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osu!tourney skinning

The client can be customised in various ways

The client supports various modifications so you can customise it for the tournament. To do so, you will need to create the folder structure /Skins/User/tournament in the client's installation directory. The skin elements can be placed in this folder and support .jpg and .png file extensions.

The following elements are skinnable:

  • background - the background image used by the client. The default background for osu!tourney can be found here.
  • background-win1 (optional) - the background that will be faded to after the blue team wins while the match results are displayed.
  • background-win2 (optional) - the background that will be faded to after the red team wins while the match results are displayed.
  • tourney-title (optional) - the image that is displayed at the bottom of the client, on top of the background
    • This can be used to show e.g. a logo of the tournament.

Team icons can be displayed beside the team names

The client will display icons located in the path /Skins/User/tournament/icons beside the team names. These may be used to show e.g. country flags or avatars.

Icon names must correspond to the team name. For example, if the room is called Test Tourney: (Team 1) vs (Team 2), the icons must be named Team 1.jpg and Team 2.jpg. Icons can be in either .jpg or .png format and have an optimal resolution of 50x50px.

Download the skin template to skin the client.
