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Skin set list for the ranking criteria

The following tables contain skin sets that are used in user-specific and beatmap-specific skins. When skinning gameplay elements in beatmap-specific skins, complete sets of elements need to be skinned in order to avoid conflicts between user-specific and beatmap-specific skins.

Filenames containing {-n} or {n}, excluding combobursts, can be animated. For example, hitcircleoverlay{-n}.png can be skinned as a single image (hitcircleoverlay.png), or multiple images that would be animated in a loop (hitcircleoveray-0.png, hitcircleoverlay-1.png, hitcircleoverlay-2.png, etc.). Comboburst images follow the same naming format, but instead of being animated, one image will display at a time per comboburst.

Download the skin sets template for a simpler view of the tables.


Skin element list: Skinning osu!

Cursor set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
cursor.png should always be included together with cursortrail.png required -
cursortrail.png should always be included together with cursor.png required -
cursormiddle.png should be optional depending on the cursor's design optional -
cursor-smoke.png - optional -

Hitburst set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
hit0{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit50{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit100{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit100k{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit300{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit300g{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
hit300k{-n}.png should be clearly distinguishable from all other hitbursts required -
particle50.png should be included together with all other particles; will only work if custom hitbursts are included optional 7x7px
particle100.png should be included together with all other particles; will only work if custom hitbursts are included optional 7x7px
particle300.png should be included together with all other particles; will only work if custom hitbursts are included optional 7x7px
sliderpoint10.png should be included together with sliderpoint30.png; will only work if an user-specific skin supports skin version 1 optional -
sliderpoint30.png should be included together with sliderpoint10.png; will only work if an user-specific skin supports skin version 1 optional -

Hit lighting set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
lighting.png - - -

Hitcircle set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
approachcircle.png - required 126x126px
followpoint.png - required -
hitcircle.png used for slidercircles when they are not skinned, won't be used for slidercircles if a user-specific skin has them skinned required 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)
hitcircleoverlay{-n}.png used for slidercircles when they are not skinned, won't be used for slidercircles if a user-specific skin has them skinned required 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)
reversearrow.png should face right required -
sliderendcircle.png should always be included to avoid conflicting with user-specific skins required 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)
sliderendcircleoverlay{-n}.png should always be included to avoid conflicting with user-specific skins required 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)
sliderstartcircle.png should always be included to avoid conflicting with user-specific skins required 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)
sliderstartcircleoverlay{-n}.png should always be included to avoid conflicting with user-specific skins required 118x118px (circle) / 128x128px (whole file)
hitcircleselect.png only seen in the editor optional 118x118px (circle) 128x128px (whole file)

Slidertrack set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
sliderb{n}.png - required 118x118px
sliderb-nd.png should only be used if default skin is forced and no custom sliderb is used optional 118x118px
sliderb-spec.png should only be used if default skin is forced and no custom sliderb is used optional 118x118px
sliderfollowcircle{-n}.png - required 256x256px
sliderscorepoint.png also used in osu!taiko required -

Hitcircle number set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant. Overlaps or gaps between the numbers themselves are set by the user-specific skin and cannot be influenced within the beatmap itself.
Please note that the recommended sizes for all elements in this set is handled via a guideline on the Ranking Criteria.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
default-0.png - required -
default-1.png - required -
default-2.png - required -
default-3.png - required -
default-4.png - required -
default-5.png - required -
default-6.png - required -
default-7.png - required -
default-8.png - required -
default-9.png - required -

Spinner set

osu! has two spinner styles, only one of which can be used in a skin at the same time. Using exclusive elements from both of them is not allowed: if elements from both are present, the old style will take priority.

The new spinner style will only work if the user-specific skin does not use the old one and supports skin versions 2 or higher, or if the default skin is forced in the beatmap.

All elements in each set excluding spinner-osu.png and spinner-rpm.png are gameplay relevant.

Old spinner style set

If using the old style set, you must not add elements noted as "exclusive to the new set".

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
spinner-background.png exclusive to the old set required -
spinner-circle.png exclusive to the old set required 666x666px
spinner-metre.png exclusive to the old set required 1024x692px
spinner-approachcircle.png - required 384x384px
spinner-clear.png - required -
spinner-spin.png - required -
spinner-osu.png will only work if an user-specific skin supports skin version 1 optional -
spinner-rpm.png should be included if both score number set and spinner set are skinned optional 280x56px

New spinner style set

If using the new style set, you must not add elements noted as "exclusive to the old set".

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
spinner-bottom.png exclusive to the new set required 667x667px
spinner-glow.png exclusive to the new set required 852x852px
spinner-middle.png exclusive to the new set required 689x689px
spinner-middle2.png exclusive to the new set required 17x17px
spinner-top.png exclusive to the new set required 667x667px
spinner-approachcircle.png - required 384x384px
spinner-clear.png - required -
spinner-spin.png - required -
spinner-osu.png will only work if an user-specific skin supports skin version 1 optional -
spinner-rpm.png should be included if both score number set and spinner set are skinned optional 280x56px


Skin element list: Skinning osu!taiko

Hit object set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
taikobigcircle.png - required 118x118px
taikobigcircleoverlay{-n}.png - required 118x118px
taikohitcircle.png - required 118x118px
taikohitcircleoverlay{-n}.png - required 118x118px
sliderscorepoint.png should only be used on beatmaps without osu! difficulties (shared image) required -
taiko-roll-middle.png gets stretched to fill the roll required 1x118px (line) 1x128px (whole file)
taiko-roll-end.png right half of a circle required 59x118px (half circle) 64x128px (whole file)
spinner-warning.png - required -

Hitburst set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant and all included hitbursts should be clearly distinguishable from each other.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
taiko-hit0{-n}.png - required -
taiko-hit100{-n}.png - required -
taiko-hit100k{-n}.png - required -
taiko-hit300{-n}.png - required -
taiko-hit300k{-n}.png - required -

Pippidon set

This skin set is not gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
pippidonclear{n}.png - required -
pippidonfail{n}.png - required -
pippidonidle{n}.png - required -
pippidonkiai{n}.png - required -
taiko-flower-group{-n}.png combobursts in osu!taiko optional -


Skin element list: Skinning osu!catch

Fruits set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
fruit-apple.png - required 128x128px
fruit-apple-overlay.png - required 128x128px
fruit-grapes.png - required 128x128px
fruit-grapes-overlay.png - required 128x128px
fruit-orange.png - required 128x128px
fruit-orange-overlay.png - required 128x128px
fruit-pear.png - required 128x128px
fruit-pear-overlay.png - required 128x128px
fruit-bananas.png should be designed differently from the other fruits required 128x128px
fruit-bananas-overlay.png should be designed differently from the other fruits required 128x128px
fruit-drop.png - required 82x103px
fruit-drop-overlay.png should be included to guarantee correct display when an user-specific skin has it skinned because the default skin uses a transparent image for this file required 82x103px

Catcher set

All elements besides lightning.png are gameplay relevant.
For catchers the plate must be perfectly centred and exactly 302px across in width. While the default skin's plate is uncentred, it may be used in beatmap-specific skins.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
fruit-catcher-fail{-n}.png should face right required minimum 302px wide
fruit-catcher-idle{-n}.png should face right required minimum 302px wide
fruit-catcher-kiai{-n}.png should face right required minimum 302px wide
lighting.png should only be used on beatmaps without osu! difficulties (shared image) optional -


Skin element list: Interface skinning

Scorebar set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant. Please note that the sizes of the elements within this skin set are handled via a guideline on the Ranking Criteria.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
scorebar-bg.png should be included together with scorebar-colour{-n}.png required -
scorebar-colour{-n}.png should be included together with scorebar-bg.png required maximum 120px tall
scorebar-ki.png - required -
scorebar-kidanger.png - required -
scorebar-kidanger2.png - required -
scorebar-marker.png must be inlcuded to guarantee correct display of the ki and can be a blank file required -

Score number set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant. Overlaps or gaps between the numbers themselves are set by the user-specific skin and cannot be influenced within the beatmap itself.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
score-0.png - required -
score-1.png - required -
score-2.png - required -
score-3.png - required -
score-4.png - required -
score-5.png - required -
score-6.png - required -
score-7.png - required -
score-8.png - required -
score-9.png - required -
score-comma.png - required -
score-dot.png - required -
score-percent.png - required -
score-x.png can be left out on beatmaps without osu! difficulties required -

Mod icon set

This skin set is not gameplay relevant. The respective icons can be left out even though they are listed as required if they are not present in any of the game modes of the mapset.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
selection-mod-autoplay.png - required -
selection-mod-doubletime.png - required -
selection-mod-easy.png - required -
selection-mod-fadein.png - required -
selection-mod-flashlight.png - required -
selection-mod-halftime.png - required -
selection-mod-hardrock.png - required -
selection-mod-hidden.png - required -
selection-mod-key1.png - optional -
selection-mod-key2.png - optional -
selection-mod-key3.png - optional -
selection-mod-key4.png - optional -
selection-mod-key5.png - optional -
selection-mod-key6.png - optional -
selection-mod-key7.png - optional -
selection-mod-key8.png - optional -
selection-mod-key9.png - optional -
selection-mod-keycoop.png - required -
selection-mod-nightcore.png - required -
selection-mod-nofail.png - required -
selection-mod-perfect.png - required -
selection-mod-random.png - required -
selection-mod-relax.png - required -
selection-mod-relax2.png - required -
selection-mod-scorev2.png - required -
selection-mod-spunout.png - required -
selection-mod-suddendeath.png - required -

Playfield set

The combobursts and star2.png included in this set are gameplay relevant and all other elements are not gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
comboburst-fruits{-n}.png should face right, automatically flipped if shown on the right side optional max height: 768px
comboburst-mania{-n}.png should face right, automatically flipped if shown on the right side optional max height: 768px
comboburst{-n}.png should face right, automatically flipped if shown on the right side optional max height: 768px
menu-button-background.png used for the leaderboard optional minimum resolution 690x85px
multi-skipped.png multiplayer: shows who skipped the intro optional -
play-skip{-n}.png - optional -
play-unranked.png - optional -
star2.png - optional -

Inputoverlay set

This skin set is not gameplay relevant.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
inputoverlay-background.png must not be skinned in beatmaps without osu! or osu!catch difficulties required 193x55px
inputoverlay-key.png must not be skinned in beatmaps without osu! or osu!catch difficulties required max: 46x46px

Leaderboard entry number set

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
scoreentry-0.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-1.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-2.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-3.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-4.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-5.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-6.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-7.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-8.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-9.png - required 11x14px
scoreentry-comma.png - required 5x14px
scoreentry-dot.png - required 5x14px
scoreentry-percent.png - required 12x14px
scoreentry-x.png - required 10x14px

Countdown set

The entirety of this skin set is gameplay relevant. This skin set must not be skinned if the beatmap does not utilise countdowns.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
ready.png - required max: 1366x768px
count1.png - required max: 1366x768px
count2.png - required max: 1366x768px
count3.png - required max: 1366x768px
go.png - required max: 1366x768px

Section indicator set

This skin set is not gameplay relevant. This skin set must not be skinned if the beatmap does not contain a break long enough for section indicators to show up.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
section-fail.png - required max height: 768px
section-pass.png - required max height: 768px

Grade indicator set

This skin set is not gameplay relevant. This skin set must not be skinned if the beatmap does not contain a break long enough for grade indicators to show up.

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
ranking-a-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-b-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-c-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-d-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-s-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-sh-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-x-small.png - required 34x40px
ranking-xh-small.png - required 34x40px

Pause screen set

File Name Notes Set Completion Recommended Sizes for SD Skins
pause-back.png - required -
pause-continue.png - required -
pause-retry.png - required -
fail-background.png if one background is skinned the other one should also be skinned, gets scaled to fit the player's screen optional max: 1920x1200px
pause-overlay.png if one background is skinned the other one should also be skinned optional 1366x768px