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osu! Discord server

The osu! Discord server, previously known as osu!dev, is osu!'s official Discord server for development-related purposes. The server functions as a hub for people to discuss and work on osu!'s open source and community projects. This is the main place to contribute to osu!'s development and get in touch with the osu! team.

The permanent invite link for the server is

People new to the server are encouraged to introduce themselves in the #introductions channel, but doing so is not a requirement to interact with the rest of the server.


The osu! Discord server features a number of channels, many of which are centred around the development of a specific project or two.


Channel Description
#welcome Server information
#announcements Server announcements
#introductions Self-introductions
#general General discussion and troubleshooting related to osu!

Client / Web

Channel Description
#osu osu!(lazer)
#osu-framework osu!framework
#osu-web osu!web
#github-feed Event feed for various ppy GitHub repositories
Meetings (Stage channel) osu! community meetings and developer progress meetings


Channel Description
#difficulty-osu osu! star rating and performance points calculation
#difficulty-taiko osu!taiko star rating and performance points calculation
#difficulty-catch osu!catch star rating and performance points calculation
#difficulty-mania osu!mania star rating and performance points calculation


Channel Description
#featured-artists Featured Artist beatmap creations, projects, and playlists
#mappers-guild The Mappers' Guild
#osu-spotlights Beatmap Spotlights
#osu-wiki osu! wiki
#osu-news osu!monthly and general news coverage
#osu-loved Project Loved
#tournaments Tournaments and official tournament support
#community-meetings osu! community meetings


Channel Description
#modding Modding v2 and the beatmap ranking system