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Completionists are players who have completed every Ranked beatmap of a given game mode. Because the amount of Ranked beatmaps increases every day, this feat becomes progressively more difficult to achieve.

As of September 2023, this achievement is recognised through a profile badge handed out at the discretion of the osu! team:

osu! osu!taiko osu!catch osu!mania

Confirmed completionists

These people have been verified by the osu! team as completionists:


Player Date of completion Total played difficulties
xasuma 2019-04-27 60,845
PookieBear 2021-08-11 82,298
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2023-03-12 99,842


Player Date of completion Total played difficulties
Jaye 2019-11-03 8,841
[Zeth] 2023-08-14 22,170


  • xasuma was awarded the user title The First Completionist for being the first player to ever achieve this feat.
  • Jaye was awarded the user title Drum Decimator for being the first osu!taiko completionist and scoring full combos on every Ranked osu!taiko beatmap.
  • Prior to September 2023, players used to earn an osu!completionist user title, which was discontinued in favour of profile badges.