by MillhioreF
This week's storyboard highlight is a little bit different than the ones in weeks past - read on to find out how!
For the previous highlights, I have picked maps that were popularly suggested via form submission as a good gauge of what the community thinks are great storyboards. This pick, however, is quite the other way around, in that there was not a single submission suggesting this map! Since the weekly storyboard showcase is all about helping osu! discover great storyboards, I feel that picking a particularly unknown map once in a while will maximize the reach and effectiveness of the showcase :).
Sound Horizon - Yield by gdeath
Storyboard by Breeze
Even though this map was created and storyboarded back in 2010, that doesn't change how high-quality the storyboard is, especially for its time. Colorful, detailed backgrounds lightly complement the music and aid in telling its story - and the map isn't bad either, fitting the song's pace very well!
Also, as a bonus for those of you who were curious about the survey results, you can view them here. We got over 2,800 submissions, which is a great turnout!
Those who haven't already suggested a storyboard may do so by clicking here.