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osu! judgement system


A judgement, or hit result, is the outcome of interacting with a hit object during its hit window. Score and accuracy are calculated based on which judgements are received.

These are commonly referred to by their score value (except for misses), i.e. a GREAT is usually called a "300" and so on.

Image Name Hit value Accuracy Max hit error (ms)
GREAT 300 100% 80 - 6 × OD
OK 100 33.33% 140 - 8 × OD
MEH 50 16.67% 200 - 10 × OD
MISS 0 0% 400

The hit window depends on the beatmap's overall difficulty (OD). A hit is then considered inside a hit window if hit error < max hit error, meaning the value listed is half of the hit window width.

The hit error is rounded and the max hit error values are truncated to the nearest integer, meaning the windows may be up to 1.5 ms shorter on both sides than what the formulas suggest.

Geki and Katu

The last hit object in a combo set may give a variant of the regular judgements depending on which ones were achieved in the combo. They give a bit more health than the regular ones.

Image Name Variant of Requirement
Geki (激) GREAT GREAT on all hit objects in a combo
Katu or Katsu (喝) GREAT At least OK on all hit objects in a combo and a GREAT for the last one
Katu or Katsu (喝) OK At least OK on all hit objects in a combo

This mechanic is in reference to Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents, the latter using the terms Elite Beat! and Beat! instead of Geki and Katsu.

Judgement mechanics

Hit circles

A hit circle is judged with a GREAT, OK, MEH, or MISS depending on how accurately it is hit. Hitting a circle before the MISS window has no effect (other than causing notelock), and not hitting a circle will cause a MISS after the MEH window passes.


Sliders consist of multiple parts: the slider head, slider tail, slider ticks, and slider repeats. The slider as a whole is judged based on how many parts of the slider the player has hit, as outlined below:

Judgement Slider completion
GREAT 100%
OK 50%
MEH At least one slider part

The slider head only needs to be hit within the MEH hit window for a successful hit. However, if ScoreV2 is active, slider head accuracy is additionally accounted for, with the judgement received for the entire slider being limited to at most the one received for the slider head.

There are some additional quirks with how sliders influence combo:

  • Tapping the slider head too early (before the MEH hit window), missing a slider tick, or missing a repeat does not incur a MISS, but will cause a combo break. The other slider parts can still be hit if a key is held down. This is colloquially referred to as a slider break.
  • Missing the slider end does not incur a MISS, but will not increment combo.


Each spinner has a set number of spins required to complete it. This number depends on the overall difficulty of the beatmap. Spinner rotation speed is calculated based on cursor velocity and does not necessarily correspond to how many times the cursor has revolved around the spinner.

Judgement Spins required1
GREAT2 100%
OK One spin less than the required number
MEH 25%

The spin requirements can be broken down into the following formulas:

Minimum spins per second3 1.5 + 0.2 × OD if OD < 5, 1.25 + 0.25 × OD if OD ≥ 5
Minimum spins required Spinner length in seconds × minimum spins per second + 0.5

If a spinner is very short, the number of spins required may be calculated to be 0, and thus the spinner will always complete itself with a GREAT.


The spinner judgement algorithm has been significantly changed in the 20190513.2 Stable release. The differences were as follows:

  • The difference between OK and MEH, as well as between MEH and GREAT, was equal to a half of a spin, making non-MISS judgements significantly harder to achieve.
  • Spinners being too short may have prevented them from being fully cleared.
  • All spinners required half of a spin more to complete.

Replays set prior to May 10, 2019 (when the change was introduced in the Cutting Edge version) use this old algorithm rather than the one currently in effect.


  1. Spins are internally calculated in terms of half revolutions. The formulas listed in this page are adjusted to be in terms of full spins for simplicity, so this value is thus rounded down to the nearest half. 

  2. As a presumable oversight, the "Clear" text (spinner-clear.png) appears one half of a revolution before the required amount of spins to get a GREAT judgement. 

  3. Due to the +0.5 constant in the formula for minimum spins required, the actual minimum average is 0.5 / spinner length in seconds spins per second faster. 
