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Combo (score multiplier)

For other uses, see Combo (disambiguation).

Combo refers to the number of hit objects a player has hit consecutively without missing or sliderbreaking once. This number is displayed in various places during gameplay:

Max combo is the player's highest achieved combo throughout the play.

Game modes


The following each add a point to the score/combo multiplier:

  • A successful tap on the hit circle.
  • A successful tap at the start of a slider.
  • The slider ball collected a slider tick successfully.
  • The slider ball touched the end or a reverse arrow of a slider successfully.
  • A successful completed/semi-completed spinner.

The following will reset the score multiplier to zero:

  • Missing a hit circle.
  • Tapping a slider start early.
  • Missing a slider start or slider tick.
  • Failed to expand the spinner circle to a satisfactory size.
    • v1 skin behaviour: Failed to fill up at least half the gauge of a spinner.

The following will not increase or reset the score multiplier:

  • Missing a slider end (will result in getting Katu or 100/50 Hit).
  • Spinner: 1,000 Bonus


The following each add a point to the score/combo multiplier:

  • Getting GREAT or GOOD on small/large notes.

The following will reset the score multiplier to zero:

  • Getting MISS/BAD on small/large notes

The following will not increase or reset the score multiplier:

  • Doing the drumroll.
  • Not doing the drumroll.
  • Completing the Denden/Shaker
  • Not completing the Denden/Shaker


The following each add a point to the score/combo multiplier:

  • Collecting the fruits.
  • Collecting the juice drops.

The following will reset the score multiplier to zero:

  • Missed the fruits.
  • Missed the juice drops.

The following will not increase or reset the score multiplier:

  • Collecting the droplets.
  • Collecting the bananas.


The following each add a point to the score/combo multiplier:

  • Completing the note with correct key.
  • Holding the hold note with correct key.

The following will reset the score multiplier to zero:

  • Not completing the note.
  • Releasing the hold note during the hold period.

The following will not increase or reset the score multiplier:

  • Releasing the hold note on the ending note of the hold.