Requested page is not yet translated to the selected language (suomi). Showing English version.

osu! wiki maintenance

See also: osu! wiki contribution guide

This article describes technical or administrative aspects of the osu! wiki. It also covers maintenance procedures, which are required to keep it fresh — perhaps you may help with one of them. For all discussions related to the wiki, use the #osu-wiki channel of the osu! Discord server.


Main page: List of the osu! wiki maintainers

The administrators are people with collaborator access to the ppy/osu-wiki repository, where all articles and news posts are stored. They can triage and label issues, manage open pull requests, and make decisions regarding the osu! wiki's present and future.

Maintainers perform the final review of pull requests and merge them. If you have a contribution in need of attention, ask one of them in the #osu-wiki channel.

Technical details

Issue tracker

The osu! wiki's issue tracker contains ideas and requests for possible improvements, both for the articles themselves and wiki-related parts of the website. Open an issue if you have a feature request, or if you found a mistake on one of the pages. Please note that this is only limited to the osu! wiki — if you need assistance with other official projects related to osu!, use their own issue trackers:

Issue labels

On GitHub, pull requests and issues may be tagged and classified by using labels, which show different aspects of a pull request or issue. Labels are informational, set by the wiki maintainers, and are typically self-explanatory. While they require no action from a user's perspective, red labels serve as reminders or call to action for other maintainers:

  • rule change: the change affects an existing set of rules, such as the ranking criteria, and needs to be reviewed by the area's owner
  • blocked: the change has issues which must be resolved before proceeding, or depends on another issue which must be resolved first
  • needs rebase: the pull request has too many small unstructured commits, which need to be rebased and worded in a better way; this is usually done by the maintainers right before the merge

Most osu! wiki articles have alternative links, which are set up using the redirect.yaml file. The redirects are meant to be used outside the osu! wiki, for example, on the forums, or in the chat, where they can be quickly turned into an inline reference:

According to the [[RC]], this is forbidden.

When adding redirects for a new or existing article, keep in mind that they should be concise and designed for actual use.

CI checks

The osu! wiki repository uses continuous integration (CI) to automatically check incoming pull requests for various common errors. The list of checks is configured in the continuous-integration.yml file.

The package.json file lists all (remark) plugins used by the CI, of which some were written by the osu! wiki maintainers.

The CI checks are run automatically on every commit of a recurring contributor. In order to have their pull requests merged, contributors are expected to fix errors reported by the CI. To see the status of checks, do the following:

  1. Scroll down the pull request's page, find the osu-wiki continuous integration status row, and click the Details link.
  2. On the new page, expand the run remark on changed files step. Each finding is accompanied by its exact location in a file and a short description of why it is an error.

Some errors also appear as annotations on the Files changed tab below the line where the issue was found.

If you need help with decrypting CI check error messages, or fixing issues, ask in the #osu-wiki channel on Discord.

Bypassing CI checks

CI checks normally prevent pull requests with errors from getting merged. However, in the event of false errors or discovered bugs in the checks, they can still be bypassed as a fail safe. There are a few situations where intentionally bypassing a CI check is acceptable, as outlined below. Contact a maintainer if you need to bypass a check for a reason not mentioned here.

For reference, below is a table of all CI checks in order:

# Check Tool Explanation Bypass
1 File sizes meta/ Whether an image file is below the news post and wiki article image file size limit (1 MB). Gives a warning for files above 0.5 MB. None.
2 Markdown remark via meta/ Whether Markdown syntax is correct and consistent in wiki articles and news posts. Add SKIP_REMARK anywhere in the pull request description. To permanently suppress a specific error, add <!-- lint ignore rule-name --> above the offending line, where rule-name is the rule to ignore.
3 YAML check-yaml command of osu-wiki-tools Whether YAML syntax is correct and consistent in the redirect.yaml file and in front matter None.
4 Broken wiki links check-links command of osu-wiki-tools Whether internal wiki links point to an actual article, news post (for news post links), or section thereof. Add SKIP_WIKILINK_CHECK anywhere in the pull request description.
5 Outdated translations check-outdated-articles command of osu-wiki-tools Whether translations are properly marked as outdated when updating an English article. Add SKIP_OUTDATED_CHECK anywhere in the pull request description.
Markdown no-heading-punctuation remark lint rule

Trailing periods in headings normally do not occur because headings are generally not sentences, and are therefore disallowed. However, sometimes trailing punctuation may be needed because e.g. a song title or artist name contains it.

<!-- lint ignore no-heading-punctuation -->

### Amusing Reflection Rag.
Markdown heading-increment remark lint rule

Normally, heading levels must only ever increase by one at a time. For infoboxes however, only heading levels of 4 and 5 are allowed, which may conflict with this rule.

# List of peppy's favourite mappers

::: Infobox
<!-- lint ignore heading-increment -->

#### peppy

Creator of osu!.

See also: Article styling criteria/Formatting § Wiki links

Contributors are encouraged to fix broken links while updating articles. That said, for some situations, that may require more work than is relevant for the pull request:

  • Small individual fixes to articles (that are not meant to generally clean them up)
  • Section links to a translation where the section does not exist
  • Moving files around (for links already broken not as a result from this)
Outdated translation check

See also: Article styling criteria/Formatting § Outdated translations and Article styling criteria/Writing § Content parity

Skipping the outdated translation check (and not marking translations as outdated) may be done for minor rewording, grammatical adjustments, and the like, that do not affect the meaning of the article.


The osu! wiki is integrated into the osu! website, which means all technical feature requests should be made and tracked in the ppy/osu-web repository. To inform other contributors of your request, make sure to link the issue in the #osu-wiki Discord channel, or the osu! wiki's issue tracker.


Some features are not directly related to the osu! website, but may be useful for contributing or general housekeeping. In this case, they are implemented by people capable of it and are not added to the website directly:

  • osu-wiki status: list of articles per language, and the category of maintenance they require (translation, update, stub expansion). See ppy/osu-wiki#2486 for functionality requests.
  • osu-wiki-bin: a Node.js utility for automated checks and edits (broken links, usergroup updates, wiki-wide text replacements, among other things)
  • osu-wiki-tools: a Python utility for automated checks (broken links, outdated articles) used in CI
  • scissors: a Rust utility for checking username and country flag mismatches in user links


Note: the osu-wiki status website shows a list of all articles in need of maintenance, broken down by category.

The wiki relies on input from the osu! community. You can help the maintainers and other contributors by doing your part. For information on how to do that, read the contribution guide. If at any point you feel stuck, ask for help in the #osu-wiki channel of the osu! Discord server.


For a list of translations and their completeness, see: osu-wiki status

The osu! wiki is read by people from all around the world. To help your local community and attract new awesome players, mappers, modders, and developers into the game, you can translate English articles, or update existing translations that have fallen behind. Check the list of languages supported by the osu! wiki, and ensure your translation follows the content parity principle. If you are a fluent speaker and experienced writer, take on key topics such as articles on rules or the ranking criteria. In case you are only beginning your writing career, pick a small article to receive help and guidance from native reviewers.

A translation may be merged without a native review if it has been more than one week since its creation date.

Stub expansion

For possible scope of work, see: List of existing stubs (English)

Some articles of the osu! wiki are incomplete and lack information. Such articles are marked as stubs, which means that they are important enough to exist as individual pages, but will be completed later. If you are familiar with the topic of the article, contribute to it and share your knowledge.


One of the key features of any wiki is connectivity, meaning that articles refer to related pages, helping a reader stay in the flow. To connect the articles, add links to mentioned terms where it is important for a better understanding of the subject. Link to individual sections of the article when necessary, and use disambiguation pages for blanket terms.

New articles

osu! is an ever-changing environment: the community makes new beatmaps, invents new ways of self-expression, and does other new things. If a certain event or term is not covered, do not hesitate to write an article about it and contribute to the pool of global knowledge. New tournament or contest? New osu! feature? Unknown part of the lore? Put your sharp writing skills to good use.


For possible scope of work, see: List of untracked TODOs (English)

Existing articles need maintenance too. If you have found a factual error, or there are details missing, or if you simply want to rewrite/expand the article according to the reality, step forward and make the osu! wiki a better place. In case the change you plan is large or significant enough, make sure to bring it up for discussion in the #osu-wiki channel, or create a tracking issue.