4 Jul 2014
Second Official osu! Fanart Contest Results!
by LuigiHann

Second Official osu! Fanart Contest Results!

by LuigiHann

Hello again! The results are finally in for the second official osu! fanart contest! It was very interesting seeing people take this fairly open-ended theme in different directions, and even more interesting to see how those different directions were reflected in the voting results.

The results are broken into two sections, the hard numbers of the public poll results, and the more subjective and personal choices of the staff picks. First place in each section wins a full year supporter tag, along with an osu!tablet (or Pippi plushie, if they prefer). The next four runner-ups in each section will each receive a one-month supporter tag. I've also listed five honorable mentions, who won't be getting prizes but whose art I felt deserved to be featured here as well. We'll be granting the supporter tags and contacting the first prize winners about the physical prizes in the next few days. If we use any of this art in upcoming merchandise, one of those will be given to the artist as part of the prize as well.

Public Poll Results

First Place:

Full: Download Here
by Beat Freak

Second Place:

Full: Download Here
by [hews]

Third Place:

Full: Download Here
by gendo0032

Fourth Place:

Full: Download Here
by biransei

Fifth Place:

Full: Download Here
by kunkun014

Staff Favorites


Full: Download Here
by Chilienka

Runner-up (No Particular Order):

Full: Download Here
by puddii

Runner-up (No Particular Order):

Full: Download Here
by Pokie

Runner-up (No Particular Order):

Full: Download Here
by Mocochia

Runner-up (No Particular Order):

Full: Download Here
by Lempika

Honorable Mentions (In No Particular Order)

Full: Download Here
by natsukoOwO

Full: Download Here
by Hollow Wings

Full: Download Here
by y1xiansen

Full: Download Here
by Junichiro

Full: Download Here
by kan-tree

Finally, while Mocochia got some staff votes (and a significant number of public votes) for the entry above, I just want to call out Mocochia's other, more adorable entry, which I personally felt really fit what I had in mind for the theme of this contest:

Full: Download Here
by Mocochia

So thank you all for participating in this contest. Don't feel bad if your entry wasn't featured, there were far too many amazing entries to highlight them all here, but I will again be posting every single entry on the osu! facebook page in the coming weeks, because they all deserve recognition. Next contest should be starting soon, so stay tuned!



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