21 Jun 2014
Vote for the Official Fanart Contest #2 winners now!
by LuigiHann

Vote for the Official Fanart Contest #2 winners now!

by LuigiHann

Hello everyone! Just a quick announcement this time. Voting has been enabled for the Official osu! Fanart Contest #2: osu! Around the World!

osu! Around the World!

I apologize for the delay. There's a really exciting variety of entries this month. Some of the artists took the theme literally, and some of them took it in different directions that I was expecting, and quite a few interpret the theme in ways I would never have thought of! So please, don't just vote for the art that you think is the prettiest, but also vote for the ones that you think embody the theme the best. That's why you can vote for more than one!

Last time around I announced the new contest when we opened voting, but this time I really want to space the contests out a bit more. The next theme I have in mind is taking a bit of preparation, so we may start it when we announce these results, but it may be a bit longer still.

Anyway, you have two weeks to vote for your favorite entries here, so get started!



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