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Beatmaps can be submitted to the osu! website via the in-game editor. Submitting a beatmap allows it to receive attention from other users and potentially enter the Ranked or Loved categories.

Beatmap Submission System screen

Selecting Upload Beatmap... from the File dropdown in the editor (shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + U) will open the Beatmap Submission System (BSS) window. This initially lists resources to help users ask mapping-related questions, find feedback for their beatmaps, and ensure their maps are suitable for ranking. If you encounter trouble when using BSS, see the BSS Issues guide.

If the beatmap a user is uploading is not already on the osu! website, the BSS window will state how many new uploads a user can publish. If the beatmap is nominated, the window warns that the nomination will be reset by updating the beatmap. If the beatmap is in the graveyard, the window warns that the beatmap will be raised to the pending beatmaps category.

Submission options

Beatmap Submission System uploading screen

When clicking the Upload NEW Beatmap! or Update Beatmap! button, a user will be presented with the choice of uploading their beatmap to the Work In Progress/Help or Pending Beatmaps categories. WIP beatmaps cannot be nominated for ranking, while pending beatmaps can.

The Creator's Words section allows for user input that appears alongside the beatmap's website listing page. This supports BBCode formatting.

Two checkboxes appear near the bottom of the window. The first says Receive email notification on reply, which adds the beatmap to the user's modding watchlist. The second says Load in browser after submission, which will load the beatmap's listing page in your default browser.


Beatmaps will fail to submit if they exceed the online file size or difficulty limit. The file size limit is 5MB plus an additional 10MB for every minute of beatmap length, and it caps at 100MB. The difficulty limit is currently 128.

Users are allowed a limited number of pending beatmaps at a time. The limit varies depending on how many ranked beatmaps a user has and whether or not they are currently an osu!supporter. Users without osu!supporter can have 4 pending beatmaps plus 1 per ranked beatmap (up to 4). With osu!supporter, this increases to 8 pending beatmaps plus 1 per ranked beatmap (up to 12) for a total of 20.

Upload speed varies depending on what files are changed. If only .osu files are changed, they are the only files in the beatmap's folder that will be processed and uploaded. If any other assets are changed, all files in the beatmap's folder will be processed and uploaded.