This article is incomplete and waiting on someone to expand it.

Hidden (lazer mod)


Hidden mod icon

: Play with no approach circles and fading circles/sliders.
: Beats fade out before you hit them!
: Play with fading fruits.
: Keys fade out before you hit them!

Acronym HD
Type Difficulty Increase
Default shortcut key H
Default shortcut key J
Game modes
Score multiplier 1.06x
Score multiplier 1.00x
Status Ranked
Incompatible mods Fade In (FI), Cover (CO), Flashlight (FL), Spin In (SI), Traceable (TC), Approach Different (AD), Depth (DP)

For the osu!stable version of this article, see: Hidden (mod)
For the full list of all lazer mods, see: Game modifier (lazer)
