Requested page is not yet translated to the selected language (português brasileiro). Showing English version.


For the formatting standards, see: Article style criteria/Formatting
Notice: This article uses RFC 2119 to describe requirement levels.

This article concerns writing standards for all English articles. The writing standards for translations can be found in the translations of this page.

All English articles must use plain English.

Content parity

Translations are subject to strict content parity with their English article, in the sense that they must have the same message, regardless of grammar and syntax. Any changes to the translations' meanings must be accompanied by equivalent changes to the English article.

There are some cases where the content is allowed to differ:

  • Articles originally written in a language other than English (in this case, English should act as the translation)
  • Translations and explanations of English words that are common terms in the osu! community
  • External links
  • Tags
  • Information specific to a subcommunity or a certain language (such as translations of this article)

Language register

There are two language registers on the wiki: neutral and informal.

The neutral register is the default on the wiki.

The informal register is special and given to a small handful of articles. Some examples with this register include FAQ and Help Centre.

For both registers, all rules in this part of the article style criteria must be followed. Exceptions for either register will be noted.

British English

British English spelling variants must be used when there are conflicting spellings of English words. For example, use:

  • colour instead of color
  • centre instead of center
  • skilful instead of skillful
  • analyse instead of analyze


Article names

Article names, when written in a paragraph, must not be capitalised, unless it is a link that points to the article or it is a proper noun (e.g. BanchoBot). The following is an example:

If you want to know more about chat, refer to [Chat Console](/wiki/Client/Interface/Chat_console).

Game modifiers

Game modifiers must have the word mod after the mod name to reduce ambiguity. These must be spelt as seen below (letter casing and spacing must match):

  • Easy or EZ
  • No Fail or NF
  • Half Time or HT
  • Daycore or DC
  • Hard Rock or HR
  • Sudden Death or SD
  • Perfect or PF
  • Double Time or DT
  • Nightcore or NC
  • Fade In or FI
  • Hidden or HD
  • Flashlight or FL
  • Relax or RL
  • Autopilot or AP
  • Target Practice or TP
  • Spun Out or SO
  • 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, 8K, and 9K
    • If referring to the key mods collectively, use xK.
  • Co-op or CO
  • Random or RD
  • Mirror or MR
  • Auto or AT
  • Cinema or CM
  • Touch Device or TD
  • ScoreV2

These game modifiers are no longer being used by osu!; however, if needed, these must be spelt as seen below (letter casing and spacing must match):

  • Fade Out
  • No Video
  • 10K
  • Taiko

When writing out game modifiers for tournament articles, they must instead use upper camel case (omit the space and keep the letter casing as seen above).

Gameplay elements

Gameplay elements must not be capitalised, unless they act as a title for a link that points to the article. The following is an example:

In the osu! game mode, beatmaps are composed of three different gameplay elements: hit circles, sliders, and spinners.

Language names

Language names must be capitalised. The following is an example:

The `#spanish` chat channel is for those who speak Spanish.

Proper nouns

Proper nouns must be capitalised. The following is an example:

Dean Herbert (also known as peppy) created osu! back in 2007.


For rules regarding osu!, see: osu!

The following trademarks must be spelt as follows (letter casing must match):

  • Discord
  • Facebook
  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Reddit
  • Skype
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

Trademarks must not be followed by the trademark or registered trademark symbols.

Date and time

Date formatting

The formats found in Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Dates and numbers § Formats are all accepted date formats. Date formatting should be consistent throughout the entire article.

The YYYY-MM-DD date format should only be used in tables.

Time formatting

Time formatting must be done using the following format:


Time is written in 24-hour format and any single digits must be prefixed with a zero. The timezone must be written immediately after the time and should be in UTC+0 for global events or in the timezone of the event for smaller events. Use UTC instead of GMT.

Bad examples:

3:30 PM UTC
22:30 (UTC+7)

Good examples:

15:30 UTC
22:30 UTC+7
11:30 UTC-4

UTC (without an offset) is implied to be UTC+0. Either one may be used, but usage must be consistent. UTC with an explicit 0 offset must use a plus symbol (+).

Date and time formatting

When both date and time are used together, the date must be written first, followed by the time. The time must be in between parenthesis (( and )).

Bad examples:

October 25, 2016 at 11:45 UTC
October 25, 2016 11:45 UTC

Good example:

October 25, 2016 (11:45 UTC)


When mentioning the game itself or any of the related projects or terms, follow the brand identity guidelines. Use proper names of the game modes, such as osu!taiko, except when in historical context.

User titles

User titles that include osu! as part of the title name must be capitalised. Examples include:

  • osu! Alumni
  • osu! Champion

osu! in a sentence

  • osu! should not end a sentence. If it does, use a full stop (.) or question mark to get osu!. or osu!?.
  • osu! must not be followed by an exclamation mark (i.e. osu!!) — rewrite the sentence if necessary.


These words must be spelt as follows (spacing must match):

  • approach circle
  • game mode (or mode)
  • game mod (or mod)
  • gameplay
  • hit burst
  • hit circle
  • hitsound
  • in-game
  • playstyle
  • slider tick
  • slider ball
  • slider path
  • Kudosu (to be treated as a proper noun)

Some words have variants. Their preferred spelling must be used and is as follows:

  • creator or mapper instead of beatmapper.
  • mapped instead of beatmapped.
  • BN or Beatmap Nominators when referring to the Beatmap Nominators.
  • sign in instead of log in, unless the name of a button or link says otherwise.
  • sign out instead of log out, unless the name of a button or link says otherwise.
  • register instead of sign up, unless the name of a button or link says otherwise.

Tournament articles

These words must be spelt as follows (spacing must match):

  • No Mod, or NM
  • Free Mod, or FM
  • Tiebreaker (not a proper noun, i.e. not capitalised within sentences)

Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms

Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms must have their meaning written out upon their first occurrence. Other occurrences are optional, but done only when necessary. The following is an example:

The NC (Nightcore) mod is similar to the DT (Double Time) mod because both NC and DT increase the speed of the music by 50%. However, NC will change the pitch of the music and add a clap and finish to the beat.

Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms must be capitalised, with exception. The following are examples:

  • CS for Circle Size
  • AR for Approach Rate
  • DT for Double Time
  • SBS for Storyboard Scripting

Use e.g. for "for example" and i.e. for "that is".

Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms should not be pluralised. The following is an example:

Avoid:  BNs can nominate your beatmap.

Prefer: Beatmap Nominators can nominate your beatmap.


player, user, skinner, storyboarder, and creator should be used when referring to the reader or another person. they, them, their, and theirs may be used when needed.

you and your should be avoided. I must not be used. we, he or his, and she or her must not be used (see above for other terms).

Articles with informal registers may ignore this section; however, I in paragraphs should be avoided.

Grammar and syntax

Articles should prefer using simpler American grammar and syntax.


Contractions must not be used.

Articles with informal registers may use contractions; however, usage should stay consistent throughout the entire article.


For number formatting, see Wikipedia's Manual of Style on Number formatting

Articles with informal registers may ignore this section; however, usage should stay consistent throughout the entire article.


Articles with informal registers should avoid using semicolons (;).

Serial comma

The serial comma, also known as the Oxford or Harvard comma, must be used.


Refer to Wikipedia's Manual of Style for dash usage. When punctuating a sentence however, use em dashes with spaces around them (" — "), not spaced en dashes (" – "). Hyphens ("-") must not be used in place of dashes.

Logical quotation

Refer to Wikipedia's Manual of Style for logical quotations.

From Wikipedia's Manual of Style:

Include terminal punctuation within the quotation marks only if it was present in the original material, and otherwise place it after the closing quotation mark. For the most part, this means treating periods and commas in the same way as question marks: keep them inside the quotation marks if they apply only to the quoted material and outside if they apply to the whole sentence.

By extension, emphasis, links, and parentheses should follow the same rules regarding punctuation (i.e. whether they enclose a whole sentence or only part of one).

Block quotation

When quoting text from someone, specify the person being quoted after the blockquote with an em dash (). If the original quote is from a non-English source, specify it in parentheses.

> plz enjoy game

—rrtyui (translated from {language})

In general, the source of the quote should be specified above it. See the above section for an example. When quoting a written article or otherwise, and not necessarily a specific person, the writer does not need to be specified below the blockquote.


Written pronunciation must use the International Phonetic Alphabet.
