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Beatmap packs

Beatmap packs are compressed archives containing beatmaps of a particular category. They can be found on the beatmap pack listing.

On average, beatmap packs are roughly 100 MB in size and contain all available beatmap assets, including videos.


Beatmap packs are named after their content, category, and upload order. For example, in the following beatmap pack:

F2 - Rohi

F2 indicates that it is the second beatmap pack available under the Featured Artist category, while Rohi Pack refers to the pack's name shown on the beatmap pack listing. In particular, this pack exclusively features maps of Rohi's songs.

Certain beatmap packs, especially in the Standard category, are also numbered by upload order. For example, osu! Beatmap Pack #1000 (pack S1000) is the 1,000th pack containing Ranked and Approved beatmaps for the osu! game mode.


Beatmap packs are split into 7 categories with a special letter indicator:

Indicator Category Beatmap types
S Standard Ranked and Approved beatmaps
F Featured Artist Songs from Featured Artists
P Tournament Official tournament mappools
L Project Loved Beatmaps chosen by the community in Project Loved
R Spotlights Seasonal beatmap challenge packs from the Beatmap Spotlights, formerly known as Charts
T Theme Beatmaps based on a particular theme
A Artist/Album Songs from specific artists or albums


  1. Extract the downloaded beatmap pack archive. It should contain a lot of .osz files.
  2. Move these .osz files into the Songs folder under the osu! installation directory, or select the files and drag them directly into the game window.
  3. The game should automatically import the beatmaps and delete the original .osz files. In case of issues, try pressing F5 in the song selection screen to reprocess beatmaps.

Alternative downloads

Caution: osu! cannot guarantee that files from unofficial sources are safe, up to date, or complete.

It is recommended to download beatmap packs directly from the official beatmap pack listing. However, if you have difficulty in downloading packs from there, there are several alternatives that you can use.


As of now, all beatmap packs are stored internally in the server. If in any case this server becomes inaccessible or slow to reach, there are mirror sites set up by others that you can use for your convenience as follows:


Torrents are an excellent way to download beatmap packs in bulk instead of one by one manually. To do so, use your torrenting tools to download them from one of the sites below:

Please note that a lot of space (and bandwidth) is required to torrent all of the available packs.
