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If the Beatmap Submission System (BSS) won't let you submit your own beatmap because it says that you do not own the map then do the following:
Go to the beatmap's folder.
You can get there easily by going to
Open Song Folder
in the
beatmap editor.
Exit osu! (This is to make sure that the changes are applied properly.)
Open the .osu
difficulty files with any plain text editor (e.g. Notepad).
Enter your username for the Creator
. (If your name has spaces, then use spaces.)
Set the BeatmapID
to 0
Set the BeatmapSetID
to -1
Make sure the beatmap folder name does not start with a string of numbers.
Delete the file(s) in the SubmissionCache
folder. This is located in the osu! installation folder.
Open osu! again and try to upload your beatmap.
If you are still having issues, follow these steps:
Export the beatmap using the beatmap editor.
Exit the beatmap editor and then delete the beatmap in osu!.
Exit osu!
Go to the exported beatmap and change the extension from .osz
to .zip
(you will need file extensions to be visible from the windows folder options to do this).
Extract this .zip
Open the .osu
difficulty files with any plain text editor (e.g. Notepad).
Enter anything as username for the Creator
, but do not use your username.
Set the BeatmapID
to 0
Set the BeatmapSetID
to -1
Once you are done, zip the files back into the .zip
Rename this .zip
file back to .osz
Import it into osu! and try uploading it again.
If this fails, you may want to create a new topic thread in the
Help subforums to seek further help.