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International Convert Cup 2024

International Convert Cup 2024 banner

The International Convert Cup 2024 (ICC 2024) was a double-elimination 2v2 osu!catch tournament hosted by Urabe Mikoto, Constantine, Madoka Ayukawa, Wesley, and Snowleopard in which all the beatmaps were converts from the osu! game mode. Although it was the first to be held under the "International Convert Cup" banner, the tournament was considered as an expansion of the preceeding Indonesia Convert Cup and osu!catch Convert Cup Open series.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2024-10-24/2024-11-06
Screening phase 2024-11-07/2024-11-24
Qualifiers 2024-11-25/2024-12-01
Round of 32 2024-12-02/2024-12-08
Round of 16 2024-12-09/2024-12-15
Winter break 2024-12-16/2024-12-29
Quarterfinals 2024-12-30/2023-01-05
Semifinals 2025-01-06/2023-01-12
Finals (week 1) 2025-01-13/2025-01-19
Finals (week 2) 2025-01-27/2025-02-02


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown 16 USD or 6 months of osu!supporter for each team member, unique profile badge
Silver crown 12 USD or 4 months of osu!supporter for each team member
Bronze crown 8 USD or 2 months of osu!supporter for each team member

ICC 2024 winner badge


The International Convert Cup 2024 was run by various community members from all around the world.


Team name Members
3difdigits ChewyTarTar, Nathanial, DeadFireFly962
+4 ARAM Stardust Prism, -Miya, Shu, S h i g u r e
:cat: Psc_IceRain, _Nanami, Happiness Fish, Oktavia
:tac: DoDoEbi, Sanami, Formosa_333, Saru8na
abubeshki Mizujin, Morusya, 2zz, yuinn
Albacete x ICC MusicDropZ, DPJ9fuegos, Alepe, -Naroh
Barely Managing TWXC, ChrisS3097, Yasi6n, ElSkeffe
Bashame X Osaka mieldeprairie, WOAH0, SheepBlade15, Katsue
Capo so cute v3 Holloh, Molqus, -Ken, Katsuragi
Ciel Enchanteur _Alice, A n t o t s u, Osjux, Juicy Fruit
Colo-Colo DateLix, Szczyr, Kael_DK, YeaaBoiii
common madcin L BoberOfDarkness, qwhj79, Phob, madcin
Convert noob VaMePirE, kinjacky, gensouyume, Flyer
ctb = danmaku hypnoSpirA, Fuka Pura, LaviSorrow, Paku-
D. Continental Nokashi, Shurelia, Kuzino, [Romanos]
Enterprise -Steven08-, Perfect Day, Melodieyy-, DataPata
EUphoria Mniam, Shameimaru, YERTI, 13187berlin
Fate 1Haruki, i suck at ctb, gorkem_xd, Demon-kira
For fun gamers Pawelek12, Strict_Lane, Oriio, -ExGon-
GiGiLuNi GinIkari, Lume, Ginoshi, -Nirfu-
Haters in Abyss Selo, Chroneko, Yoomara, Daletto
Jump the Beat sawarabi, S B K, Touca, giru HD
looking for a team name OSUjanaiKATSURAda, Tibalt, aleZer0
Maid Girl UwU Renessia, Minang, Reid Hezzel, Azuria
Mr. Ladybug Prince Zariel, floflim, yeeeter, Digitalfear117
naruto when Secre, Roido, Dahcreeper, Lexii
NoApple4 kiriwi, manok, tjukas, AnApple7
NSMBW Wettham77, Maitoo, Starwide, sd enjoyer
OldCloudPlayers -Yui, dazzulay, Murasaki Shion, Nagato
OwOgres Jakkubon, Mawers, -Filow-, Boltico
pending SadEgg, KWYJIBO, GiGas, sularis
PICK DT2!!1!!11 CirnUwU, LiL L1ghtMare, Azakriel, Blue Vaporous
Red Hawk -Story-, Stark, Mrbinking, SirGonzaxz
Seed #33 Zephyte, LwL, Withered Lotus, Zileni
Sightread Gaming Asteristia, Fisicia, Daihmuddah
Steam Happy Leinou, Chiya--, Eyminz, Veeti
turu Mixuri, Honkenway, Nomiru, Copano_Lucky
you tell me kokomi on osu, Ruu, EzyS, bvyans


ICC 2024 podium


Finals (week 2)

Finals (week 1)



Round of 16

Round of 32


Match results

Finals (week 2)

Saturday, 1 February 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower naruto when 7 4 Red Hawk #1

Sunday, 2 February 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Grand Final common madcin L 5 7 naruto when #1
Grand Final (bracket reset) naruto when 7 2 common madcin L #1

Finals (week 1)

Saturday, 18 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower Red Hawk 7 3 EUphoria #1
Upper naruto when 6 7 common madcin L #1
Lower Capo so cute v3 7 1 OwOgres #1

Sunday, 19 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower Capo so cute v3 6 7 Red Hawk #1


Saturday, 11 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower Steam Happy 6 0 :tac: #1
Lower EUphoria 6 0 +4 ARAM #1
Lower OwOgres 6 1 GiGiLuNi #1
Lower you tell me 6 1 :cat: #1

Sunday, 12 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Upper common madcin L 6 3 Capo so cute v3 #1
Lower Steam Happy 3 6 EUphoria #1
Lower OwOgres 6 0 you tell me #1
Upper naruto when 6 3 Red Hawk #1


Saturday, 4 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower :tac: 6 2 ctb = danmaku #1
Lower Maid Girl UwU 4 6 PICK DT2!!1!!11 #1
Lower Haters in Abyss 6 0 pending #1
Lower OldCloudPlayers 6 2 Mr. Ladybug #1
Lower Jump the Beat 6 0 NoApple4 #1
Lower +4 ARAM 6 1 Seed #33 #1
Lower GiGiLuNi 6 2 D. Continental #1
Lower :cat: 6 0 NSMBW #1

Sunday, 5 January 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Lower :tac: 6 1 Jump the Beat #1
Lower Haters in Abyss 3 6 +4 ARAM #1
Upper Capo so cute v3 6 0 Steam Happy #1
Upper Red Hawk 6 4 OwOgres #1
Upper common madcin L 6 0 EUphoria #1
Upper naruto when 6 1 you tell me #1
Lower GiGiLuNi 6 1 PICK DT2!!1!!11 #1
Lower :cat: 6 2 OldCloudPlayers #1

Round of 16

Saturday, 14 December 2025:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Upper OwOgres 5 0 :tac: #1
Lower turu 0 5 NoApple4 #1
Upper Red Hawk 5 0 Jump the Beat #1
Lower Fate 0 5 D. Continental #1
Lower Ciel Enchanteur 3 5 Seed #33 #1
Lower Bashame X Osaka 3 5 NSMBW #1
Lower Barely Managing 3 5 PICK DT2!!1!!11 #1

Sunday, 15 December 2024:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Upper Steam Happy 5 4 GiGiLuNi #1
Lower Colo-Colo 1 5 Mr. Ladybug #1
Upper you tell me 5 2 Haters in Abyss #1
Upper Capo so cute v3 5 1 Maid Girl UwU #1
Lower Convert noob 0 5 ctb = danmaku #1
Upper naruto when 5 0 +4 ARAM #1
Upper common madcin L 5 0 OldCloudPlayers #1
Upper EUphoria 5 3 :cat: #1
Lower Sightread Gaming 0 5 pending win by default

Round of 32

Saturday, 7 December 2024:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Upper :tac: 5 2 Mr. Ladybug #1
Upper D. Continental 1 5 +4 ARAM #1
Upper Red Hawk 5 0 Bashame X Osaka #1
Upper Haters in Abyss 5 1 PICK DT2!!1!!11 #1
Upper you tell me 5 1 Barely Managing #1
Upper common madcin L 5 0 Convert noob #1
Upper :cat: 5 3 NoApple4 #1

Sunday, 8 December 2024:

Bracket Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Upper OldCloudPlayers 5 0 ctb = danmaku #1
Upper GiGiLuNi 5 2 Seed #33 #1
Upper naruto when 5 0 Fate #1
Upper Jump the Beat 5 2 NSMBW #1
Upper EUphoria 5 0 turu #1
Upper OwOgres 5 1 Colo-Colo #1
Upper Capo so cute v3 5 0 Sightread Gaming #1
Upper Steam Happy 5 0 Ciel Enchanteur win by default
Upper Maid Girl UwU 5 0 pending win by default


Detailed information on the standings of the Qualifier stage can be found in the following spreadsheet.

Seed Team name Avg. rank
1 naruto when 2.63
2 common madcin L 3.00
3 Capo so cute v3 4.25
4 Red Hawk 4.50
5 OwOgres 5.63
6 Steam Happy 5.88
7 EUphoria 7.38
8 you tell me 8.75
9 Haters in Abyss 10.75
10 :cat: 11.75
11 GiGiLuNi 12.00
12 :tac: 12.50
13 Jump the Beat 14.63
14 Maid Girl UwU 15.63
15 OldCloudPlayers 16.75
16 D. Continental 17.25
17 +4 ARAM 17.50
18 ctb = danmaku 18.13
19 pending 18.50
20 NSMBW 19.13
21 Mr. Ladybug 20.00
22 Seed #33 21.25
23 NoApple4 21.75
24 PICK DT2!!1!!11 23.50
25 Barely Managing 23.75
26 turu 26.38
27 Ciel Enchanteur 26.63
28 Colo-Colo 28.38
29 Bashame X Osaka 28.63
30 Sightread Gaming 28.75
31 Convert noob 29.50
32 Fate 29.75
33 Enterprise 31.25
34 For fun gamers 31.38
35 3 dif digits 33.63
36 looking for a team name 35.00
N/A abubeshki DNP
N/A Albacete x ICC DNP


General rules

  1. Match lobbies across the tournament will adhere to the following room settings:
    • Team Mode: Head-to-head
    • Win Condition: ScoreV2
  2. The mappools for each round will be announced by the tournament management in advance before the actual matches take place.
  3. Match schedules will be predetermined by the tournament management. If there are any teams who are unable to attend the current schedule for any reason, all other affected teams may apply and settle for a reschedule at the #reschedule channel in the tournament's Discord server.
  4. A referee will create a multiplayer room 10 minutes in advance and will start to send out invites.
  5. If a team does not show up or is unable to field in a sizeable 2v2 roster within 10 minutes of the start time, their opponent gets to win by default.
  6. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
  7. No Fail will be enforced in all beatmaps. This is to ensure that the points are to be awarded more fairly towards teams who perform better in general during the course of the beatmap regardless of their remaining health at the end.
  8. If a player disconnects, it will be treated as if they had failed the beatmap.
    • A match can be rematched for disconnects that occur within a few seconds after the beatmap has been started by the referee.
  9. Lag is not a valid reason to nullify a beatmap.
  10. If any problems during the match occur, the tournament management will make a decision based on the referee's report.
  11. It is expected that all players be polite and respectful to each other. Penalties will be given upon violation.
    • If a player is found to be engaging in an act that is deemed to be distasteful or provocative, the corresponding player or their team may be disqualified right away from the tournament and/or blacklisted from future iterations of the tournament by the tournament management.
    • Usage of any tools or programs that are against the osu! community rules is strictly prohibited and will be straight up reported to the osu! team at will.

Tournament registration

  1. In order to participate, players are required to form a team and register into the tournament as a team through the tournament's website.
    • Each team may only enlist one player ranked #1 – #50 and one player ranked #50 – #100 according to's convert ranking at the time of registration in their roster.
  2. Each team has to submit a designated team captain and a team name to the tournament management before the end of the screening phase.
    • Additionally, teams may also appoint one or more vice-captains who will be in charge of their team should the captain be unavailable.
    • Team names may not violate the osu! community rules.
  3. To ensure that all incoming registrations are serious and valid, every registered player will be checked in detail by the tournament management.
  4. The list of players who are deemed to be eligible to compete in the tournament will be published by the tournament management after the registration phase has ended.
  5. Testplayers, referees, custom mappers, and mappool selectors may not participate as players in this tournament.

Round-specific rules

Qualifier rules

  1. Each team will have to sign up to one of the Qualifier lobbies that have been scheduled and prepared by the tournament management in advance.
  2. In the lobby, all teams will have to consecutively play all of the eight Qualifier beatmaps in the order of NM1 -> NM2 -> HD1 -> HD2 -> HR1 -> HR2 -> DT1 -> DT2.
    • Teams are given two attempts at playing all the Qualifier beatmaps, although the second attempt is completely optional and teams may choose to skip this opportunity should they wish to.
    • Only the team's best playthrough for each beatmap will be used to determine the Qualifier rankings.
  3. Teams are not allowed to ban any beatmaps in the Qualifiers.
  4. Teams are not allowed to join (or register for) more than one Qualifier lobby.
  5. Based on their performance in the Qualifier, teams will be ranked according to their average beatmap rank across all eight Qualifier beatmaps.
  6. The 32 teams with the highest average beatmap rank according to the above criteria will advance to the knock-out stages.
    • If there are two (or more) teams that share the same average beatmap rank, the teams will be ordered based on their average score across all eight Qualifier beatmaps.
  7. Failure to attend in any of the predetermined Qualifier lobbies will result in an outright elimination from the tournament.

Knock-out stage rules

  1. The 32 teams who got through from the Qualifiers will be matched against each other based on their Qualifier seeding (e.g. Seed #1 vs. Seed #32, Seed #2 vs. Seed #31, and so on).
  2. Teams will compete against each other using the double-elimination system.
  3. The double-elimination system works as follows:
    • Teams who lose in the upper bracket can still play again in the lower bracket.
    • Teams who lose in the lower bracket will be eliminated from the tournament.
    • In the Grand Final match, the winner of the the upper bracket will only need to win a single match to win the tournament. The winner of the lower bracket, however, will need to win two matches and enforce a bracket reset in order to do so.
  4. Teams who can compete in the next round are determined by:
    • In the Round of 32 and the Round of 16, each team needs to win 5 points in order to win a match. (Best of 9)
    • In the Quarterfinals and the Semifinals, each team needs to win 6 points in order to win a match. (Best of 11)
    • In both of the Finals weeks, each team needs to win 7 points in order to win a match. (Best of 13)
    • Whether there are teams who are declared to win the match by default.
    • Whether there are teams who are disqualified from the tournament.

Match regulations

  1. Prior to starting the match, representatives from each team must run the !roll command in order to determine the banning and picking order.
    • The winner of the !roll gets to determine who gets the first pick and the second ban.
    • The loser of the !roll gets the opposite by default.
    • This rule does not apply in the Qualifier lobbies.
  2. Each team has to ban one beatmap from the corresponding mappool. These beatmaps will not be allowed to be picked by any team during the entire match.
    • Barring the tiebreaker, there are no restrictions as to which maps may and may not be banned in a match.
    • Banning does not apply in the Qualifier lobbies.
  3. Each team will be given a chance to pick one warm-up beatmap to be played in the lobby.
    • Playing a warm-up beatmap is not mandatory, and teams may elect to skip their warm-up pick should they wish to.
  4. Teams are expected to exercise common sense in pick time windows.
    • Teams are given 2 minutes to pick a beatmap and 2 minutes to press the Ready button on their client.
    • If a team is unable to come up with a pick within their time window, the pick will be chosen by random by the referee using the !roll X command.
  5. Not counting the Qualifiers, each stage of the tournament will feature a Mixed Mod pool that goes as follows:
    • The Mixed Mod pool will be played with Free Mod activated.
    • During a Mixed Mod pick, one player from each team will have to play the map with the Hidden mod activated, while the other player will have to play with either Hard Rock or Hidden + Hard Rock.
  6. When playing a map from the Hard Rock or Double Time pool, the Hidden modification may additionally be used by any player.
  7. In the case of a tiebreaker, the tiebreaker map will be played with the Free Mod option enabled. Players are free to play the tiebreaker map with Hidden, Hard Rock, or Hidden + Hard Rock should they wish to.
    • Playing the tiebreaker map with a mod is not mandatory.
  8. The results of each match and any other relevant information regarding the match will be noted by the referee after the match has been concluded.