A multi-layered contest launched in November 2020 celebrating the classic osu! beatmap Kuba Oms - My Love.
Submissions to this contest include the following elements:
Team name | Remixer(s) | Beatmapper(s) | Storyboard/video creator(s) | Entry |
Bowkutoly Encore | Raytoly | Raytoly, gokugohan12468 | Agent Encore, BowLL, Raytoly | Link |
Daniel Gaming | Sooph | Tocorn, phyr | Malishiosu | Link |
Dolbit Normalno | DestoppeD | NeilPerry, Sing, Mirash | Tommy Phelps | Link |
Down | Down | Down | Down | Link |
extremely valid | BilliumMoto, Shinwoir | Mao, DeviousPanda, Realazy | Mao | Link |
humilde | pm04034 | Megafan, ohm002 | ohm002 | Link |
Incoherent Sound | takehirotei | Kardshark, [MY]xArief, [-Chocola-] | GhostFY | Link |
le fishe au chocolat | -Tochi | Acylica, J1_, Lince Cosmico, -Tochi | -Tochi | Link |
Lovers | XenjeS | XenjeS, adioni, Delette | PantyDev | Link |
Moyai | SAMString | Aistre, Patrick Cake, Seolv | TheDuckMask | Link |
Pentangle of Ambivalence | Maemi no Yume | Kalindraz, Sakura Airi | K4L1 | Link |
schoolboy fans | Shadren | Shmiklak, Shadren, Daycore, wajinshu | Shmiklak | Link |
Team Name | Absolute Zero, Thievley | Gordon, Cheri | Fluffy91021 | Link |
Team Red but Blue | Redside, Noffy | Noffy, Chompy, Zer0-G | Noffy, Tofumang | Link |
Contest judging will be handled by a panel of mappers (including storyboarders) and a panel of musicians. Because each group has its own specialty, the highest scoring team in each group will earn a separate prize.
If a team wins in multiple of the above categories, they will be rewarded a profile badge reflecting all relevant categories.
format.Teams are encouraged tease their submissions in this contest prior to the results being announced.
The following usage terms were provided by Kuba Oms: The remixers can post their remixes on any and all social media, but they cannot sell, release, distribute, license or use the remixes for monetary gain without written consent from Kuba Oms.
For more information on results, see the detailed results overview and the results summary.
Rank | Team name |
1 | extremely valid |
2 | Pentangle of Ambivalence |
3 | Team Red but Blue |
4 | Incoherent Sound |
5 | Moyai |
6 | schoolboy fans |
7 | Daniel Gaming |
8 | Lovers |
9 | le fishe au chocolat |
10 | humilde |
11 | Dolbit Normalno |
12 | Team Name |
13 | Bowkutoly Encore |
14 | Down |
Rank | Team name |
1 | extremely valid |
2 | Dolbit Normalno |
3 | le fishe au chocolat |
4 | Moyai |
5 | schoolboy fans |
6 | Pentangle of Ambivalence |
7 | Incoherent Sound |
8 | Team Red but Blue |
9 | Lovers |
10 | humilde |
11 | Daniel Gaming |
12 | Team Name |
13 | Bowkutoly Encore |
14 | Down |
Rank | Team name |
1 | extremely valid |
2 | schoolboy fans |
3 | Dolbit Normalno |
4 | Incoherent Sound |
5 | le fishe au chocolat |
6 | Team Red but Blue |
7 | Moyai |
8 | Pentangle of Ambivalence |
9 | Lovers |
10 | Daniel Gaming |
11 | humilde |
12 | Team Name |
13 | Bowkutoly Encore |
14 | Down |
Rank | Team name | Total votes |
1 | Team Red but Blue | 1379 |
2 | extremely valid | 1079 |
3 | schoolboy fans | 1054 |
4 | Pentangle of Ambivalence | 963 |
5 | Dolbit Normalno | 843 |
6 | Incoherent Sound | 833 |
7 | le fishe au chocolat | 643 |
8 | Moyai | 430 |
N/A | Lovers | N/A |
N/A | Daniel Gaming | N/A |
N/A | humilde | N/A |
N/A | Team Name | N/A |
N/A | Bowkutoly Encore | N/A |
N/A | Down | N/A |