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Beatmap veto

The beatmap veto allows a Beatmap Nominator to withhold a beatmap from Qualification if they feel there are significant issues regarding beatmap quality which make it unfit for the Ranked section. Seeking further discussion or clarification over any kind of quality issues which they feel need to be addressed before the map can proceed with Qualification is one of their main responsibilities.

Any Beatmap Nominator may place a beatmap veto, provided they are formally qualified for the game mode(s) in question, as stated in the Beatmap Nominator Rules. Each beatmap veto must be discussed by both parties — the mapper as well as the Nominator placing the beatmap veto — in an attempt to reach an agreed compromise.

In cases where discussion does not take place or is inconclusive, and either the mapper or vetoing Nominator requests it, members of the Nomination Assessment Team (NAT) will initiate and oversee a mediation to either uphold or dismiss the veto. The mediation vote is held anonymously among the Beatmap Nominators and members of the NAT of a given game mode. Once voting has completed, the reasoning from each participant is revealed along with the mediation result in the beatmap discussion.

Performing a beatmap veto

As a Beatmap Nominator, you can veto a beatmap in one of three ways:

  • In the case of nominated beatmaps, resetting its nominations.
  • In the case of qualified beatmaps, disqualifying it.
  • In the case of pending beatmaps, posting a problem stamp.

In all cases, the beatmap veto should be stated as such, and should be accompanied by a detailed explanation as to why you believe the beatmap in question should not be considered for Qualification. A proper discussion which attempts to reach a mutual agreement by both sides of the argument must then follow.

Assuming the issues are satisfactorily resolved or justified with all parties in agreement, the Nominator may lift the beatmap veto and allow Qualification to proceed.

Veto mediation

Beatmapping is extremely diverse and creative differences are to be expected. This is to be encouraged for the sake of creating a variety of content all players can enjoy! However, such differences can naturally lead to disagreements.

If discussion is no longer progressing in the direction of a compromise, or is otherwise unable to be reasonably resolved, the beatmap creator or vetoing Beatmap Nominator can request for mediation. If no request is received, mediation will not begin and the mapper will be assumed to have given up on the beatmap.

If the vetoer is no longer a Beatmap Nominator and no mediation has been requested, the veto will be dismissed.

During mediation, Beatmap Nominators and members of the NAT for the game mode(s) the veto affects will vote for whether to uphold or dismiss the veto anonymously. Once initiated, this process will take around 7 days depending on how quickly participants make their decisions. The veto may be broken up into smaller points for voting which can be individually upheld or dismissed through the vote's results.

Any decision made by participants must be accompanied by a reason for making the decision. Should a member be unable to participate, their vote will be considered abstained.

For a veto point to be upheld, a 70% majority of votes must agree with what is stated. If this threshold is not reached, the veto point may be dismissed.

How to proceed after mediation

Following mediation, the beatmap veto will either be dismissed if the proposed changes are deemed unnecessary or detrimental to the beatmap, or upheld if they are considered necessary or beneficial.

Dismissed beatmap vetoes

If the beatmap veto is dismissed, any formally qualified Beatmap Nominator may renominate the beatmap, including the Nominator(s) who initially nominated.

Upheld beatmap vetoes

If the beatmap veto is upheld, the beatmap may not be re-nominated until appropriate changes are made that remedy the issues present.

Once changes are made to the beatmap, the Nominator performing the beatmap veto will be called to recheck the beatmap and decide if the issues have been satisfactorily addressed.

Challenging a beatmap veto

If a beatmap veto is upheld, the mapper may request another mediation if they meet the following criteria:

  • The latest veto mediation has been concluded for at least a year.
  • The beatmap currently has 2 Beatmap Nominators who are willing to nominate it, in case the veto is dismissed later.

To request a new mediation, the mapper must contact a member of the NAT corresponding to the game mode of the vetoed beatmap. Said request should include a link to the initial mediation conclusion post and the names of the 2 BNs who are willing to nominate the beatmap. The NAT will then contact the 2 BNs, and if there are no issues, the NAT will re-initiate the mediation with special conditions:

  • The jury will consist of every member of the BN/NAT corresponding to the game mode of the vetoed beatmap.
  • The mediation will last for 2 weeks.

If the veto is dismissed, the 2 BNs mentioned above may nominate the beatmap. If said BNs are no longer willing to nominate, their position as Beatmap Nominators may be questioned as a result.

If the veto is upheld, the beatmap may not be re-nominated until appropriate changes are made that remedy the issues present, and the beatmap may not be eligible for another mediation unless the above criteria are fulfilled again.