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Summary of game modifiers

Main page: Game modifiers

Note: All mods used in osu!mania will never increase the score multiplier.

Mod Name (Abbr.) Multiplier Caption
Easy Easy (EZ) : 0.50x : Reduces overall difficulty - larger circles, more forgiving HP drain, less accuracy required.: Reduces overall difficulty - notes move slower, less accuracy required.: Reduces overall difficulty - larger circles, more forgiving HP drain, less accuracy required.: Reduces overall difficulty - more forgiving HP drain, less accuracy required.
No Fail No Fail (NF) : 0.50x : You can't fail. No matter what.
Half Time Half Time (HT) : 0.30x • : 0.50x : Less zoom.
Hard Rock Hard Rock (HR) : 1.12x : 1.06x • : 1.12x • : 1.00x : Everything just got a bit harder…
Sudden Death Sudden Death (SD) : 1.00x : Miss a note and fail.
Perfect Perfect (PF) : 1.00x : SS or quit.
Double Time Double Time (DT) : 1.06x • : 1.12x : 1.06x • : 1.00x : Zoooooooooom.
Nightcore Nightcore (NC) : 1.06x • : 1.12x : 1.06x • : 1.00x : uguuuuuuuu
Hidden Hidden (HD) : 1.06x • : 1.00x : Play with no approach circles and fading notes for a slight score advantage.: The notes fade out before you hit them! Play with no approach circles and fading notes for a slight score advantage.: The notes fade out before you hit them!
Fade In Fade In (FI) : 1.00x
Flashlight Flashlight (FL) : 1.12x • : 1.00x : Restricted view area
Relax Relax (RL) : 0.00x : You don't need to click. Give your clicking/tapping fingers a break from the heat of things. ** UNRANKED **: Relax! You will no longer get dizzyfied by ninja-like spinners, demanding drumrolls or unexpected katu's. ** UNRANKED **: Use the mouse to control the catcher. ** UNRANKED **
Autopilot Auto Pilot (AP) : 0.00x : Automatic cursor movement - just follow the rhythm. ** UNRANKED **
Spun Out Spun Out (SO) : 0.90x : Spinners will be automatically completed.
4K (xK) 4K (xK) 0.66x–1.00x (see chart below)
Co-op Co-op (CP) 0.70x–1.00x (see chart below) : Double the key amount, double the fun!
Mirror Mirror (MR) : 1.00x
Random Random (RD) : 0.00x : Shuffle around the notes!
Auto Auto (AT) : 1.00x : Watch a perfect automated play through the song.
Cinema Cinema (CM) : 1.00x
ScoreV2 ScoreV2 (SV2) : 1.00x : Try the future scoring system. ** UNRANKED **
Target Practice Target Practice (TP) : 1.00x

xK mod score multipliers

Notice: This table only affects beatmaps converted from osu! to osu!mania during play, not on osu!mania-specific beatmaps!

Default/Modifier 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K
4K 0.78x 0.82x 0.86x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
5K 0.74x 0.78x 0.82x 0.86x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
6K 0.70x 0.74x 0.78x 0.82x 0.86x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
7K 0.66x 0.70x 0.74x 0.78x 0.82x 0.86x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x

xK mod with Co-op score multipliers

Notice: This table only affects beatmaps converted from osu! to osu!mania during play, not on osu!mania-specific beatmaps. And as such, the Co-Op mod gives no penalty on osu!mania-specific beatmaps.

Default/Modifier 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K
4K 0.82x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
5K 0.78x 0.86x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
6K 0.74x 0.82x 1.00x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x
7K 0.70x 0.78x 0.86x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x 0.90x

Inverse mods

Note: All mods cancel out the Target Practice mod.

These mods... ...cancel out these mods. (and vice-versa)
Hard Rock Easy
Double Time Nightcore Half Time
No Fail Sudden Death Perfect Relax Autopilot
Sudden Death Perfect No Fail Relax Autopilot Auto Cinema
Relax Sudden Death Perfect No Fail Autopilot Auto Cinema
Autopilot Sudden Death Perfect No Fail Relax Spun Out Auto Cinema
Auto Cinema Sudden Death Perfect Relax Autopilot Spun Out


These mods... ...cancel out these mods. (and vice-versa)
Hidden Fade In Flashlight