoLmao, Wallll, MarkDLuffy
Fish⁴ yuukituk, [LS]Khu, Achino, [Zekken]
fpt wifi users: [TCD] Kaito, PhobiaTheNoob, ndglol
fuma fumos IWateh, Shadow_GM, [DT] Lun1x, Darkhechiser
Fun [TCD] Shocked, datvippro17, l3sssss, Apmpm
Girlfriend ASMR Nepijin, TristanJacob11, PeachMarrow, invadey
Girls Band Cry LiangFenFan, [Crz]Namia, [GB]ParasolTree, [Crz]Riko
GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAL Flyfin, Waring0, ZefliN, kloofhi
Gravity Coil Reyi, ERA Dev, adihza, Poca
Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN inoheya, yoshyap, daihuku4649, P3pp3R_
Karlsruhe -Vid, ababa
kingg! MashedPotato, Rxizuna, Natsumi100, Just P
Les Goats sevenRobs
Lil Yeat Ninjezra, TB Parakeet
Lucky Star robrt, Babibelbleu, Ancuw, azertyghjkbjkj
Mahjong Soul Official [Crz]Nickname, --Pavin--, koshepen, DawnX
mannheim -lion, Peti
Mewing Bwas Maexchenoo9, Lennyskdae9_alt, Rip_MsCr7, Keanu
MISERICORDIA Dog Hero, Sabion, leo_zm
Mr Beajek's winter ARC bagjettka, tajjj, malza, klobuck
Mystia's Izakaya Patrons Verdon, pofnkul, _Squiddy_, WandrYondr
Never gonna give you up CatFR, _MLB__0, [TCD] yukim-
Odysseus MowseChow, [LS]Nemesis, Big noob lol, manwelcchii
PLAY TOUHOU LUNA NIGHTS McButt, RyanWong1216, -Deno-, MoltenLead
Retirados y Peligrosos myucchii, LeMarcinho, fefedk, MyAngelKokomi
rip king von KingQbert, Coach, logann, TrickyPugster
Saataa Andagii!!! suppnoob, Seitora, [TCD]_Chunneko_, random2171
Scarlet's Gate and Blade EterEnvy, SakuyaIz
shreimu (reimu shrimp) AstalFanBoy, moths, f4fgoodgirlasmr, ZnowFanGirl
SiurekEradicators sapcus, Seaz, Murtaj, dejwidwunasty
sosunchiki Lazaro023, Padshiy_Angel, Hinobara
spicy chicken sandwich dendro_, Tevelkin, BC1_CI9
spongebob water Fubusan, Hello_Son, beta carotene, clairpis
sprite cranberry Akatsumi Chan, - Shikimori -, AGuyCalledJeff, antony88fayah
steamhappy 7_mlya, Jinkiii, Ayakatfan, shimizu778
Team CatTaiL Tsumikiyuzu, ME1KO N3KO, [GB]QAQlingjiu, [GB]Frozen moon
Team Name is my team name ZNLX, MaiPai, Ferbigott
team saucisse Jerem[Monkey], ssiizz_, - Stay -, Simca_
the EteChmess, NPCarl, Pulsing, GDNoob25xd
The Boys Kaify, AdamAckerville, keep gambling, ZeroKungz
The Chen Enjoyers z2a, [LS]Mari, ERA Mystiik
The Clones Silicosis 4, Silicosis 3, Silicosis, Silicosis 2
The Cunny Hoshicons XxZenkaixX, minerfantasy, sunlikeba, Lo Dit Huyen Bi
the malaysians + 1 indo worstlnplayer, Duckys, [MY] VASD, yeedinobro
The Rewinders RantabFanboy, ERA Yuh, HoanChan, Kurokami_Fbk
The Weas Bunny's UQU, b3njvv2, robertokpro
Tito Bambino ft Randy -DylanOsu-, -Mizuu-
TOHOK Violet-, [GB]Xenotia-, ARDHANA, MightyTech
toilet driver yuishi2501004, -remu-, ereosu, a202f
Ton 618 ERA Veryi, [SPNG]Sib3riaN, angela202133, [SPNG] Sim0
TOUHOU SAIKOU!!!!!!!!!! veriff, SMALLWAI, --Glitchy--
una familia de 10 tochi, happergamer, Nabo
Vexgoats funigaming, Joao Felix
vivid/stasis yoppy-yugen, [Crz]yomogi237, MSMS33, Fuyuneel
VultureSEA Lzq12345, Wally Labrador, Adrianne12y
Wait this isnt ref reg - Sky -, ERA Xuste, cyger
Wattle wattlers TitaniumYT, Skrippzls
WAWDH Nico69_, sefoo
WE HATE FEMBOYS@!!!!! Tomskuu, murlaffedges, treeidk
WE LUV かめりあ Mich_, Bei, Kiirbo, Kenza
we washed onto199, 6od
Xinghui Patchy_K, Kaiyune
γ HEBO3MOӜHO Omagari Hare, Omega_A, Dominus1539, 33675880
大图书馆 Ibaraki hoshika, Cuccurry
古老的元神 [AR]lv3plane, -KoiKokoro-, Aevli26, USMAYO
古明地三鲜与八云紫的狂想四重奏 [Crz]rebellion, WingsOfRain, ruler, Chen-Yakumo
那咋了 qlchedan, Mrkkm, Shimaaji, 2580697339
企鹅 PaperPlane, zzzz__, G1NYA, Hiyashinsu104
我的哈基米观崩溃了 [Crz]xz1z1z, lolol233, Crystal, FenggeTGOB
有点弱,, nick-haoran, Idontknowwhathi, WOEM2436, FoaMelt1
原来你也玩malody SDBnkaf, Caaaat712, verysour, Endless fare


Top seed High seed Mid seed Low seed
Group A Gravity Coil The Clones the 原来你也玩malody
Group B Mahjong Soul Official fuma fumos Cat Yumy 我的哈基米观崩溃了
Group C cucumbers the malaysians + 1 indo WE LUV かめりあ PLAY TOUHOU LUNA NIGHTS
Group D Girlfriend ASMR Adrianlazer Fanboys Lucky Star Doki Doki Osu Club
Group E Retirados y Peligrosos Ton 618 Team CatTaiL The Chen Enjoyers
Group F :bucket::1217god::scream: EL NACHO GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAL Saataa Andagii!!!
Group G "OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" spicy chicken sandwich toilet driver sprite cranberry
Group H Mr Beajek's winter ARC shreimu (reimu shrimp) 古明地三鲜与八云紫的狂想四重奏 企鹅
Group I 有点弱,, Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN TOHOK fpt wifi users:
Group J spongebob water Mystia's Izakaya Patrons team saucisse 古老的元神
Group K Chodan Eerie Idiots in Space The Rewinders filipinos kidnap indo et
Group L vivid/stasis kingg! Cino fan club File Archivers
Group M E=mc² Odysseus steamhappy 那咋了
Group N cheewee10 The Boys AKatsuki Blue-Haired Yuuka
Group O Benny Goodman ball itchers una familia de 10 WE HATE FEMBOYS@!!!!!
Group P Girls Band Cry Fish⁴ rip king von copium inhalers

Match schedule: Semifinals

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Team A Team B Match time Stream
Gravity Coil Chodan Mar 16 (Sun) 04:00 UTC THMC4 twitch 1
:bucket::1217god::scream: Girls Band Cry Mar 16 (Sun) 05:00 UTC THMC4 youtube2 3
Mahjong Soul Official Girlfriend ASMR Mar 16 (Sun) 06:00 UTC THMC4 twitch 1
Retirados y Peligrosos Benny Goodman Mar 16 (Sun) 14:00 UTC THMC4 twitch 3



Download the mappack here! (134M)
View the showcase VOD here
View the showcase VOD (Chinese commentary) here


Download the mappack here! (169 MB)
View the showcase VOD here
View the showcase VOD (Chinese commentary) here

Round of 16

Download the mappack here! (148 MB)
View the showcase VOD here
View the showcase VOD (Chinese commentary) here

Round of 32

Download the mappack here! (116 MB)
View the showcase VOD here

Group stage

Download the mappack here! (70 MB)
View the showcase VOD here
View the showcase VOD (Chinese commentary) here


Download the mappack here! (30 MB)
View the showcase VOD here
View the showcase VOD (Chinese commentary) here

Match results


Saturday, 15 March 2025:

Team A Team B Match Link VOD Link
cucumbers 4 6 :bucket::1217god::scream: #1 #1
有点弱,, 4 6 Girls Band Cry #1
vivid/stasis 1 6 Retirados y Peligrosos #1 #1
Mr Beajek's winter ARC 4 6 Benny Goodman #1 #1


Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.

Saturday, 8 March 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Adrianlazer Fanboys 6 0 Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN #1 #1, #2
cheewee10 3 6 shreimu (reimu shrimp) #1 #1, #2
:bucket::1217god::scream: 6 0 fuma fumos #1 #1, #2
Gravity Coil 6 0 有点弱,, #1 #1, #2
Benny Goodman 6 -1 Eerie Idiots in Space win by default
Girls Band Cry 6 0 kingg! #1 #1, #2
Mahjong Soul Official 6 1 Mr Beajek's winter ARC #1 #1, #2
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 6 0 the malaysians + 1 indo #1 #1, #2
spongebob water 6 3 E=mc² #1 #1, #2

Sunday, 9 March 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Retirados y Peligrosos 6 0 The Clones #1 #1, #2
:bucket::1217god::scream: 6 0 shreimu (reimu shrimp) #1 #1, #2
spongebob water 4 6 Girls Band Cry #1 #1, #2
Girlfriend ASMR 6 1 vivid/stasis #1 #1, #2
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 4 6 Benny Goodman #1 #1, #2
cucumbers 4 6 Chodan #1 #1, #2
Retirados y Peligrosos 6 3 Adrianlazer Fanboys #1 #1, #2

Round of 16

Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.

Saturday, 1 March 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
:bucket::1217god::scream: 4 5 vivid/stasis #1 #1, #2
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 4 5 有点弱,, #1 #1, #2
Mahjong Soul Official 5 1 Girls Band Cry #1 #1, #2
Odysseus 1 5 the malaysians + 1 indo #1 #1, #2
Mystia's Izakaya Patrons 0 5 shreimu (reimu shrimp) #1 #1, #2

Sunday, 2 March 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Girlfriend ASMR 5 0 cheewee10 #1 #1, #2
Gravity Coil 5 0 Benny Goodman #1 #1, #2
ball itchers 2 5 The Clones #1 #1, #2
Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN 5 2 sprite cranberry #1 #1, #2
kingg! 5 -1 GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAL win by default
The Boys -1 5 E=mc² win by default
cucumbers 5 2 Adrianlazer Fanboys #1 #1, #2
Fish⁴ 1 5 fuma fumos #1 #1, #2
Retirados y Peligrosos 4 5 Chodan #1 #1, #2
Eerie Idiots in Space 5 0 The Chen Enjoyers #1 #1, #2
Mr Beajek's winter ARC 5 4 spongebob water #1 #1, #2

Round of 32

Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.

Friday, 21 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
有点弱,, 5 2 shreimu (reimu shrimp) #1 #1, #2

Saturday, 22 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Mahjong Soul Official 5 0 ball itchers #1 #1, #2
Mr Beajek's winter ARC 5 3 Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN #1 #1, #2
:bucket::1217god::scream: 5 3 Eerie Idiots in Space #1 #1, #2
E=mc² 1 5 Adrianlazer Fanboys #1 #1, #2
spongebob water 5 0 sprite cranberry #1 #1, #2

Sunday, 23 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Girlfriend ASMR 5 0 Odysseus #1 #1, #2
vivid/stasis 5 -1 The Chen Enjoyers win by default
Gravity Coil 5 0 Fish⁴ #1 #1, #2
cheewee10 5 3 the malaysians + 1 indo #1 #1, #2
Girls Band Cry 5 1 The Clones #1 #1, #2
Benny Goodman 5 0 fuma fumos #1 #1, #2
cucumbers 5 0 The Boys #1 #1, #2
Retirados y Peligrosos 5 3 kingg! #1 #1, #2
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 5 0 Mystia's Izakaya Patrons #1 #1, #2

Group stage

Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.

Friday, 7 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
cheewee10 4 1 The Boys #1 #1, #2
Blue-Haired Yuuka 2 4 AKatsuki #1 #1, #2

Saturday, 8 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
copium inhalers -1 4 rip king von #1 #1, #2
filipinos kidnap indo et 0 4 The Rewinders #1 #1, #2
Benny Goodman 4 2 ball itchers #1 #1, #2
fpt wifi users: -1 4 TOHOK win by default
我的哈基米观崩溃了 0 4 Cat Yumy #1 #1, #2
古老的元神 0 4 team saucisse #1 #1, #2
sprite cranberry 4 2 toilet driver #1 #1, #2
企鹅 1 4 古明地三鲜与八云紫的狂想四重奏 #1 #1, #2
vivid/stasis 4 1 kingg! #1 #1, #2
cucumbers 4 1 the malaysians + 1 indo #1 #1, #2
:bucket::1217god::scream: 4 1 EL NACHO #1 #1, #2
E=mc² 4 1 Odysseus #1 #1, #2
原来你也玩malody 1 4 the #1 #1, #2
Doki Doki Osu Club 0 4 Lucky Star #1 #1, #2
Chodan 4 1 Eerie Idiots in Space #1 #1, #2
Saataa Andagii!!! 1 4 GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAL #1 #1, #2
spongebob water 4 1 Mystia's Izakaya Patrons #1 #1, #2
Mr Beajek's winter ARC 4 1 shreimu (reimu shrimp) #1 #1, #2

Sunday, 9 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
The Chen Enjoyers 4 0 Team CatTaiL #1 #1, #2
有点弱,, 4 0 Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN #1 #1, #2
那咋了 3 4 steamhappy #1 #1, #2
Gravity Coil 4 0 The Clones #1 #1, #2
Girls Band Cry 4 2 Fish⁴ #1 #1, #2
Mahjong Soul Official 4 1 fuma fumos #1 #1, #2
"OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 4 0 spicy chicken sandwich #1 #1, #2
File Archivers 0 4 Cino fan club #1 #1, #2
Girlfriend ASMR 4 0 Adrianlazer Fanboys #1 #1, #2
Retirados y Peligrosos 4 -1 Ton 618 win by default
WE HATE FEMBOYS@!!!!! 3 4 una familia de 10 #1 #1, #2

Saturday, 15 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN 4 3 TOHOK #1 #1, #2
Eerie Idiots in Space 4 3 The Rewinders #1 #1, #2
kingg! 4 2 Cino fan club #1 #1, #2
Adrianlazer Fanboys 4 2 Lucky Star #1 #1, #2
ball itchers 4 0 una familia de 10 #1 #1, #2
Mystia's Izakaya Patrons 4 1 team saucisse #1 #1, #2
Ton 618 -1 4 The Chen Enjoyers win by default

Sunday, 16 February 2025:

Team A Team B Match link VOD link
shreimu (reimu shrimp) 4 3 古明地三鲜与八云紫的狂想四重奏 #1 #1, #2
fuma fumos 4 2 Cat Yumy #1 #1, #2
The Clones 4 1 the #1 #1, #2
The Boys 4 2 AKatsuki #1 #1, #2
spicy chicken sandwich 0 4 sprite cranberry #1 #1, #2
the malaysians + 1 indo 4 0 PLAY TOUHOU LUNA NIGHTS #1 #1, #2
Fish⁴ 4 -1 rip king von win by default
Odysseus 4 1 steamhappy #1 #1, #2


The final standings for the Qualifier stage can be found in the following spreadsheet.
View the Qualifier seed reveal VOD here.

Seed Team Rating4
#1 Gravity Coil 11.27
#2 Mahjong Soul Official 35.55
#3 Girlfriend ASMR 42.26
#4 cucumbers 52.99
#5 Retirados y Peligrosos 57.4
#6 :bucket::1217god::scream: 62.61
#7 Mr Beajek's winter ARC 65.03
#8 "OH MY DAYS (skylanders)" 65.4
#9 有点弱,, 77.48
#10 spongebob water 86.05
#11 vivid/stasis 88.49
#12 Chodan 99.88
#13 E=mc² 110.27
#14 cheewee10 111.98
#15 Girls Band Cry 123.87
#16 Benny Goodman 136.31
#17 fuma fumos 141.37
#18 The Clones 145.34
#19 the malaysians + 1 indo 146.21
#20 Adrianlazer Fanboys 156.69
#21 EL NACHO 157.52
#22 Ton 618 157.72
#23 spicy chicken sandwich 164.3
#24 shreimu (reimu shrimp) 167.5
#25 Mystia's Izakaya Patrons 191.66
#26 Help me, P3pp3RINNNNNN 193.02
#27 Eerie Idiots in Space 195.25
#28 kingg! 199.03
#29 The Boys 201.07
#30 Odysseus 201.59
#31 ball itchers 205.4
#32 Fish⁴ 215.94
#33 the 222.23
#34 Cat Yumy 226.7
#35 Lucky Star 235.95
#36 WE LUV かめりあ 268.19
#37 Team CatTaiL 272.93
#39 古明地三鲜与八云紫的狂想四重奏 286.34
#40 toilet driver 297.29
#41 TOHOK 298.67
#42 team saucisse 303.89
#43 Cino fan club 320.34
#44 The Rewinders 332.04
#45 steamhappy 339.64
#46 AKatsuki 339.68
#47 rip king von 344.89
#48 una familia de 10 347.2
#49 我的哈基米观崩溃了 348.12
#50 原来你也玩malody 348.21
#52 Doki Doki Osu Club 373.5
#53 Saataa Andagii!!! 378.67
#54 The Chen Enjoyers 383.27
#55 sprite cranberry 384.97
#56 企鹅 392.63
#57 古老的元神 393.33
#58 fpt wifi users: 408.08
#59 filipinos kidnap indo et 414.24
#60 File Archivers 440.98
#61 Blue-Haired Yuuka 442.28
#62 那咋了 443.04
#63 WE HATE FEMBOYS@!!!!! 449.1
#64 copium inhalers 457.9
#65 γ HEBO3MOӜHO 474.04
#66 The Cunny Hoshicons 476.52
#67 Chen_Xi and Chen_Xi's后宫团 481.09
#68 VultureSEA 481.2
#69 sosunchiki 485.05
#70 Chopped Chin Enthusiasts 489.23
#71 Beta Sir Kojima 494.82
#72 Wait this isnt ref reg 502.24
#73 Bashame is goat 516.06
#74 TOUHOU SAIKOU!!!!!!!!!! 521.12
#75 we washed 527.49
#76 Mewing Bwas 531.98
#77 Fun 555.69
#78 大图书馆 557.52
#79 Scarlet's Gate and Blade 571.76
#80 Vexgoats 576.79
#81 WAWDH 584.63


The ruleset is primarily based on rulesets used in the osu!mania 4K World Cup 2024 and 4 Digit osu!mania World Cup 2024.

  • Any general rules not shown below but listed in the reference tournament are still valid.

Tournament rules

  1. The Touhou Project Mania Cup 4th (THMC 4th) is a 2 versus 2 double-elimination team tournament played on the osu!mania game mode (4K variant).
  2. If no referee is available at match time, the match will be postponed to a later time.
  3. Players' scores will still count toward the team score, even if they fail.
  4. Use of visual settings to alter background dim or disable beatmap elements like storyboards and skins is allowed.
    • Custom skin elements must not be used to alter core gameplay elements or mechanics.
  5. If a game ends in a draw, it will be nullified and the beatmap replayed. This is called a rematch.
  6. Teams may ask for a rematch if a team member encounters technical difficulties while playing.
    • "Lag spikes" are not considered a valid reason to nullify a beatmap.
    • If a rematch happens, the original roster for each team during that particular beatmap must remain the same. If that is not possible, e.g., by virtue of a technical issue, both teams will be allowed to swap rosters.
    • This rule is not to be abused. Referees may veto a rematch request if they find that this is the case.
  7. Disconnects within 30 seconds or 25% of the beatmap length (whichever happens first) can be rematched, at the referee's discretion, as long as it is clearly communicated in the chatroom.
  8. If a player disconnects, their scores will not be counted towards their team's total unless adequate proof of said score is provided. The following are considered acceptable proof:
    • Livestream clips or VODs from the player's point of view. The entirety of the play and the results screen must be clearly visible along with the affected player's score.
    • Replay files of the play, taken directly from the "Local scores" tab on the affected player's client (the timestamps must exactly match the time at which the game took place, as seen in the multiplayer match history).
    • Screenshots showing the affected player's score must be taken directly from within the game.
      • Screenshots from the results screen must clearly show the affected player's score. This is the preferred method.
      • Screenshots taken in-game at the time of disconnection may be accepted. Note that this method does not provide a one-to-one representation of that player's score. Using this method is not encouraged, and it may be denied at the referee's discretion if the information provided is not sufficient to determine the player's score.
      • All screenshots MUST be taken using the game itself; that is, they must be hosted on the domain (using Shift + F12). Any other form of screenshot will be denied.
      • Player scores may be derived from the official stream as a last resort in cases where the match is streamed.
  9. If less than the minimum amount of required players are present at match time, the match can be postponed for up to 10 minutes. If after this period there are still not enough players for either team, a win by default will be declared for the side with the most members present.
    • The minimum number of players required is defined as the number needed to play a beatmap without any empty spots in the lobby (e.g., at least two participants must be present for the match to start).
    • In the off chance that both teams have the same amount of players (i.e., each team with 1 player present) but not enough to start the match, the match may be rescheduled to a different time. Otherwise, a win by default will be declared to the team with the highest seed.
  10. Players are expected to keep the match running fluently and without delays. Disrupting the match by foul play, insulting and provoking other players or staff, delaying the match, and other deliberate inappropriate misbehaviour are strictly prohibited and will be punished accordingly.
  11. The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the osu! community rules. All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms where the matches will take place.
    • Breaking the chat rules may result in a silence. Silenced players cannot participate in multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the duration of the punishment.
  12. Referees may allow, at their discretion, lower or higher tolerances for timers.
  13. Tournament coordinators may request liveplays or recordings of individual players or teams at any point in the tournament without prior warning.
  14. Tournament coordinators will be responsible for receiving and investigating any tournament-related complaints.
  15. Tournament coordinators reserve the right to modify these rules at any moment. Any such changes will be announced in advance.
  16. Penalties for violating the tournament rules include, but are not limited to:
    • Specific players will be excluded for one beatmap.
    • Specific players will be excluded for an entire match.
    • The match will be declared as forfeited or as a win by default for the other team.
    • Disqualification from the entire tournament.
    • A report will be submitted to the Tournament Committee, which will result in disqualification from the current and future official tournaments until an appeal is made.

Tournament registration

  1. Please complete the registration form to register.
  2. A team must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 players.
  3. To ensure valid registrations, every prospective player will be manually checked via tournament screening.
    • If any member in a team is blacklisted by organisers or considered "suspicious" by the account support team, the whole team will be disqualified. Blacklists in other tournaments will be considered as well.
    • There are no rank requirements for this tournament, but players must not have violated the osu! community rules within the last 12 months.
  4. All successfully formed teams will be published after the registration phase.
    • A team should have at least 2 players registered to have the chance to play in the Qualifiers.
  5. Tournament staff members are not allowed to play in the tournament, with the exception of commentators, statisticians, and streamers.
    • These staff members must not have access to any privileged data, such as Qualifier score information or mappool details, before the mappool showcase.
  6. All information about the tournament will ONLY be available on the Discord server. All captains are asked to join the server in the case of any issues that may arise.

Stage instructions


  1. The Qualifier Stage will happen in the first week of the tournament play. All registered players who were not screened out during screening are eligible to participate in the Qualifiers.
  2. During Qualifiers, all teams will play the Qualifier pool in sequential order up to 2 times. The pool will have 6 stages, and they are as follows:
    • Stage 1: Early mid-game rice technical
    • Stage 2: Early mid-game LN coordination
    • Stage 3: Mid-game LN density
    • Stage 4: Mid-game rice jumpstream
    • Stage 5: Mid late-game rice technical
    • Stage 6: Mid late-game hybrid
  3. Each team must have 2 players participate in each map. They may be exchanged freely after a map has concluded.
  4. Teams can skip any map in the second playthrough. An optional 5-minute break will be offered between the first and second playthrough of the mappool.
  5. The following methods will be used in order for seeding, sorting through each criterion in the case of equal rank:
    1. Lower-weighted rank sum: The following formula will be used for each map: Map rank = RANK(Team score) * Map weight, where:
      • RANK is the function that ranks the current Team score against all team scores for the current map.
      • Map weight is the weight for the current map, as defined by the table below.
      • Team score is the highest of the team total scores they get in all tries.
      • Then the following formula will be used to calculate Final rank = SUM(Map rank), where a lower Final rank will have higher ranks.
    2. Higher total score: An exact formula will be used: Total score = SUM(Team score), where:
      • Team score is the highest team total scores gained in all tries.
      • A higher Total score will have higher ranks.
    3. Higher map score: Higher team scores will receive higher ranks. Comparisons will be done from the last stage to the first stage in order until ties are broken.
    4. Fewer total tries: Teams that play fewer maps in the Qualifier lobby will receive higher ranks.
    5. Dice rolls: If still tied, all tied team captains will gather in a multiplayer room, using !roll; higher results will get higher ranks. Roll again until all ties are broken.
  6. The top 64 seeded teams will advance to the Group Stage.

The weights for the Qualifiers are as follows:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Weight 1 1.01 1.2 1.21 1.4 1.41

Group Stage & Playoffs

  1. Below are the win conditions and mappool format for each of the bracket stages:
Round Best of Maps Types
Group Stage 7 13 6 rice, 3 LN, 3 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Round of 32 9 13 6 rice, 4 LN, 2 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Round of 16 9 13 6 rice, 4 LN, 2 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Quarterfinals 11 15 7 rice, 4 LN, 3 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Semifinals 11 15 7 rice, 4 LN, 3 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Finals 13 17 8 rice, 5 LN, 3 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
Grand Finals 13 17 8 rice, 5 LN, 3 hybrid, 1 tiebreaker
  1. Each round will have its own mappool, where the match format will be determined by the mappool that each stage uses.
    • 2 RC maps, 1 LN map, and 1 of the HB maps in the Group Stage mappool will be made as classic picks; picks which have been reused from previous or other tournaments.
    • 1 RC map and 1 LN map in the other bracket stage mappools will be made as X picks; picks that are more difficult than usual in the mappool.
  2. The Group Stage format will be determined by the amount of teams who play in the Qualifier stage. Each group will contain a team from the top seeds (#1 – #16), high seeds (#17 – #32), mid seeds (#33 – #48) and low seeds (#49 – #64), where each group will play a mini double-elimination bracket.
    • If 140+ teams play in the Qualifier stage, the format will be TBD (a future announcement will be made regarding this circumstance).
    • If 70–140 teams play in the Qualifier stage, a split double-elimination format will be used in the Group Stage, where 64 teams will split into 16 groups. In each group, the top and high seeds will start in the upper bracket while the mid and low seeds will start in the lower bracket.
      • The Group Stage will last for 2 weeks.
    • If 32–70 teams play in the Qualifier stage, the Group Stage will use a standard double-elimination format, where 32 teams split into 8 groups. All teams will start in the upper bracket.
      • In the Winners' Semifinals of the Group Stage, the Group Stage mappool will be used.
      • In the Winners' Finals, Losers' Semifinals and Losers' Finals of the Group Stage, the Round of 32 mappool will be used.
    • If fewer than 32 teams play in the Qualifier stage, the Group Stage will be cancelled and all teams will automatically advance into the Playoff bracket.
  3. The 2 teams (from the upper and lower bracket) that win their Group Stage Finals will advance to the Playoffs bracket; a standard double-elimination bracket stage.
  4. Teams that lose a match in the upper bracket move to the lower bracket; losing a match in the lower bracket will eliminate the team. This continues until the final winner is determined.
  5. Possible mod choices for all maps are Hidden, Fade In, Flashlight, and Mirror.

Group Stage bracketGroup Stage bracket

Match instructions

  1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 10 minutes before the scheduled match time.
    • The room settings are Game mode: "osu!mania", Team mode: "Team Vs" and Score mode: "ScoreV2". The room name must follow the pattern of THMC4 ({Stage}): ({Red Team}) VS ({Blue Team}).
  2. If less than 2 players from a team are present at match time, the match can be postponed for up to 10 minutes. If there are still less than 2 players from a team, a win by default will be declared for the side with the most members present.
    • If both teams do not have enough players to present, there is still available staff, and the match is not influenced by other match processes, the match can be rescheduled.
    • If a match cannot be rescheduled, the higher-seeded team will win by default.
  3. Each captain must use !roll once in the match's chatroom.
    • The winner of the !roll team picks and protects first.
    • The loser of the !roll team bans first.
  4. After the order is determined, the pick and ban phase will have the following steps:
    1. The team that wins the !roll protects a beatmap, followed by another team. They may not protect the same beatmap. Protected beatmaps may not be banned.
    2. The team that loses the !roll bans a map, and then the other team bans a map.
    3. If it is during the Group Stage, the team that loses the !roll bans the second map; after that, the winning team then bans a map.
    4. The team that wins the !roll picks the first map, followed by alternating picks for the remaining maps.
  5. Teams will be allowed 2 minutes to pick a beatmap and 2 minutes to press the Ready button on their client. If a team takes more time than allotted for either action, the procedures adopted will be as follows:
    • For the first occurrence:
      • The team will receive a verbal warning from the referee, who may also choose to use the team's tactical timeout to allow them to make their pick.
      • If the team does not pick a map within 15 seconds from when the timer expires, the referee will apply the procedure for subsequent occurrences listed below, i.e., a random pick will be used for a pick timer, and the match will be forcefully started for a ready timer.
    • On subsequent occurrences:
      • For a pick timer: a random map will be chosen from the mappool using !roll X, where X is the number of beatmaps that were neither picked nor banned, excluding the tiebreaker.
      • For a ready timer: the referee will issue the !mp start 10 command, regardless of how many players from each team are present in the lobby, using !mp kick on any extra players for each team, starting from the top (i.e., the first valid player combination for each team will be forced to play the pick). The results for such games are to be taken as is.
      • Repeat offenders may receive further sanctions from the coordinator.
  6. Each team will receive only one timeout of 3 minutes, to be used as extra time to pick or ban a beatmap (tactical) or if a technical issue occurs (technical). The timeout is optional.
    • This timeout is automatically consumed when regular picking time runs out.
    • The tactical timeout may be called on a tiebreaker, provided that both teams' captains agree to it.
  7. If players are unavailable for a rematch (e.g., technical issue or unavoidable player absence), the influenced team may replace those players while keeping the remaining players the same.

Scheduling instructions

  1. Teams need to pick an available lobby to play a Qualifier match.
    • Teams may request an extra lobby before January 16, 23:59 UTC.
    • A team that does not pick a lobby after the last lobby starts will be considered disqualified.
  2. All bracket stages will be held between Saturday 00:00 and Sunday 23:59 (UTC).
    • Additional times may be available upon request.
  3. Reschedules will only be considered if both teams agree to a time and communicate it to the coordinator before Thursday at 23:59 UTC of the week the match is to take place.
    • If a team needs to reschedule, the captain must submit their request in the reschedule channel at least 24 hours (48 hours recommended) before the match.
    • Do not ask for a reschedule unless it is absolutely needed. The coordinator reserves the right to deny any rescheduling request.
    • Late reschedule requests will not be accepted under any circumstances.
    • For emergency reschedules due to the unavailability of both teams, they may be handled on a case-by-case basis. Rescheduling approval is not guaranteed.
  4. Captains are responsible for their team's availability.


  1. Winners bracket match  

  2. Will still be streamed on official Twitch channel if no overlaps happen 

  3. Losers bracket match  

  4. Used as the main seeding method 
