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English version for the most accurate information (and consider updating the translation if you are able to help out)!
This article is incomplete and waiting on someone to expand it.
星級 (SR) 是由 osu!客戶端計算,說明圖譜難度的數值。在計算 pp 時,扮演很重要的角色。星級可以在歌曲選擇和圖譜資訊頁上看到。


Easy (簡單): 0.0★–1.99★

Normal (一般): 2.0★–2.69★

Hard (困難): 2.7★–3.99★

Insane (瘋狂): 4.0★–5.29★

Expert (達人): 5.3★–6.49★

Expert+ (達達人+): 6.5★ 以上