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Beatmap search

See also: Beatmap § Downloading beatmaps

By default, any text entered at the song select screen or in the website's search field is matched against a beatmap's song artist, title, difficulty creator and name, source, and tags. Entering a single number will search for beatmaps and difficulties with a specific identifier. All queries are case-insensitive.

Beatmap metadata fields can be compared against specific values for more granular filtering, using the following operators:

Comparison osu!web osu!(stable) osu!(lazer) Description
= Yes Yes Yes Equal to
== No Yes No Equal to
: Yes No Yes Equal to
!= No Yes No Not equal to
< Yes Yes Yes Less than
> Yes Yes Yes Greater than
<= Yes Yes Yes Less than or equal to
>= Yes Yes Yes Greater than or equal to


Note: The filters only work at the song selection screen, while osu!direct only supports regular full-text search.

Filter Description
artist Name of the artist
creator Name of the difficulty creator
title Name of the song
difficulty Name of the beatmap difficulty
ar Approach rate
cs Circle size
od Overall difficulty
hp HP drain rate
key, keys Number of keys (osu!mania and converted beatmaps only)
star, stars Star rating
bpm Song tempo
length Length in seconds
drain Drain time in seconds
mode Game mode. This can be one of osu, taiko, catch, or mania, or o/t/c/m for short.
status Beatmap status. Value can be ranked, approved, pending, notsubmitted, unknown, or loved, or r/a/p/n/u/l for short.
played Time since last played in days
unplayed Show only unplayed maps. This filter must be set no value to take effect (unplayed=). The comparison operator itself can be whatever (e.g. unplayed=, unplayed> and unplayed!= do the same thing).
speed Saved osu!mania scroll speed. The scroll speed is always 0 for unplayed maps, or if the Remember osu!mania scroll speed per beatmap option is off.


Filter Description
artist Name of the artist
title Name of the song
source The medium, such as a video game, movie, series, or event, where the song originated from or which it is best associated with
featured_artist Identifier of a Featured Artist entry
creator Name of the difficulty creator
difficulty Name of the beatmap difficulty
ar Approach rate
cs Circle size
od Overall difficulty
hp, dr HP drain rate
star, stars Star rating
bpm Song tempo
length Length in seconds
key, keys Number of keys (osu!mania and converted beatmaps only)
status Beatmap status. Value can be ranked, approved, pending, notsubmitted, unknown, or loved, or r/a/p/n/u/l for short.
created Beatmap creation date
updated Beatmap last update date
ranked Beatmap ranking/approval date

Client (lazer)2

Filter Description
artist Name of the artist
title Name of the song
creator Name of the difficulty creator
diff Name of the beatmap difficulty
ar Approach rate
cs Circle size
od Overall difficulty
hp, dr HP drain rate
star, stars Star rating
bpm Song tempo
length Play time in seconds
key, keys Number of keys (osu!mania and converted beatmaps only)
status Beatmap status. Value can be ranked, approved, pending, notsubmitted, unknown, or loved, or r/a/p/n/u/l for short. Allows multiple values separated by commas (,)
lastplayed Time since last played. Accepts a format of #y#M#d#h#m#s, for years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds respectively. For example, 2d5s means "2 days and 5 seconds".
played Played status. Value can be yes, true, or 1 for played beatmaps, or no, false, or 0 for unplayed beatmaps.
divisor The denominator of the beat snap divisor

Example queries

Find beatmaps with low OD, falling within a certain difficulty range:

stars>=7 stars<8 od<8

(Client) Show ranked Christmas-related beatmaps that have never been attempted:

unplayed= status=r christmas

(Client, website) Check if at least one difficulty of DJ Fresh - Gold Dust by galvenize is downloaded:


(Website) Find beatmaps ranked between August and October 2010 which contain at least a single difficulty made by Natteke:

ranked>=2010-08 ranked<2010-11 creator=Natteke

(Lazer) Find beatmap difficulties that have been played within 2 months and 5 hours ago:


(Lazer) Find beatmap difficulties that have not been played within the past year:


(Lazer) Find Ranked and Loved beatmaps:

