The votes have been tallied, and the results are in. We're proud to present the best maps of 2013, as voted by you!
Voting ran a little differently this year, with the system tweaked to allow votes only from people who actually played the maps, ensuring a much fairer turnout overall.
Here's the results:
Best 10 osu!standard maps of 2013:
With what is undoubtedly a surprise to absolutely nobody, RLC takes home the prize for unanimously the best standard beatmap of 2013! Congratulations!
Best 10 Taiko maps of 2013:
The Taiko voting was exceptionally close overall, and a well-earned win by Kuria.
Best 10 Catch the Beat maps of 2013:
With Catch the Beat maps only having recently come into their own, the voting turnout is exceptionally encouraging for those foraying into creating unique beatmaps for the mode - with a resounding win by Haya. Congratulations!
Best 10 osu!mania maps of 2013:
Star Stream scores a decisive win, scoring almost a third of all the votes cast amongst the top 10 entries! Well done!
Do you have what it takes to make the best map of 2014? Give it your all, mappers - and maybe you'll be on this list next year!
The Best of 2013 ranking chart is available here - go and show the world that you're the best player of the best maps we have to offer. Good luck!