
New Mapper Nomination Event

The New Mapper Nomination Event was held between March 1st and May 31st, 2021.

During the event, Beatmap Nominators were tasked with ranking maps from users who've never ranked a map before in the game mode of their choice. Only maps qualified during the event were eligible to be nominated.


Nominators who ranked at least 4 maps during the event were given a 1 month of Discord Nitro. Moreover, the overall top 4 nominators across all game modes and the top 1 in each game mode were given an exclusive BN mug and a badge to accompany it.

Top Nominator badge rewardTop Nominator badge reward

Top Nominator mug rewardTop Nominator mug reward

Top placements

All game modes

Name Game mode Nominations
Chanyah osu! 18
Akito osu! 12
Zer0- osu! 11
Davvy osu!mania 10
VINXIS osu! 9
rosario wknd osu! 9
Mir osu! 9
Hivie osu!taiko 9
Nokashi osu!catch 3
Benita osu!catch 3

osu! osu!

Name Nominations
Chanyah 18
Akito 12
Zer0- 11

osu!taiko osu!taiko

Name Nominations
Hivie 9
Jerry 7
ikin5050 5

osu!catch osu!catch

Name Nominations
Nokashi 3
Benita 3
My Angel RangE 2

osu!mania osu!mania

Name Nominations
Davvy 10
Dubstek 8
Mipha- 6