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Reporting bad behaviour

osu! has a team of moderators that adheres to keeping the game and its ecosystem clean and safe. If you notice rule-breaking behaviour or inappropriate content, report it using one of the methods described below. Alternatively, you may contact any of the moderators online directly if your report wasn't properly handled within a reasonable amount of time — do so only as the last resort.

Accidental reports are ignored. Users who deliberately send invalid reports can risk being silenced.

Special cases

Nature of infringement Point of contact
Scamming/Phishing in private messages Send a regular report
Other offensive/inappropriate private messages None: ignore the user instead. For permanent effect, use the in-game ignore list located in options or block them on the website with the button located on their user profile.
Inappropriate conduct from a BN NAT, via the NAT/BN Management website
Inappropriate conduct from a member of the NAT or GMT Account support team at
Sexual abuse or extreme misbehaviour Refer to Reporting Abuse

For anything else, see instructions below.

In-game chat

The !report command

Example of using the !report command

Chat misbehaviour is the most common infringement. To report it, use the !report command, preferably in the channel where infringement took place. Don't feel stressed: if your message starts with !report and a space, it is only visible to moderators and no one else in the chat. You can also use the report function via the in-game overlay as depicted below if you are still concerned.

The command's syntax has two forms:

!report username
!report username (free-form description follows)

If there are spaces in the username, replace them with underscores:

!report bad_user spamming in #osu

In-game overlay

User action menu with the report button

In-game report dialog

This option works if the offending user is in sight:

  1. Click their username and press the red button titled Report User...
  2. Select the category and add details (optional).


Profile page

The report button on a profile page

Report dialog on the website

  1. Press the button with three vertical dots and select Report.
  2. Select the category and add details (optional).


The report button on a forum post

  1. Hover the cursor over the post.
  2. In a row of buttons that appear in the top right corner of the post, click the button with a warning sign.
  3. Select the category and add details (optional).

Comments section

The report button on a website comment

  1. Under the comment, click the report link.
  2. Select the category and add details (optional).


The report button on a beatmap page

  1. Press the button with three vertical dots and select Report.
  2. Select the category and add details (optional).

Beatmap discussion

The report button on a discussion post

  1. Under the discussion post, click the report link.
  2. Select the category and add details (optional).

Score listing

The report button on a top score in a user's profile

User profile

  1. Scroll to the Ranks section, or Historical for recent plays, and locate the score.
  2. At the right side of the score, press the button with three vertical dots and select Report Score.
  3. Select the category and add details (optional).

Beatmap scores listing

The report button on a top score in a beatmap scores listing

  1. Hover the cursor over the score.
  2. At the right side of the score, press the button with three vertical dots and select Report Score.
  3. Select the category and add details (optional).