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Notice: This article is an extension of the general ranking criteria.
This set of osu!catch ranking criteria lays out rules and guidelines that osu!catch-specific beatmaps must follow in order to progress through the beatmap ranking procedure.
Overall rules and guidelines apply to every kind of osu!catch difficulty. Rhythm-related rules and guidelines apply to approximately 180 BPM beatmaps with 4/4 time signatures. If your song is drastically faster or slower, some variables might be different, as detailed in Scaling BPM on the Ranking Criteria.
All circles and slider heads should represent a sound existing in the music. This is usually a distinct sound, but can also represent a continuous sound with an indistinguishable start or end.
Slider tails of extended sliders should be snapped according to the song's beat structure. If the song is using a straight beat, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16 should be used. If the song is using a swing beat, 1/6 or 1/12 should be used. If the song has a sound in a different snap from what was recommended, snapping to an actual beat always takes priority.
Dashes and hyperdashes should not be used when the destination of the dash or hyperdash is located near the left or right border of the playfield. This creates an uncomfortable movement as the catcher is forcibly stopped upon reaching the border of the playfield (x:16 on the left and x:496 on the right).
Ensure combos do not reach unreasonable lengths. Caught
fruits will stack up on the plate and can potentially obstruct the player's view. Bear in mind that slider tails, repeats and
spinner bananas also count as "fruits". New combos should be placed regularly to clear the plate and avoid this.
Try to have at least one spinner in each difficulty to create variety in the map and fluctuation among scores. However, if a spinner just doesn't fit anywhere in the song, then there's no need to force one.
Overall Difficulty should have the same value as the Approach Rate. This is just a standardised value, as Overall Difficulty does not affect gameplay nor the number of
fruits a
spinner has. Overall Difficulty only affects the maximum score of a difficulty.
Slider tick rate should be set according to the song. For example if your song only uses 1/3 snapping, using tick rate 2 or 4 would not be fitting.
Use the same slider tick rate on every difficulty as it is a property of the music rather than the mapping. However, lower difficulties may use lower tick rates to reduce accuracy requirements for newer players, providing they still follow the rhythm of the song. Using high tick rates purely to increase score/combo/difficulty is senseless.
Avoid using combo colours with ~50 luminosity or lower. Dark colours impact the readability of
fruits with low background dim.
Avoid using combo colours with ~220 luminosity or higher if Kiai time is used. Light colours create bright pulses during Kiai time, which can be unpleasant to the eyes.
Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level they are listed for and therefore do not apply to every osu!catch difficulty. Rhythm-related rules and guidelines apply to approximately 180 BPM beatmaps. If your song is drastically faster or slower, some variables might be different, as detailed in Scaling BPM on the Ranking Criteria.
Main article: Difficulty naming





Cup |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Salad |
250 ms or higher |
125-249 ms |
- |
- |
Platter |
125 ms or higher |
62-124 ms |
250 ms or higher |
125-249 ms |
Rain |
125 ms or higher |
62-124 ms |
125 ms or higher |
62-124 ms |
Overdose |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Dashes and hyperdashes of any kind are disallowed. This is to ensure an easy starting experience to beginner players. In order to test that out, it must be possible to achieve an SS rank on the difficulty without making use of the dash key.
At least 250 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start and end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
Hyperdashes of any kind are disallowed. This is to ensure a manageable step in difficulty for novice players.
Dashes must have at least a 125 ms gap between their two objects.
Edge dashes must not be used. They require extremely precise timing which cannot be expected of less-experienced players.
At least 250 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start and end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
Hyperdashes must have at least a 125 ms gap between their two objects.
Hyperdashes cannot be used on individual drops and/or slider repetitions. The accuracy and control required is unreasonable at this level and can create a situation where the player potentially fails to read the slider path.
Hyperdashes of a different beat snap must not be used between consecutive fruits. For example, a 1/2 hyperdash followed by a 1/4 hyperdash.
Dashes must have at least a 62 ms gap between their two objects.
Dashes that are higher-snapped can be used up to two times between consecutive fruits, provided there isn't a direction change between them.
Edge dashes must not be used. They require extremely precise timing which cannot be expected of less-experienced players.
At least 125 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
At least 250 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
Hyperdashes that are basic-snapped must not be used more than two times within a slider. The slider path must be simple and easy-to-follow.
At least 125 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start and end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
At least 62 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
At least 125 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.