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Lazer release stream

For a list of features in lazer and common questions regarding the new client, see: Help centre/Upgrading to lazer
For a list of changes to game mechanics, see: Gameplay differences in osu!(lazer)

The osu!(lazer) client logo.

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First release 2017-02-12
Open source Yes

"Lazer" is the code name for the next major update to osu!. While the other release streams are feature-locked, lazer will continue to receive updates and eventually become the new "stable" client, with other versions renamed accordingly.


The project started in mid-20151 as a new design for the stable client's interface codenamed "osu!next" made by flyte, osu!'s lead designer. This was first showcased in a teaser video the same year.

Draft versions were uploaded on flyte's design blog starting from 2016.

Implementing the design and new planned features using stable's code base proved to be difficult or even nearly impossible due to technical debt. As such, work started on a complete rewrite of the client early 2016 and a first release was published on GitHub on 12 February 2017, containing a bare-minimum implementation of gameplay in the osu! game mode, and the new menu designs.

A game framework is concurrently maintained as a separate project, the osu!framework, which includes general, lower-level components and infrastructure that may be useful in other games or applications.

