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osu!taiko Malaysian Tournament 2022

OTMT 2022 BannerOTMT 2022 banner

The osu!taiko Malaysian Tournament 2022 (OTMT 2022) was a double-elimination 1v1 osu!taiko tournament hosted by Jerry. The tournament was restricted to players with the Malaysian flag only. It was the second installment of the osu!taiko Malaysian Tournament.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2022-09-17/2022-10-01
Qualifier showcase 2022-10-08
Qualifiers 2022-10-15/2022-10-16
Seeding Reveal 2022-10-16
Group stage 2022-10-22/2022-10-23
Round of 16 2022-10-29/2022-10-30
Quarterfinals 2022-11-05/2022-11-06
Semifinals 2022-11-12/2022-11-13
Finals 2022-11-19/2022-11-20
Grand Finals 2022-11-27


Placing Prize
Gold crown RM407 (~94USD), 4 month osu!supporter, custom deskpad, custom IRIS voice line, profile badge
Silver crown RM207 (~48USD), 2 month osu!supporter, custom deskpad, custom IRIS voice line
Bronze crown RM107 (~25USD), 1 month osu!supporter, custom deskpad, custom IRIS voice line
4th place RM56 (~13USD), 1 month osu!supporter, custom IRIS voice line

OTMT 2022 winner badgeOTMT 2022 winner badge


The osu!taiko Malaysian Tournament 2022 was run by various community members.

Position Member(s)
Organiser Jerry
Mappool selector cdh, [Zeth], Jerry
Referee Aiery, IoEtoile, Hand Sanitiser, ikin5050, XK2238, [Zeth], arcpotato, Jerry, cdh
Streamer Jerry, Iyouka, Spartric, Cheeeeeeeeeew, Aiery
Commentator Joogs, My Angel Subaru, overdahedge2014, Aiery, XK2238, Ping7731, Jerry, HenNEET, CrabCow, Raphalge, Xeltic Rival, cdh, [Zeth], Cryolien, MTNTWarz
Designer Iyouka
Website editor Kokoro Amamiya
Wiki editor cdh




This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:

Placing Player
Gold crown CrabCow
Silver crown HHVanilla Ice
Bronze crown Jyakeii
4th place vernonlim


Grand Finals




Round of 16

Group stage


Match results

Grand Finals

Saturday, 26 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
JyaKeii 1 7 HHVanilla Ice #1

Saturday, 27 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
CrabCow 5 7 HHVanilla Ice #1
HHVanilla Ice 6 7 CrabCow #1


Saturday, 19 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
vernonlim 7 4 HenNEET #1

Sunday, 20 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
vun 3 7 HHVanilla Ice #1
vernonlim 2 7 HHVanilla Ice #1
JyaKeii 6 7 CrabCow #1


Saturday, 12 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
K0rd31HP 6 0 DXA FonG #1
HenNEET 6 0 Megumin-Sama #1
Ping7731 6 2 Fury Dragon #1
JyaKeii 6 0 vernonlim #1
HHVanilla Ice 6 0 Admirable #1

Sunday, 13 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
K0rd31HP 5 6 HHVanilla Ice #1
Ping7731 1 6 HenNEET #1
vun 5 6 CrabCow #1


Saturday, 5 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Megumin-Sama 6 0 PollyDoggo #1
5oulpoint -1 0 Admirable WBD
HHVanilla Ice 0 6 JyaKeii #1
DXA FonG 6 0 Kirowlet #1
Ping7731 0 6 CrabCow #1
K0rd31HP 0 6 vernonlim #1

Sunday, 6 November 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
HenNEET 2 6 vun #1
pisu 2 6 Fury Dragon #1

Round of 16

Saturday, 29 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
HenNEET 5 0 DXA FonG #1
HHVanilla Ice 5 1 pisu #1
Megumin-Sama 0 5 K0rd31HP #1
Ping7731 5 0 5oulpoint #1
JyaKeii 5 2 Fury Dragon #1
Admirable 0 5 CrabCow #1

Sunday, 30 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
vun 5 4 Kirowlet #1
PollyDoggo 0 5 vernonlim #1

Group stage

Thursday, 20 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
CrabCow 5 0 Agagak #1

Friday, 21 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
CrabCow Fanboy 5 0 Agagak #1

Saturday, 22 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Admirable 0 -1 zhev WBD
K0rd31HP 2 5 Kirowlet #1
vernonlim 5 0 DXA FonG #1
HHVanilla Ice 5 0 Admirable #1
Fury Dragon 0 -1 Kyrzer WBD
HenNEET 5 2 PollyDoggo #1
HHVanilla Ice 5 0 zhev #1
CrabCow 0 -1 pisu WBD
JyaKeii 0 -1 King Hong WBD
K0rd31HP 5 0 Minisora #1
JyaKeii 4 5 Ping7731 #1
Kirowlet 5 0 Axorite #1
Fury Dragon 5 0 5oulpoint #1
CrabCow 5 2 CrabCow Fanboy #1
pisu 5 0 Agagak #1
vernonlim 5 0 Ayashiki #1
Ping7731 5 0 King Hong #1

Sunday, 23 October 2022:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
K0rd31HP 5 0 Axorite #1
vun 1 5 Megumin-Sama #1
Megumin-Sama 5 0 shaofoong #1
Fury Dragon 5 0 arebang9462 #1
Kirowlet 5 3 Minisora #1
Kyrzer -1 0 5oulpoint WBD
pisu 5 0 CrabCow Fanboy #1
DXA FonG 5 0 Ayashiki #1
vun 5 1 shaofoong #1
Kyrzer -1 0 arebang9462 WBD
Minisora 5 0 Axorite #1
5oulpoint 5 2 arebang9462 #1
PollyDoggo 5 1 NickkyOnce #1
HenNEET 5 0 NickkyOnce #1


Registration rules

  1. This tournament is open to ALL players with the Malaysian flag on their profile. However, it is highly recommended that you are able to at least play the Group stage pool of the previous OTMT if you are participating this year.
  2. You MUST join the osu!taiko Malaysia Discord server to be eligible for the tournament.
  3. Registrations must be submitted through the OTMT website when the links are available on 17 September.
  4. All registered players will undergo an initial screening process by the osu! staff and any players that do not pass the screening will not be eligible to participate in the tournament. Results of the screening will be announced in the Discord server.
  5. The star rating of the mappool throughout the tournament is estimated to go from ~4.5* in the early rounds to ~7* in the later stages.

General rules

  1. The tournament is a 1v1 osu!taiko match; highest score wins.
  2. ScoreV2 with the Team VS option will be used.
  3. The win condition of each round is as listed below:
Round Format
Group stage Best of 9
Round of 16 Best of 9
Quarterfinals Best of 11
Semifinals Best of 11
Finals Best of 13
Grand Finals Best of 13
  1. The tournament host will release the mappool and schedules one week before each round.
  2. If required, players may request for a reschedule of their matches via the #otmt-reschedule channel in the Discord server.
    • Reschedules will only be allowed before the Thursdays, 23:59 UTC+8 of every week.

Tournament structure

  1. The tournament starts off with the Qualifiers stage to sort the players into their respective seedings in the Top 32 (Top Seed, High Seed, Low Seed, etc).
  2. The top 32 players will then advance to the Group stage to further narrow down the players into the top 16.
  3. In the Group stage, players will be arranged into 8 separate groups of 4, with each group consisting of one player from each seed ranking (top, high, mid, low).
  4. The four players will be matched against each other throughout the weekend and the 2 players with the highest number of W:L (win-loss) ratio will advance to the Round of 16.
  5. If the number of registrants are below 32, some groups will only consist of 3 players.

Match rules

  1. Players are required to be present at the times of their match, and a reminder in the form of a Discord ping will be given to the players 15 minutes before every match.
  2. Invites to the room will then be sent out 10 minutes before each match.
  3. Failure to arrive on time will result in the following penalties:
    • 5 minutes: The player's warmup will be skipped.
    • 10 minutes: The player's map ban privilege goes to the opposing player.
    • 15 minutes: The player loses by default.
  4. Warmups must be sent to the referees at least 30 minutes before the start of the map. The warmup should be less than 3 minutes in length and not contain inappropriate content. The referee reserves the right to reject maps at their discretion.
  5. At the start of each match, players will be asked to !roll to determine who picks or bans first. The player with the higher roll will get to pick first and ban second.
  6. Banned maps and tiebreakers are not allowed to be picked throughout the match.
  7. Each player will be given a maximum of 2 minutes to select their picks. If a pick has not been decided before the countdown timer ends, the map will be randomised with a !roll.
  8. After a map has been decided, players will then have a maximum of 2 minutes to ready up before the referee forces the match to start.
  9. Players should ensure that they have all the maps downloaded before the start of their match. In the event that a player is missing a map, they will automatically lose the point if they are unable to download it within the 2 minutes given.
  10. Players may ask for a tactical timeout during a match, which will add an extra 2 minutes to the timer. This can only be used once per match.
  11. A rematch of the same map will be given if a player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of the map. Any subsequent disconnections on the same map will be treated as a point loss.
    • Lag is not a valid reason to restart a map.
  12. In the event of a tie in scores, the map will be played again (both players will not gain points).
  13. In the unlikely event that both players get a tied score twice in a row on the same map, the map will be nullified and another map needs to be picked by the other player.
  14. Failed scores will be counted.
  15. If both players reach match point (needing 1 more point to win), the tiebreaker map will be played.
  16. Unexpected incidents will be handled by the referee or tournament host.

Mappool structure

  1. The mappool consists of the following brackets: NoMod, Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime, FreeMod, and tiebreaker.
  2. The amount of maps per stage and bracket of the mappool is as follows:
Bracket / Stage Group stage Round of 16 Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals Grand Finals
NoMod 3 4 4 5 6 6
Hidden 2 2 2 2 2 2
HardRock 2 2 2 2 2 2
DoubleTime 2 2 2 2 2 2
FreeMod 2 2 3 3 3 3
Tiebreaker 1 1 1 1 1 1
  1. Players may choose to play with NoMod, Hidden, or HardRock, or a combination of Hidden and HardRock for the FreeMod picks.
  2. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.