23 Jun 2018
osu! Mapping Olympiad #1 Results
by Chaos, Irreversible, Voli

osu! Mapping Olympiad #1 Results

by Chaos, Irreversible, Voli

The very first osu! Mapping Olympiad has just concluded, and the results are in! See who emerged on top amongst the mappers who competed on three exciting songs by Kuba Oms, cYsmix and OISHII!

For the inaugural Olympiad contest, we tasked mappers with choosing one of three songs to create a single difficulty showcasing their mapping prowess. There were 31 entries in total across the three songs, and the results are below:

Kuba Oms - Beautiful Uncertainty (Redux)

Rank Username Entry Name Musical Relevance (50) Creativity (50) Technique (50) Impression (50) Hitsounding (25) Total Score
#1 pishifat Tactful Manatee 43.5 41.5 45 41.5 19 190.5
#2 Fallmorph Competitive Bison 41.5 43.5 37 43.5 20 185.5
#3 Gaia Needy Pelican 36 32.5 36.2 35 18 157.7
#4 XeroiZi HD Empathetic Hawk 33.8 31.5 32.8 31.6 17.3 147
#5 kiwixs Sour Blackbird 17.7 17.5 16.5 18 7.5 77.2
#6 Uraomote Error Resolute Harrier 18 14.5 19.5 18 4 74

Coming in first place for Beautiful Uncertainty (Redux) is pishifat with a total score of 190.5! pishifat received the highest score from three of the judges as well as top marks for musical relevance and technique!

Very close behind in second place is Fallmorph with a total score of 185.5! Fallmorph received the highest score from the other two judges as well as top marks for creativity, impression, and hitsounding.

And rounding out the top three, third place belongs to Gaia with a total score of 157.7! Gaia received consistently high scores from each of the judges and across all categories.

Click here for the complete results for Beautiful Uncertainty (Redux) including judges' comments for each entry.

cYsmix - Escapism

Rank Username Entry Name Musical Relevance (50) Creativity (50) Technique (50) Impression (50) Hitsounding (25) Total Score
#1 Bonzi Uptight Dolphin 46 41.5 44.5 43 20.5 195.5
#2 Rokkea Composed Chipmunk 41 40 43.3 42.5 18.3 185.1
#3 fanzhen0019 Vulnerable Pelican 43.3 37 38.3 40 19.3 177.9
#4 Shizuku- Hesitant Whale 38.3 36 40.8 38.3 14.5 167.9
#5 MaridiuS Jovial Bison 37.5 34.5 41 35.8 18.3 167.1
#6 SyraxAxoJaxco Uncivil Phoebe 35.8 26.5 34.5 33 21.3 151.1
#7 Innovation Tolerant Harrier 31.8 29.5 30 29 7 127.3
#8 Jonawaga Forgiving Bat 28.1 22 32 28.5 3.5 114.1
#9 Myxomatosis Guilty Bufflehead 25.5 19.5 20.7 23 14.9 103.6
#10 snickertit Intimidated Lark 20.5 17 17.8 17.5 7 79.8
#11 Mattchanhew Ignorant Ibis 19.9 17.5 18.5 18.8 3.5 78.2
#12 makillerts Vile Crow 14.2 11 13.2 14 7.3 59.7

In first place for Escapism is Bonzi with a total score of 195.5! Bonzi received the highest marks for every category, demonstrating that his entry was truly a cut above the rest!

Second place goes to Rokkea with a total score of 185.1! Rokkea scored excellently in each category, just barely behind Bonzi across the board.

Third place goes to fanzhen0019 with a total score of 177.9! fanzhen also scored excellently in each category, falling slightly behind on creativity and technique.

Click here for the complete results for Escapism including judges' comments for each entry.


Rank Username Entry Name Musical Relevance (50) Creativity (50) Technique (50) Impression (50) Hitsounding (25) Total Score
#1 Monstrata Responsive Porcupine 43.5 38.8 45 42 21.5 190.8
#2 Kibbleru Tenacious Starling 38.3 34.5 40 34 19.5 166.3
#3 Nozhomi Happy Raccoon 34.5 33.5 35.5 35.5 18.5 157.5
#4 Delis Content Mouse 32 28.5 31 31 18.3 140.8
#5 Senery Charming Thrasher 34.8 26.5 32.5 28.5 16.5 138.8
#6 Veridian Woeful Mouse 30 25.5 33 30 17 135.5
#7 Frostings Anxious Sparrow 28 29.5 32 28.3 16.8 134.6
#8 ReFaller Prejudicial Chameleon 32 24.5 33 27 17.5 134
#9 megafanx3 Perturbed Waxwing 23.5 28 24 23.5 9.5 108.5
#10 Respirte Sober Badger 22.5 24 22.5 22.2 8 99.2
#11 I love Emilia Expectant Opossum 16.5 16.5 17 17 6 73
#12 ARGENTINE DREAM Wistful Iguana 18.5 12 14.5 15 10.5 70.5
#13 - Crow Ultimate Chameleon 16.5 18.5 17.3 17 1 70.3

First place for HONEY SNOWFLAKES goes to Monstrata with a total score of 190.8! Monstrata's entry surpassed all the others by a large margin, achieving the highest scores for each category as well as the only exceptional score from judge Electoz.

In second place is Kibbleru with a total score of 166.3! Kibbleru scored consistently high in each category showcasing an overall skillful entry.

And third place goes to Nozhomi with a total score of 157.5! Nozhomi also scored consistently high in each category, notably ahead of the rest of the entries.

Click here for the complete results for HONEY SNOWFLAKES including judges' comments for each entry.

Thank you to everybody who submitted an entry and congratulations to all of the top three finishers! Here is what they will receive as their reward (as a reminder, 6 Olympiad Points are needed for one badge level):

  • First place: 3 months of osu!supporter, 6 Olympiad Points (resulting in 'Mapping Olympian' badge)
  • Second place: 2 months of osu!supporter, 4 Olympiad Points
  • Third place: 1 month of osu!supporter, 2 Olympiad Points

As a bonus for winning first place, each of the winners' badge descriptions will include the song they placed first in!

For future reference, here is a listing of all accumulated Olympiad Points which will be updated after each contest.

We'd like to thank all of the judges who spent several weeks going through and judging all of the entries: Cerulean Veyron, Electoz, Kuron-kun, Sinnoh, and Sonnyc. None of this would have been possible without you all.

Lastly, below are all of the entries for each song for everyone to look through. In addition, pishifat, Bonzi, and Monstrata will be putting together mapsets for ranking which will include the top three entries for each of the songs they won respectively:

Judging for the osu!taiko contest is about to be underway, and the next contest to look forward to will be for osu!mania. Be on the lookout for an announcement in the coming weeks!

—Chaos, Irreversible, Voli


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