The Tournament Committee is a panel of skilled and established organisers and helpers in the tournament scene. The panel was first announced to the public on July 22, 2021 through the #tournaments
channel in the osu! Discord server in response to the rapidly growing community tournament scene in osu!.
The Tournament Committee's responsibilities include advising the account support team on:
Additionally, the Tournament Committee performs the following roles independent of the account support team:
The Contest Committee is a subgroup directly associated with the Tournament Committee which is specifically dedicated to evaluating beatmapping contests.
Their responsibilities include:
The panel was first announced to the public on February 28, 2024 through the Mapping Discussion forum.
Tournament reports are the preferred way for players and tournament staff to report infringements of the official tournament support expectations and eligibility. When a new report is sent in, all Tournament Committee members are automatically notified. Members will read the report and determine whether to pursue action based on the report's contents. Such action includes but is not limited to:
Once a tournament has concluded and has requested a badge prize, two random members from the Tournament Committee are assigned to review the tournament. If either of those members have a conflict of interest, they are required to state it so that someone else may be assigned in their place. The assigned members will ensure the following:
Assigned members will indicate tournaments that pass the review process as eligible for badges. The account support team will apply the badges at a later time to the winners' profiles. If a tournament fails the review process, the reviewing members may advise the account support team on what changes need to be communicated to the tournament hosts. If these changes are not possible after the tournament's conclusion, the Tournament Committee will hold a vote on whether to withdraw official support.
Tournaments may be reported for violations of official support criteria via the tournament reports form. For concluded tournaments that have sent a support email, the Tournament Committee will take the following course of action if there are actionable reports:
See also: Official tournament support § News posts and News styling criteria
When an email requesting a news post for a tournament is received, the Tournament Committee will be notified. If the tournament satisfies all eligibility criteria for news posts and the consensus in discussion is positive after 48 hours, the Tournament Committee will forward the request to the news post team for approval.
If a tournament host believes their tournament has achieved the highest level of production quality and organisation possible, they can request to receive badge prizes for all three finalists in their tournament. If a host requests to be awarded with this distinction, the assigned members will also notify the rest of the Tournament Committee for discussion. Following this discussion, a vote will be held.
Public communication by the Tournament Committee is handled through several channels. The purposes for these sometimes overlap, but all are official sources of information kept up to date by the Tournament Committee.
The Tournament Committee maintains an account on Twitter where the committee broadcasts major changes and updates of various types. Not all changes are communicated here, but many of the most important changes are communicated and clarified through this channel.
The Community Tournament Status Tracker is a publicly viewable spreadsheet detailing the status of all tournaments that have requested official support. This sheet shows all tournaments dating back to June 20th, 2023 and displays their status through the official support process, including whether a badge was applied or denied.
The Official Tournament Support Updates thread is a pinned thread in the Tournaments & Contests forum which contains an up-to-date list of updates to the official tournament support wiki article dating back to February 1st, 2023. It also links to all the aforementioned resources.
New members to the Tournament Committee must meet the following basic criteria before being considered for the position:
Once a prospective member applies by sending an email to, the Tournament Committee holds an in-depth discussion on the candidate. Special attention is paid towards their activity in the tournament scene, stature, community contributions, and how they would benefit the committee. Following said discussion, a vote is held to determine whether to add the candidate to the committee.
Applicants that fail to gather enough positive votes will be denied, and won't be able to apply again for 6 months from the time of response to their application. The response will be sent no later than 2 weeks from the day the application was submitted.
The Tournament Committee frequently makes use of voting when making important decisions. Typical uses are listed above, but those are not fully inclusive. The voting requirements also differ based on the use case. All typical votes also require "strict participation", meaning that if 75% of the Tournament Committee does not participate by the vote deadline, voting is extended by 24 hours. Furthermore, all votes require at least an absolute majority, at least 50%, for action to be taken. Votes on many topics have the same requirements, but there are slight differences on some common topics listed below.
Vote type | Minimum length (days) | Approval threshold |
Withholding badge support | 3 | 50% |
Tournament bans | 3 | 50% |
Tournament staffing bans | 3 | 50% |
Top three badge support | 4 | 80% |
Adding new members | 4 | 80% |
Common tournament ban lengths can be found on the Tournament bans wiki page.
The account support team administers tournament bans. The Tournament Committee advises the account support team on many tournament bans, but ultimately is solely an advisory committee when it comes to tournament bans.
The account support team does screening. The Tournament Committee is completely uninvolved in this process.
The account support team applies profile badges. While the Tournament Committee can advise for or against doing so based on how a tournament runs and any reports about the tournament, the account support team ultimately applies them.
The Tournament Committee can only see the content of emails to They cannot write or send emails, nor can they see metadata such as the sender's email address or name, only email content.
You can help the Tournament Committee by continuing to run excellent tournaments! If you have any issues or concerns regarding any aspect of a community tournament, we encourage you to bring these to our attention via the tournament reports form.
Those who are interested in joining the Tournament Committee may express their interest by sending an email to the account support team via, where requests are forwarded to the committee. Successful candidates are expected to have a significant breadth of experience in the tournament scene, either as a player or staff.
Tournament Committee members are granted the following benefits: