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The AiMod window lists warnings and errors about a beatmap.

AiMod is a tool built into the beatmap editor that detects problems in a beatmap. It can be opened via the menu option File > Open AiMod or the shortcut keys Ctrl + Shift + A.

While AiMod can be useful for catching basic issues in a map, it is not a replacement for modding done by real people. AiMod cannot evaluate the quality of a map or pick out complex issues such as poor patterning or timing. When creating a map, it is recommended to fix AiMod's warnings first, then ask for other modders' help.

Development of AiMod usually lags behind the standards held by the mapping community and ranking criteria, and as a result, some of its output is considered incorrect.


  • All: Gathers the items from the other tabs.
  • Compose: These problems are generally the problem of object placement. You may need to check the "Check distance snap" box for these warnings to appear (as these checks could cause lag, depending on beatmap size/length).
  • Design: These problems are generally some of the interface issues, such as the background, storyboards, etc.
  • Timing: When these problems appear, check the timeline because something is probably placed incorrectly.
  • Meta: When these problems appear, check the song setup.
  • Mapset: These problems affect the mapset as a whole.


Note: Numbers inside curly brackets (e.g. {0}) are placeholders for a number or a word.



Message Explanation Solution Notes
No problems were found in this map! Self-explanatory Your beatmap is good to go! You may upload your beatmap using BSS to allow modders to find other mistakes and issues with your beatmap.


Message Explanation Solution Notes
HP rate for Easy/Normal is suggested to be at least 4. Self-explanatory Set the HP Drain Rate in the Difficulty tab of Song Setup to 4 or higher. osu!mania maps only
HP rate for Hard and up is suggested to be at least 7. Self-explanatory Set the HP Drain Rate in the Difficulty tab of Song Setup to 7 or higher. osu!mania maps only
OD rate is suggested to be at least 5. Self-explanatory Set the Overall Difficulty in the Difficulty tab of Song Setup to 5 or higher. osu!mania maps only. This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the low overall difficulty in question is intended.
OD rate for maps with very few sliders is suggested to be at least 7. Self-explanatory Set the Overall Difficulty in the Difficulty tab of Song Setup to 7 or higher. osu!mania maps only. This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the low overall difficulty in question is intended.
OD rate for maps with very few sliders is suggested to be at least 8. Self-explanatory Set the Overall Difficulty in the Difficulty tab of Song Setup to 8 or higher. osu!mania maps only. This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the low overall difficulty in question is intended.
The Slider Velocity should be 1.40 or 1.60. The map's base slider velocity is set to a value other than either 1.40 or 1.60, which goes against a guideline on the osu!taiko ranking criteria about the optimal distance of separation between notes. Go to Timing tab and set the base Slider Velocity: value to either 1.40 or 1.60. osu!taiko maps only



Message Explanation Solution Notes
These two objects are less than 10 ms apart! Two objects are placed very close to each other timeline-wise, requiring the player to click both objects almost simultaneously. Find the two objects and either move or delete one of them.
These two objects exist at the same point in time! Two objects are placed exactly on top of each other timeline-wise, requiring the player to click both objects simultaneously. Find the two objects and either move or delete one of them.
There are no hitsounds on any objects. Hitsounds are required for rankable beatmaps. Self-explanatory Hitsound the map using whistles, claps and finishes.
This spinner appears onscreen later than objects which follow it. Objects appear while the spinner is active. This could be caused by having low AR and/or placing objects too close (timeline-wise) to the spinner. Change the length of the spinner and/or remove the following objects.
This hold note is less than 10ms long! A hold note is presented at an unreasonably short length, rendering the map impossible to SS. Increase the length of the hold note or remove it. osu!mania maps only
This object overlaps with another object. Two objects are overlapped by each other on the same column in time, rendering the map impossible to SS. Remove one of the overlapping objects. osu!mania maps only
This object is stacked on top of another object. Two objects are stacked on top of each other on the same column in time, rendering the map impossible to SS. Find the stacked keys or hold notes and either move or delete one of them. osu!mania maps only
More than 6 notes simultaneously is not allowed. One or more patterns in the map requires the player to actively press more than 6 keys at a time. On certain cases, this is discouraged by the osu!mania ranking criteria as most keyboards can only allow up to 6 key presses at once due to a phenomenon known as ghosting. Check your beatmap to make sure that each column has at most 6 simultaneous note presses. osu!mania maps only


Message Explanation Solution Notes
Your beatmap has no background image. Self-explanatory Find a suitable image and use it as the background image for the difficulty. Videos do not count as background images because the user is not required to download them.
File missing:{0} Your beatmap is missing certain files. Recover the missing files or make sure the beatmap is not trying to use non-existent files.


Message Explanation Solution Notes
All timing sections have a volume below 5%. Self-explanatory Set at least one timing section to have a hitsound volume of 5% or higher.


Message Explanation Solution Notes
Drain time should be over 30 seconds. The length of your map from start to end, not including breaks times, is under 30 seconds. Try using a spinner to end the map if your song supports it. Otherwise, your song may be too short. In such case, try to extend your .mp3 file in order to reach the 30 second mark. AiMod doesn't detect spinners which may extend over the 30 second drain time mark.



Message Explanation Solution Notes
This slider moves in an abnormal way. The slider moves in a way that overlaps itself by going straight back into the track where it came from (otherwise known as a burai slider). Make sure that the slider doesn't perfectly overlap itself on its path.
Slider has an absurdly large amount of points! Self-explanatory Remove some of the anchor points from your slider. This warning can safely be ignored if the abundance of anchor points in question is intended or otherwise required by the slider, e.g. on complex slider arts.
This combo is very long. Consider splitting it up. Self-explanatory Split the long combo chain into several group of combos. It is preferred that length of the combos are, at most, 15-18 objects each. Most notable in osu!catch maps, where fruits will continue to ramp up on the catcher's plate as long as the combo chain remains intact (therefore potentially impairing visibility). This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the long combo chain in question is intentional.
Object's end is offscreen! The object's end is not on-screen (whether fully or partially) on 4:3 resolution. Remove the object or move the position of the object's end. AiMod doesn't always detect the upper bounds of the playfield properly, so make sure to verify whether the object's end in question is actually offscreen or not from time to time.
Object is offscreen! The object is not on-screen (whether fully or partially) on 4:3 resolution. Remove or move the object. AiMod doesn't always detect the upper bounds of the playfield properly, so make sure to verify whether the object in question is actually offscreen or not from time to time.
This object is too close to the previous object. Self-explanatory Move the object further away from the previous one. Only visible with the Check distance snap option enabled.
This object is too far from the previous object. Self-explanatory Move the object closer to the previous one. Only visible with the Check distance snap option enabled.
This spinner is too short. Auto must achieve at least 1000 bonus points on spinners. The specified spinner is too short, rendering it unable to properly function as a spinner. Extend the length of the spinner.
Spinners must have a new combo. Self-explanatory Manually add a new combo to the spinner.
Object isn't snapped! The specified object isn't snapped onto the timeline. Snap the object properly to its intended position on the timeline. If you have made changes to the song's timing beforehand, you may need to resnap all objects in order by clicking Timing > Resnap all notes. This warning can safely be ignored if the object is intended to be snapped to a divisor that's not currently supported by the editor (e.g. 1/10).
Object's end is not snapped! The specified object's end isn't snapped onto the timeline. Snap the object's end properly to its intended position on the timeline. If you have made changes to the song's timing beforehand, you may need to resnap all objects in order by clicking Timing > Resnap all notes. This warning can safely be ignored if the object's end is intended to be snapped to a divisor that's not currently supported by the editor (e.g. 1/10).


Message Explanation Solution Notes
Background image is larger than 2560x1440. Self-explanatory Resize or replace the background image.
This map may need an epilepsy warning, as it contains frequently toggled storyboards. The storyboard contains elements that appear repeatedly in a very short time, possibly causing harm to uninitiated players who are prone to seizures. Enable the Display epilepsy warning (storyboard has quick strobing) option in the Design tab of Song Setup.
{0}'s dimensions must be {1}x{1} The dimension of the specified design element does not match its intended default. Resize the design element in question to its proper resolution.
Your video's dimensions must not exceed 1024x768 for the 4:3 format. Self-explanatory Resize or replace the background video.
Your video's dimensions must not exceed 1280x720 for the 16:9 format. Self-explanatory Resize or replace the background video.


Message Explanation Solution Notes
This beatmap is over 6 minutes long. Consider shortening it if it's not a marathon-style map. Self-explanatory Add more breaks into the beatmap or cut the song. This warning can safely be ignored if the length of the map in question is intended.
Your beatmap is shorter than 45 seconds. Consider making it longer. Self-explanatory Map out more parts of the song. This warning can safely be ignored if the length of the map in question is intended.
Audio bitrate is higher than 192 kbps. Consider recompressing to CBR 192 kbps or VBR ~1.0. The beatmap's .mp3 file is encoded in a bit rate that is higher than 192 kbps, which goes above the ranking criteria's allowance. Re-encode the .mp3 file so that its bit rate is between 128 kbps and 192 kbps (with 192 kbps being the recommended option). Although this warning exists in-game, AiMod never displays the warning due to technical limitations.
Audio bitrate is lower than 128 kbps. Consider finding a better quality source. The beatmap's .mp3 file is encoded in a bit rate that is lower than 128 kbps, which goes below the ranking criteria's allowance. Change the .mp3 file to one with a higher bit rate. Although this warning exists in-game, AiMod never displays the warning due to technical limitations.
Kiai time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds. Self-explanatory Extend the duration of kiai time to longer than 15 seconds. This warning can safely be ignored if the kiai usage in question is intended.
The mp3 you are using is a lot longer than the part which is mapped. Consider cropping it to reduce filesize. Self-explanatory Extend the beatmap or cut the song.
Kiai needs an end time point. Self-explanatory Add a new inherited timing point to serve as the kiai's endpoint.
A preview point for this map is not set. Consider setting one from the Timing menu. Self-explanatory Set out a preview point for the map by clicking Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Point.
Two timing points exist at the same time! Self-explanatory Remove one of the conflicting timing sections.
{0} out of {1} timing sections have a volume below 5%. Self-explanatory Set the hitsound volume of the quiet timing sections to 5% or higher.
More than 1/3 of the map is Kiai time. Consider reducing this. Self-explanatory Reduce the kiai usage throughout the map. This warning can safely be ignored if the kiai usage in question is intended.
More than 1/2 of the TV Size map is Kiai time. Consider reducing this. Self-explanatory Reduce the kiai usage throughout the map. This warning can safely be ignored if the kiai usage in question is intended.
Kiai isn't snapped! The specified kiai's starting point isn't snapped onto the timeline. Snap the kiai's starting point properly to its intended position on the timeline.
Kiai's end isn't snapped! The specified kiai's ending point isn't snapped onto the timeline. Snap the kiai's ending point properly to its intended position on the timeline.
Breaktime is not suggested for mania maps. Self-explanatory Map out the part where the break time occurs. osu!mania maps only. This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the break time in question is intended, or if the section of the song is otherwise unmappable.
Easy/Normal diff contains too many speed changes. The Easy/Normal difficulty features a frequent amount of slider velocity changes, which is discouraged by the ranking criteria. Reduce the number of slider velocity changes on the Easy/Normal difficulty in question.
Kiai is toggled very frequently! Self-explanatory Reduce the number of kiai occurrences throughout the map. Also known as kiai flashes. This warning can safely be ignored if the kiai usage in question is intended.


Message Explanation Solution Notes
Stack leniency is larger than 0.9 or smaller than 0.3. The Stack Leniency slider in the Advanced tab of Song Setup is set to either less than 3 or greater than 9. Set the Stack Leniency slider so that it is between 3 and 9. This warning can safely be ignored if the usage of the stack leniency in question is intended.
Romanised artist contains unicode. The Romanised Artist field in the General tab of Song Setup contains non-standard Unicode characters. Romanise the name of the artist in the Romanised Artist field following the ranking criteria's metadata standardisation rules.
Romanised title contains unicode. The Romanised Title field in the General tab of Song Setup contains non-standard Unicode characters. Romanise the name of the song title in the Romanised Title field following the ranking criteria's metadata standardisation rules.
Countdown is not allowed in mania mode. Self-explanatory Uncheck the Enable countdown option in the Design tab of Song Setup. osu!mania maps only
Letterboxing is not allowed in mania mode. Self-explanatory Uncheck the Letterbox during breaks option in the Design tab of Song Setup. osu!mania maps only
Countdown is not allowed in taiko mode. Self-explanatory Uncheck the Enable countdown option in the Design tab of Song Setup. osu!taiko maps only. Although this warning exists in-game, AiMod never displays the warning as osu!taiko does not support countdown timers.
Epilepsy warning is not allowed in taiko mode. Self-explanatory Uncheck the Display epilepsy warning (storyboard has quick strobing) option in the Design tab of Song Setup. osu!taiko maps only. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as the current ranking criteria mandates that epilepsy warning is necessary for maps with strobing videos or storyboards.
Letterboxing is not allowed in taiko mode. Self-explanatory Uncheck the Letterbox during breaks option in the Design tab of Song Setup. osu!taiko maps only


Message Explanation Solution Notes
Unicode artist conflicts with {0} diff. The Artist field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Artist field is consistent across all difficulties.
Artist conflicts with {0} diff. The Romanised Artist field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Romanised Artist field is consistent across all difficulties.
Unicode title conflicts with {0} diff. The Title field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Title field is consistent across all difficulties.
Title conflicts with {0} diff. The Romanised Title field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Romanised Title field is consistent across all difficulties.
Source conflicts with {0} diff. The Source field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Source field is consistent across all difficulties.
Tags conflict with {0} diff. The Tags field in the General tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Tags field is consistent across all difficulties.
Uninherited timing points conflict with {0} diff. The position of the uninherited timing points (red lines) differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the position of all uninherited timing points are consistent across all difficulties.
Audio file conflicts with {0} diff. The .mp3 file used in the map differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that all difficulties use the same .mp3 file as their base.
Audio lead-in conflicts with {0} diff. The value of audio lead-in differs between one difficulty and another. Open all the difficulties separately in Notepad (by clicking File > Open .osu in Notepad), and then make sure that the value of AudioLeadIn: is consistent across all difficulties. Now deprecated as the value of audio lead-in is no longer manually determinable.
Countdown conflicts with {0} diff. The Enable countdown option in the Design tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Enable countdown option is set to the same setting across all difficulties.
Letterbox in breaks conflicts with {0} diff. The Letterbox during breaks option in the Design tab of Song Setup differs between one difficulty and another. Make sure that the Letterbox during breaks option is set to the same setting across all difficulties.
Audio preview time conflicts with {0} diff. The audio preview point differs between one difficulty and another. Manually set each difficulty's preview point by clicking Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Point so that they all land on the same spot across all difficulties.
Beatmap exceeds allowed upload size ({0}kb allowed) The zipped .osz file is too large. Remove any unused files from the map's folder and compress any assets (images, videos, hitsounds, etc.) that are bloated in size. Refer to this article for more information on osu!'s submission limitations.
This mapset needs an easier difficulty. Self-explanatory Create an easier difficulty for the set. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset needs at least 1 Easy/Normal diff. Self-explanatory Create an Easy/Normal difficulty for the set. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset cannot have an Insane diff without a Hard diff. Self-explanatory Create a Hard difficulty for the set. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset is missing diff: {0} Self-explanatory Create the difficulty in question to fill in the difficulty gap. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset needs at least 2 standard diffs. Self-explanatory Create a second difficulty for the set. osu! maps only. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset needs at least 2 osu!taiko diffs. Self-explanatory Create a second difficulty for the set. osu!taiko maps only. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset needs at least 2 osu!catch diffs. Self-explanatory Create a second difficulty for the set. osu!catch maps only. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.
This mapset needs at least 2 osu!mania diffs. Self-explanatory Create a second difficulty for the set. osu!mania maps only. This warning is based on an archaic ranking criteria rule which has since rendered obsolete. Thus, it can safely be ignored as long as the map follows the current ranking criteria's spread requirement.


  • AiMod cannot detect a large number of issues that are considered unrankable by the ranking criteria, such as potentially missnapped objects, delayed hitsounds, background filesize above 2.5MB, etc.
  • AiMod may warn you of non-issues, such as the mapset needing two standard difficulties on a marathon map and kiai time being toggled on for less than 15 seconds.
  • If Check distance snap is enabled, AiMod will not check the distance snap between combos.
  • If there are multiple MP3 files in the beatmap folder, AiMod may warn you of multiple song files, however MP3 files can also be used for sound effects such as applause.

It is recommended to use other programs such as Mapset Verifier by Naxess in addition to AiMod if you are looking to get your beatmap ranked. Other programs are more up-to-date with the current ranking criteria and can detect many more issues than AiMod. However, do not completely ignore AiMod as some rules in the ranking criteria rely on it.
