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GitHub web-based editor

Note: This article uses Windows key combinations.
See also: The web-based editor - GitHub Docs is a publicly available, GitHub-tailored web version of Visual Studio Code. Compared to GitHub's own web editor, it offers a lot more flexibility and control over the repository's contents. is a recommended way of contributing to the osu! wiki, especially while working on several articles at once.

Note: To work with the osu! wiki, fork the ppy/osu-wiki repository.

To open osu! wiki in the editor, replace in the URL of your fork repository with Alternatively, open your fork on GitHub and press . (period).

Example use of the command palette

While all menus are accessible from the editor's interface, the intended way of navigation is using the command palette:

  • Press F1 and enter the name of a setting to open, or action to perform. If nothing shows up, explore the hamburger menu () in the top left corner of the screen.
  • To open a file, press Ctrl + P and enter its name.


After you have read Best practices § Making changes, create a new branch to store your changes in.

  1. Click the current branch's name in the bottom left corner, or press F1 and type branch.
    • Select Create new branch..., enter the name of the branch, and press Enter.
    • To help yourself remember what your work is roughly about, choose a descriptive name. As an example, for a German translation of Beatmap Discussion, you could use de-modding-v2.
  2. To return to your changes, select the appropriate branch's name in the previously mentioned dropdown.


Existing files

  1. Press Ctrl + P and enter the name of a file you want to open, then press Enter. Loose matching is supported: for example, typing nominators veto en will bring up wiki/People/The_Team/Beatmap_Nominators/Beatmap_Veto/
  2. Edit the file as necessary. Uncommitted changes are stored in your browser, and you can return to them after leaving
  3. Once you are satisfied with the article(s), commit the changes.

New articles or translations

Articles are stored within folders with the original text ( and its translations, which use different language-based file names.

  • To add a new translation for an existing article, right-click its folder and create a new .md file using one of the supported file names.
  • To add a new article, do the following:
    • Create a folder in an appropriate category following the naming convention. If the article doesn't belong anywhere, create its folder in the /wiki/ directory.
    • Add the file with the article's text to the new folder.

File operations

  • Open the built-in file explorer (Ctrl + Shift + E).
  • Move a file or a directory by dragging it around. Hold Ctrl to select multiple objects.
  • To rename or delete files or directories, use the context menu or press F2.
  • To upload a file, drag it to an appropriate place in the file explorer.

Committing changes

Commit and push changes to save them permanently

  1. Open the source control view (Ctrl + Shift + G).
  2. Click the + button on files you want to save in a single batch.
  3. Enter the commit message in English. Use a short and meaningful commit message, as it lets others know what's in the box.
  4. Press Ctrl + Enter or click the button to commit and push your changes.

What's next

When everything is ready, use Best practices § Self-check to proofread your changes. After that, send your changes for review by opening a pull request to the ppy/osu-wiki repository.
