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osu! community meetings

The osu! community meetings are a discussion panel hosted by the osu! team. The primary aim of these meetings is to give anyone a chance to speak directly with the developers and people responsible for managing the community to raise issues for discussion or further consideration.

Long ago in the game's distant past, the osu! team used to host regular community meetings where everyone was welcome to talk. With the scale of the game today, this is no longer feasible, but through Discord a queueing system of sorts has been implemented where questions can be addressed one at a time.

If you are interested in asking questions, please make sure you've read through the guidelines listed further down this page.

Currently, the osu! community meetings are being chaired by peppy, Ephemeral, and smoogipoo.

Getting involved

The osu! community meetings are currently hosted on a Discord Stage on the osu! Discord server, and simulcasted on peppy's Twitch channel. Each meeting usually last about an hour.

The meetings are announced with reminders on peppy's Twitter. To get notified about these meetings when they start, mark yourself as interested using the event posted on the osu! Discord server.

Everyone is welcome to join! If you have a question or have something to add to the discussion, you can raise your hand on the Discord Stage to join the queue, or write a message on the relevant Discord thread in the #community-meetings channel if you are not comfortable speaking, which will be read out loud and answered. In addition, before asking a question, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Plan your talking points ahead of time, and keep them as concise as possible.
  • Try to only bring up issues which affect the larger community, not just you.
  • Verification on osu! is not necessary, but may increase your chances of being selected for questions during Q&A sessions.

The aim is to take no more than 5 minutes per question, so please understand that previously answered or especially generic questions may be skipped.

Please also note that not all meetings will hold Q&A sessions.


The first osu! community meeting was hosted on September 19, 2021. All meetings have been and will continue to be recorded on YouTube, along with an accompanying summary document.

Meeting # Link Summary Agenda
0 September 19, 2021 Meeting notes Introduction to these meetings, ranking criteria, difficulty and performance points, osu!(lazer) in general
1 October 3, 2021 Meeting notes Various community questions, development update
2 October 17, 2021 Meeting notes Various community questions
3 October 31, 2021 Meeting notes Various community questions
4 November 14, 2021 Meeting notes Performance point development process, various community questions, development update
5 November 28, 2021 Meeting notes Various community questions, development update
6 December 11, 2021 Meeting notes Future of the osu! World Cups, various community questions
7 December 18, 2021 Meeting notes peppy responds to various controversies and drama in the community
8 January 9, 2022 Meeting notes HP mechanics (health drain), various community questions
9 January 22, 2022 Meeting notes Various community questions, development update
10 February 6, 2022 Meeting notes Various community questions
11 February 20, 2022 Summary news post Mod multipliers and score
12 March 6, 2022 Summary news post Leaderboards, cross-compatibility, and preparing for the release of osu!(lazer)
13 March 20, 2022 Meeting notes Development update, various community questions
14 April 3, 2022 Meeting notes Scoring survey results reviewing, various community questions
15 February 12, 2023 Meeting notes osu!(lazer) game mechanics and balance
16 July 7, 2023 Summary news post Finalising the scoring system in osu!(lazer)
17 August 21, 2023 Summary video Shifting development focus to get ranked play ready