Requested page is not yet translated to the selected language (português brasileiro). Showing English version.
This page does not meet the standards of the osu! wiki and needs to be cleaned up or rewritten. If you are able to help out, please consider updating the article!

History of the osu! wiki

MediaWiki (2011 - 2017)

Full page screenshot of the osu! wiki in MediaWiki, taken on 2017-02-17

Date, Time Description
2011-12-05 (08:13 UTC) First edit of the osu! wiki by Ephemeral.
2011-12-06 osu! wiki is now live!.
2012-11 The osu! wiki now has 3 admins ( [Dellirium] and Repflez are added). Previously, only peppy was the admin.
2013-01-27 (06:12 UTC) peppy integrated the osu! wiki with the main site design. Link to peppy's post.
2014 The osu! wiki becomes an actual information centre of osu!, replacing most of the web copies such as osu! team and Rules. Also, the osu! wiki now has 5 admins ( Loctav and deadbeat are added).
2015 The osu! wiki received major translation updates from other languages. [Dellirium] has been replaced by Shiro as one of the admins of the osu! wiki.
2016-02-22 The osu! wiki now has 8 admins ( Ukami and Galkan are added).
2016-04-01 One more admin joined the osu! wiki ( Nathanael).
2016-08-30 The osu! wiki running on MediaWiki is being deprecated in favour of the GitHub repository version. The current osu! wiki will stay until the GitHub version is ready to be deployed with all the pages and images ported.
2017-06 The osu! wiki running on MediaWiki is officially deprecated. The link now points to the new osu!web interface using the osu! wiki resources made in the GitHub repository. A temporary backup of the osu! wiki without the MediaWiki functionality can be found here.

GitHub repository (2016 - present)

Date Description
2016-08-26 peppy created the osu-wiki repository. craftu and XYLOO ported the MediaWiki content to the repository in a week.
2016-09 Most of the pages except the images are moved to the repository, with unsolved syntax-translation errors stemming from language differences between Markdown and MediaWiki.
2017-01 osu!web support of the osu! wiki done by nanaya.
2017-01-05 The osu! wiki project suggested by Ephemeral.
2017-01-26 The osu! wiki got mentioned on peppy's blog.
2017-05-22 The osu!news archive is now stored on the osu! wiki (in text form only).
2017-05-30 Page redirection is finally implemented in the osu! wiki.
2017-06 TPGPL is promoted with write-access for the osu-wiki repository. Search service on osu!web for the osu! wiki is implemented.
2018-02-07 Article tagging support was implemented to allow better search results for wiki articles.
2018–2021 Undocumented
2021-05-12 First implementation of infoboxes that may add additional information to articles.
2021-06-01 Basic implementation of the osu! wiki in osu!(lazer) was added (English only).
2021-08-08 Gallery support was implemented. Now, images from one article can be viewed at once in a gallery.
2021-08-12 Support for footnotes was integrated. This allows to add links to notes and references for placing them in a specific section at the end of each article.