18 Jan 2014
Skin Showcase - Nightcore HD
by deadbeat

Skin Showcase - Nightcore HD

by deadbeat

Hey guys, and welcome to the first skin showcase for 2014! And to kick off the new year, I'm going to showcase one of the biggest skins I know of, the Nightcore HD skin.

evil_genius has put in a huge amount of effort into constructing the skin, skinning all four games modes to appeal a wider range of players. Along with the standard edition, the creator has gone to the effort of making a second "lite" family-friendly edition, which doesn't contain any of the borderline adult content that the standard one does.

The standard version contains 820 elements and is a huge 140MB, while the lite version has 817 and is a slightly smaller 120MB. Both versions also contain four different cursors so players can choose one that suits them the best.

The one slight issue I have with this skin is the hitbursts. They're all fireworks and look rather similar, so it can be rather hard to tell the difference between a 100 and a 300. Aside from that, everything is really well done, it's very clean and very fun to use.

Also one final note, at the start of the video, I'll be displaying the ranking letters, then the game mode icons, then mod icons. I think I confused some people last time by not making that clear.



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