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Nomination Assessment Team

See also: Beatmap Nominator evaluations

The Nomination Assessment Team (NAT) is a team that moderates the Beatmap Nominators (BN) and ensures the beatmapping side of osu! stays functional.

Members of the NAT are distinguished by their orange red user title, user group badge that reads NAT, and their red in-game username. They have site-wide moderation permissions, like the Global Moderation Team (GMT), and also possess the ability to nominate and reset nominations on beatmaps, like full members of the Beatmap Nominators (BNs). For most purposes, NAT members are BNs with different responsibilities. Therefore, all BN rules and expectations apply to NAT members, with some exceptions for activity.

All members of the Nomination Assessment Team are sworn to uphold the Contributor Code of Conduct in addition to the normal Community Rules.

Note: To report a member of the NAT misbehaving or breaking the Contributor Code of Conduct, please contact the account support team.


The NAT is responsible for a variety of mapping-related tasks, which are divided into two categories: evaluation and structural. Each category outlines the responsibilities of a NAT member, as well as the requirements and expectations for each type of task.


NAT members assigned to the evaluation category (also referred to as the evaluators) are primarily responsible for:

  • Evaluation: Evaluating the proficiency and activity of both current Beatmap Nominators and applicants. See Evaluations for more details.
  • Nomination: Nominating at least 2 beatmaps per month. This helps evaluators keep up to date with the mapping/modding community when evaluating current and aspiring Beatmap Nominators.
    • Modding activity and other contributions may be used as a backup metric when evaluating activity.

NAT members responsible for this category are in high demand due to the sheer volume of BN applications. Therefore, they occasionally look for new members to join them and help ease the workload. This is why BNs who wish to join the NAT are primarily judged based on their ability to evaluate, and most NAT members join and stay responsible for the evaluation category.


NAT members assigned to the structural category are not responsible for any specific game mode, despite being allowed to nominate beatmaps of their previously assigned game mode. They are required to maintain:

  • Communication: Promoting transparency and maintaining good relations with not only the rest of the mapping/modding community, but also within the NAT itself. This includes, but not limited to, making announcements, participating in discussions about proposals, asking/answering questions through surveys, and updating the ranking criteria as well as other documentation.
  • Development: Developing and maintaining tools and websites to help improve the ranking process (such as Mapset Verifier, Aiess, or the BN Management website).
  • Moderation: Handling user reports and assessing inappropriate behaviour of Beatmap Nominators, as well as processing beatmap content reviews. This task is a joint effort between the NAT and the GMT.
  • Miscellaneous maintenance: Included but not limited to:

NAT members who are primarily handling this category make sure that BNs and other members of the mapping/modding community remain informed and feel heard, in addition to maintaining the components required to keep everything running in the mapping/modding scene. Users belonging to this category are made up of experienced NAT members who prefer to focus on managerial matters regarding the mapping/modding scene.

Dividing the NAT workload into two main categories is necessary for the overall organisation and productivity of the group, allowing for a more streamlined assignment of responsibilities. Delegating tasks keeps NAT members from being overwhelmed while simultaneously avoiding a diffusion of responsibility.

A member of the NAT may engage with any task within any category that they choose, regardless of their listed primary responsibilities. For example, an NAT member primarily responsible for evaluations may also help with structural-related tasks, or vice versa.


Depending on their category, each NAT member has different activity requirements. Members responsible for evaluations are expected to consistently evaluate both applicants and current BNs, while also keeping up to date with the mapping/modding scene on their own through modding. Members assigned to the structural category are expected to uphold key parts of the ranking process on a case-by-case basis.

Every 2 months, the NAT members are required to submit a summary of their activity in the BN Management website. This summary, alongside other metrics like nomination and evaluation activity, is used to determine whether a member is still active and whether they should remain in the group. The team leaders will then discuss the activity of each member and decide whether they should remain in the NAT.

The team leaders will confront inactive NAT members, or members who fail to provide a summary in a timely manner. If an appropriate resolution to their inactivity is not feasible, they will be removed from the NAT. Members under the evaluation category working on other mapping-related projects may be moved to the structural category to better reflect their contribution.


See also: Departure from the NAT

NAT members are granted the following benefits:

  • osu!supporter: An osu!supporter tag that lasts for the duration of their team membership.
  • Tenure badge: A profile badge that displays the number of years they have been in the NAT.
    1 year NAT badge 2 year NAT badge 3 year NAT badge 4 year NAT badge 5 year NAT badge 6 year NAT badge 7 year NAT badge 8 year NAT badge 9 year NAT badge 10 year NAT badge
  • Nomination count badge: A profile badge awarded when reaching certain nomination count milestones.
    200 nominations badge 400 nominations badge 600 nominations badge 800 nominations badge 1000 nominations badge 1500 nominations badge 2000 nominations badge
  • Elite Nominator eligibility: NAT members who exceptionally perform as nominators are eligible to be awarded the yearly Elite Nominator status.

Promotion to the NAT

Before joining the NAT, a user must either be a full member of the Beatmap Nominators, or a former NAT member still involved in the community. Most NAT candidates are initially considered based on their commitment to helping the mapping and modding community, and further demonstration of their ability to contribute to a multitude of NAT responsibilities is usually the basis for being promoted.

Since all new NAT members start off in the evaluation category, it is important that NAT candidates are exceptional in assessing the proficiency of others. Full BNs are occasionally given the opportunity to temporarily join the evaluation team, giving them an opportunity to practice. NAT candidates have a much better chance of being promoted if their evaluations are thorough and come to similar conclusions as the NAT (or have supportive reasoning otherwise).

The NAT keeps tabs on potential NAT candidates over long periods of time, and occasionally convenes to decide if a candidate should be promoted, similar to how BN evaluations are done. BNs are also allowed to ask about joining the NAT if they want to receive feedback and make sure they are being considered. However, depending on the activity and skill set of current NAT members, there may not be a need for new ones. New NAT members will likely be promoted only when one of the current members is becoming less active, or there are new workloads requiring more members, etc.

Joining the structural category

Current or former NAT members who show proficiency in the structural tasks outlined above, to the point where their current or planned contributions are indispensable and far outweighs their necessity as an evaluator, can opt in to join the structural category. This is as judged by the NAT leaders and handled on a case-by-case basis.

In rare occasions, Beatmap Nominators may also be considered for said position depending on their contributions to the mapping/modding community.

Before conducting such addition, the addition is sanity checked with the rest of the NAT in case of objections. If no issues arise, the concerned member will then be subject to different activity expectations depending on their specific situation. If their contribution towards structural tasks is considered lacklustre or unnecessary at some later point, again as judged by the NAT leaders, then they will be moved out of this category.

Departure from the NAT

Once an NAT member chooses to depart from the team, they may be granted the following benefits depending on the circumstances:

  • osu! Alumni user title: This is granted to members who were part of the team for at least 1 year, or have made significant contributions within the team during a shorter period of time.
  • osu!supporter: Members will be awarded an osu!supporter tag that lasts double the amount of time they spent in the NAT, under the same conditions as osu! Alumni status.
  • Internal access: In special cases, members may be granted continued access to the internal NAT discussion channel depending on their past contributions and the likelihood of them having positive impact in future discussions. This privilege may be revoked if the member is inactive in discussions or is causing issues.

Former NAT members who currently have internal access are:

NAT Leadership

As of March 2023, the NAT has decided to re-adopt the concept of leadership, which was previously used in the QAT. The NAT leader has the combined responsibility of both evaluation and structural categories so they can watch over and stay involved with every aspect of the NAT.

The current NAT leader is Hivie.


The NAT leader aims to cover the following tasks:

  • Activity management: Constantly monitoring the activity of other NAT members and handling cases of low activity or behaviour concerns, either through regular checkups or through exit interviews, in case of issues regarding certain members.
  • Communication:
    • Acting as a bridge between the osu! team, the NAT, and the mapping community, constantly communicating any changes, concerns, or demands raised.
    • Encouraging participation in internal and external discussions by proactively engaging all parties, keeping discussions organised, and facilitating the combination of different viewpoints to form a practical course of action.
    • Promoting new or existing ideas that can easily get lost in the midst of discussions and proposals.
  • Problem solving: Taking initiative to be involved with critical decision making and handling delicate concerns raised by the team or the community.

Team members

Note: All NAT members speak English in addition to the language(s) listed below unless noted otherwise.

The Nomination Assessment Team group page lists all of the team members. In addition to areas mentioned below, all NAT members take part in reviewing audio and visual content included in beatmaps.



Name Additional languages
bite you death Swedish
enneya Dutch
Mafumafu Chinese
Mirash Russian
momoyo French, Spanish
Nao Tomori
nanoya Romanian
NeKroMan4ik Russian


Name Additional languages
arcpotato Chinese
Hivie Arabic, French
Ideal Portuguese
meiqth Some German
Yasuho German, some French


Name Additional languages
Deif Spanish, German
Greaper Dutch


Name Additional languages
Akasha- Vietnamese
gzdongsheng Chinese
Hugged Turkish
Maxus Indonesian
Scotty Arabic, French
RandomeLoL Catalan, Spanish


The following NAT members are exclusively responsible for structural tasks, and do not associate with any specific game mode, despite being allowed to nominate beatmaps of their previously assigned game mode:

User Task
-Mo- Handling internal discussions, affairs, and documentation
moonpoint Internal tooling development
Naxess Aiess and Mapset Verifier maintenance
Okoratu Ranking Criteria upkeep
pishifat BN Management website development

The following NAT members are primarily evaluators, but also contribute to structural tasks:

User Task
Greaper Nomination Planner and osu!catch MV plugin development
Hivie NAT leadership, BN Management website and osu!taiko MV plugin development
momoyo Processing impact ratings1 for osu! nomination resets
NeKroMan4ik Processing impact ratings1 for osu! nomination resets
RandomeLoL Handling content reports, osu!mania MV plugin development

In addition, the Nomination Assessment Team bot acts as a proxy for the NAT to collectively deliver messages under one user account without directly attributing them to anyone. It may be used for evaluation responses, mock evaluations, mediations, reports, and content reviews, along any other miscellaneous purposes.


  1. This process involves checking each nomination reset and assigning it a "minor", "notable" or "severe" label for future reference in evaluations.