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How you can help!

osu! has a very vibrant community composed of people from all around the world. And anyone can be a part of the community in their own way!

Below are just a few of the ways you can help out in the community:

Help out with the wiki

The wiki is our official knowledge base that contains anything and everything about osu!. And as such, the wiki is always looking for more contributors to help keep the site up-to-date with fresh, new knowledge or translations.

If you are a newcomer to the osu! wiki, you can read more about it in the osu! wiki contribution guide.

Help keep osu! friendly and safe

In order to keep the official community hubs safe, osu! has a dedicated moderation team — the Global Moderation Team — that monitors the forums and online chats around the clock.

Fortunately, it is still easy for you to help keep everything safe here. The following are just a few of the many ways you can help:

  • Follow your favourite channels in the osu! in-game chat, or participate on the forums.
  • If you see something happening that you think is inappropriate or disturbing in any way, use the !report command in the in-game chat to notify the moderators of it.

Help other community members

If you encounter someone who has an issue with the game, lend them a hand! Whether it is a driver issue, a beatmap question, or gameplay question, if you can answer it, you can help the person in solving their problem.

The following outlines how you can get started helping others on the forum:

  • Choose a forum that sparks your interest, e.g.:
  • Read through the forums pinned posts to learn the subforum-specific rules and any useful info that may be there.
  • Use the Mark forum as read button on the top.
  • Follow any new threads, reading each one and help out when you can — you can use the unread icons to make sure you keep up.
  • Read the available guides to polish-up your osu! knowledge. If the guides in there don't satisfy you, then you can try contributing to them!

Help check/mod beatmaps!

osu! has a dedicated team of reviewers, the Beatmap Nominators, to check if submitted beatmaps are ready to be ranked and played by everyone. However, that doesn't mean you cannot contribute to this sector:

  • Look through or search the Pending Beatmaps listing for any artists or songs you like and/or want to contribute to.
  • Play beatmaps in the Pending or Work-in-progress stages and leave feedback in the beatmap's discussion page.
  • Read the Modding Guide and the Ranking Criteria to know the basics of technical modding and what makes a beatmap rankable.
  • Join the #mapping and #modreqs channels in the in-game chat and either join in on the conversation or just follow along.
  • If you have the time and dedication, make a Modding Queue to give beatmap creators a place to request you for mods.

Give feedback on player progress or skins!

Everyone loves to improve and requires feedback for this. Often users will ask for feedback on their gameplay progress in the Gameplay & Rankings forum and others eagerly await feedback on their latest skin creation in the Work In Progress Skins forum.

Help or join user-run community projects

osu! has a thriving community of technical and competitive people. They range from hobbyist tinkers to seasoned rhythm game veterans. There are a lot of proposals and projects being made exclusively for osu! and you can help them, or drive the future of osu! with your very own proposals/projects!

Below are just a few of the ways you can contribute:

  • Browse the Tournaments forum. Tournaments take a lot of time and work to organise without hitches, and you can help out by being a spectator judge in some cases.
  • Check out what's going on in the Development forum; this is where most serious projects happen.
    • Join the osu! Discord server! Even just following along and staying up-to-date with osu! development and projects is a good way to stay informed.
  • Join a beatmap project and learn how fun collaborating with others can be!
  • Start your own project or join someone else's! Whether it's bringing back dancing pippi, or just making something cool for osu!, anything is accepted!

Contribute to the future of osu!

Started in 2017, the osu!(lazer) project is the current focus of the osu! team, along with the new website, which is what you see today! If you would like to help make these projects even better and bring us closer to the future of osu!, there are a number of things you can do, but below are just a few examples:

  • Helping with the osu!(lazer) project. There is so much to implement on the new version of osu!, and you can help make it happen!
  • Make the website even better.

Avoid being negative! Make people happy!

There is an old saying that you should become part of the solution, not the problem. Simply by following this old saying, you'd be helping osu! by making the community a brighter place. People will always complain, but there are still so many ways you can help lighten up the mood in the community:

  • Be friendly to each other; life is too short to argue.
  • Report cheaters when you see them. Please do not complain about them through other mediums as a simple !report <username> seems to be cheating can fix your problems within minutes to hours.
  • Go out of your way to mediate negative situations and turn them into positive outcomes.

While this article cannot cover how much more you can help the osu! community, simply playing the game as well can make osu! even more awesome!