6 Sep 2013
August 2013 Highlights
by peppy

August 2013 Highlights

by peppy

August was a hectic month for osu!, with the largest yet DDoS attack launched against us. We have fixed things up and are now on top of it all, though!

A new version-based changelog display is out!

It's now much easier to see what features and bugfixes were in each release! After an update, you can click the notification in the lower right corner of the game client, or go to the main changelog and click one of the buttons up top with the number of the version you want to check out. This will bring up a list of every fix pushed out to that public release, which is quite a step up from the normal changelog when you want to know what updates have just gone live!

Bancho is now better protected from DDoS attacks!

Due to the high frequency of attacks on Bancho in the last month or so, peppy took it upon himself to port Bancho to HTTP (website format), rather than the much harder to defend TCP. What this means for the end-user is that Cloudflare can now defend Bancho against DDoS attacks, which is a much more powerful protection service than what was available before, and stops almost any attack in its tracks. For more information, look forward to a post on peppy's blog about this, coming soon!

osu! stickers have been ordered!

At the beginning of the month, peppy announced in a Community Voice thread that he was considering ordering osu! stickers. Enough people showed interest that the first batch has already been ordered - keep your eyes peeled, as these stickers should be coming soon! Choices include a set of five different 3"x3" designs from the most recent merchandise contest, and a set of ten 2"x2" osu! logo stickers, just the right size to put on the back of a smartphone.

Noteworthy Websites

http://osusignature.x10.mx - a wonderful page created by XPJ38 which uses the osu! API to create user info signatures in four different styles - two of which replicate the old, now decrepit osu! signatures from the past! Definitely worth checking out, as they are very high quality.
http://osumodding.tumblr.com - a blog created by Shiro, one of our most dedicated BATs. Here, you can take a look at explanations for different mapping styles, and how to identify and avoid common mistakes in mapping. There aren't many articles here yet, but more should be on the way!



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