28 Dec 2015
osu!weekly #41
It's upon us! The last week of the year! Now that we have tossed out the hastily destroyed wrapping paper, let's take a look at what is happening around the game as we are going through the last days of the calendar. Read on!
by Nyquill
21 Dec 2015
November 2015 Ranking Charts
Hello everyone! The Ranking Charts for November 2015 have just been released and can be found here!
by OnosakiHito
21 Dec 2015
osu!weekly #40
Hello everyone! It's the penultimate osu!weekly of 2015, and the last post before Christmas! The holiday cheer has been spread like the gifts under the tree. What kinds of festive happenings are taking place in the community? Read on to find out!
by Nyquill
17 Dec 2015
osu! World Cup 2015 - Results
The osu! World Cup 2015 concluded last Sunday with an amazing Grand Final. In an unexpected turn of events, the United States were able to come back from the loser's bracket and secure their first osu! World Cup Title against their final opponent: China.
by Loctav
14 Dec 2015
osu!weekly #39
What an intense week! Through a series of matches; China and USA have fought in one of the most suspenseful finals we have ever had in a tournament. Read on for more information.
by Tari
7 Dec 2015
osu!weekly #38
More news this week, with past events concluded. Be sure to look at the winner and results of the osu!idol2015 and MBC#11 if you haven't already.
by Tari
5 Dec 2015
osu!idol 2015 Results!
Throughout the last 4 months, with over 100 competitors, we went through 4 stages and managed to narrow it down to 3 singers to be our winners.
by LoliFlan
3 Dec 2015
Monthly Beatmapping Contest #11 Results
With our first ever osu!mania-only Beatmapping Contest coming to a close after a long wait, the results are in and the winner has been decided. This one was an osu!mania mapset only.
by ztrot
1 Dec 2015
osu!mania 7K World Cup 2016 - Registrations open!
We would like to welcome all of you to new year's official osu!mania World Cups, starting with the 7-key edition! To ensure that you are aware of everything, please read our wiki article carefully before registering for this tournament.
by Loctav
30 Nov 2015
osu!weekly #37
Hey everyone! Another week of news, with some big suprises this week along with previous ongoing events.
by Tari
26 Nov 2015
October 2015 Ranking Charts
Hello everyone and sorry for the late announcement! The Ranking Charts for October 2015 have just been released and can be found here!
by OnosakiHito
23 Nov 2015
osu!weekly #36
Greetings All. I want to say thank you to everyone that gave feedback on the previous weekly, and for all your encouraging words as I stepped into this role. Some big stuff going on this week, let us get to it.
by Tari