
Mapping to Pander: Taiko

Сontest bannerMapping to Pander: Taiko

Mapping to Pander: Taiko (M2P) is an osu!taiko mapping contest series with two primary features: there is only one judge per iteration, and contestants may map any song.

The goal this contest is simple: сontestants must create a map that panders best to the chosen judge for the contest. The judge will not be given any criteria; it will be up to them how they score and rank the entries, either by making their own criteria, or simply sorting the maps from best to worst.

Each iteration of the contest will have a different judge, with different tastes and criteria from the last.


Iterations usually happen once every 2 or 3 months, with each iteration's schedule going as follows:

Event Duration
Mapping 2 weeks
Screening Tentative1
Judging 1 or 2 weeks2
Results 1 day


Alongside the Judging Criteria that each judge will provide, there are some rules that all contestants must follow:

  • All entries must be submitted as .osz files. This is to ensure that the judges are able to download and test the entries without hassle.
  • All entries must be osu!taiko beatmaps.
  • Submissions must include only ONE difficulty that only YOU have created, unless stated otherwise by the judge.
  • Songs must not exceed 7 minutes of length. There will a bit of leeway in cases where the song is really close to the 7 minute mark.
  • All submissions should abide by the Ranking Criteria. Mistakes happen and may affect judging, but submissions that cannot be ranked without major changes will be disqualified. (It's allowed to ignore spread rules for the sake of this contest.)
  • Submissions must NOT be uploaded/shared with others before judging and results are announced. Sharing entries publicly by any means before the results are announced will result in a disqualification, no questions asked.
  • Submissions will not be accepted after the deadlines. No exceptions.

Heavy and continuous violation of these rules can result in a ban/blacklist from all future iterations of this, or other osu!taiko related community contests.


The Mapping to Pander: Taiko contest series is run by various community members.

Position Member(s)
Host Hivie
Designer Tanza3D

Previous iterations


The Mapping to Pander: Taiko contest series rewards its winners with the following prizes:

  • osu!supporter rewards: Each iteration can have a different amount of osu!supporter to award the winner, or the top 3 in some occasions.
  • Ranked status: Hivie and another Beatmap Nominator will check and nominate the winning entry if the mapper chooses to, and if they get the necessary difficulties to form a rankable spread when needed.
  • Pander Points: Each iteration will award points to the top 3 contestants. The points are awarded as follows:
    • 1st place: 3 points
    • 2nd place: 2 points
    • 3rd place: 1 point

Pander Points reward users with a profile badge, which can be upgraded at certain thresholds:

Points Badge
6 M2P Tier 1
12 M2P Tier 2
18 M2P Tier 3

Pander Points leaderboard


  1. The screening phase usually depends on the amount of entries submitted, and is not always necessary. If present, it can last for 1 to 3 days. 

  2. The judging period usually depends on the availability of the judge. 
