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Cinema (mod)

CM mod iconCinema (CM) mod icon

For the lazer version of this article, see: Cinema (lazer mod)
For the full list of all mods, see: Game modifier
Not to be confused with Cinematography.


  • Abbreviation: CM
  • Type: Special
  • Score Multiplier: 1.00x
  • Default shortcut key: V V or Shift + V (or hold Ctrl + Shift when selecting a beatmap)
  • Compatible game modes:


Notice: Enabling the Cinema mod will result in an unranked play.

The Cinema mod is a game modifier that aims to allow players to simply relax and watch the video or storyboards from a beatmap without the appearance of any hit objects. This will result in a play using the Auto mod, but with only the background and storyboard being displayed.

Due to the Cinema mod being a variation of the Auto mod, the hitsounds caused by hit objects will still be heard. Although the replay elements and result screen will be disabled along with the background dim being set to 0%.

Auto vs. Cinema gameplayComparison of the Auto mod (left) vs the Cinema mod (right)

This mod has the same effect across all game modes.
