For beatmapping contest support, see: Official beatmapping contest support.
The osu! team runs a program where they may opt to provide community-run tournaments that abide by a certain set of criteria and expectations with extra support, at their discretion.
This article was last updated on March 02, 2025. For the full changelog, check out the tournament support updates thread. For any queries or clarifications, please consult the #tournaments
channel in the osu! Discord server or send an email to the account support team via
Officially supported tournaments have access to:
Community-run tournaments which abide by the following hard criteria are eligible for support:
To start with, the request for support must be made well before the tournament actually commences play. There are no specific timelines for this, but we recommend at least two to three weeks before play commences to account for delays in the screening process.
If your tournament satisfies the eligibility criteria, you can make a request for support by sending an email to the account support team via with the following information:
Once we receive your request, the account support team will return a list of users who are ineligible to participate in tournaments. Please allow ample time for a response. We will try our best to handle all requests within a week, but we occasionally have large spikes in workload that can make this impossible.
Tournament organisers are expected to monitor their tournament for anything that runs afoul of the expectations outlined below, and are single-handedly responsible for reporting such incidents to the account support team via Failure to adhere to this may result in withdrawal of official support.
Community-run tournaments receiving this support are expected to abide by the following general ideals:
In addition, all promotional material or any services associated with a tournament receiving official support should adhere to the osu! community rules. This includes things like Twitter accounts, Discord servers, and so on.
The tournament must also abide by the following practices throughout:
!mp make
command, so that they do not expire. The results must be recorded and made publicly available on the original tournament forum post or an outside source linked on the forum post in a clear and accessible format.Once the tournament has concluded, the tournament organisers will need to submit the following to the account support team via
Third-party programs designed to filter registrants, seed players, or automate the job of a referee must be open, transparent, and documented. Any third-party tool used for these purposes must:
Currently, approval for the use of any such tool must be explicitly granted by the osu! support team. Additionally, this approval must be granted for every tournament where programs for registrant filtering, seeding, or automated refereeing are used. We expect to relax some of these requirements in the future as the technology surrounding these programs develops and experience with using them grows.
Registrant filtering, not to be confused with screening, is the process of using any program, algorithm, mathematical formula, or other objective means to remove otherwise good-standing players from a tournament. This is commonly used to reduce variance in skill within a tournament, e.g. with BWS.
In addition to the expectations for programs above, tools or systems used to filter registrants or seed players must also abide by the following practices:
A third party should be able to get the same results without needing additional information. Manually filtering players or adjusting their seeds is strictly prohibited.
The use of automated refereeing tools are permitted with some caveats to reflect their cutting-edge nature. Automated refereeing tools, including bots, may receive approval for use in badged tournaments so long as certain requirements are met.
In addition to the expectations for programs above, automated refereeing tools must also adhere to the following expectations:
command inside the lobby itself. When this command is used, all automation should stop until resumed by the human referee.Tournament organisers are expected to ensure that their tournaments run smoothly and with minimal disruption where possible.
With regards to staff roles, the following rules apply:
Users under an active tournament ban are expected to disclose their tournament ban status to any officially supported tournament they intend to help with. They may be enlisted as streamers, commentators, or graphic designers at the host's discretion, but we encourage careful consideration of such choices as said individuals have already infringed upon the rules once (or more). They may not act as any other staff role UNLESS the host requests an exemption for them when sending in their initial request for support. The account support team will then assess these on a case-by-case basis with the user's history in mind.
At the support team's discretion, staff members whose conduct directly results in a tournament losing its official support may not fulfil the same roles in, nor be the host or admin of, another officially-supported tournament for at least 4 months. In the event a staffing ban is applied to a user, they will be informed directly through the tournament team.
At the support team's discretion, organisers who make major mistakes that break eligibility rules or expectations for official support may be subject to a hosting ban. Hosting bans may be used in place of revoking official support when a tournament would otherwise be ineligible for support while maintaining competitive integrity. While under a hosting ban, users may not be a primary organiser or admin of any officially-supported tournament. They may, however, engage in other roles which do not involve organisation.
A list of all tournament staff must be publicly visible in an easily accessible location. This list may be contained within the tournament's forum post, wiki page, website, or spreadsheet. If there are multiple lists of staff, they must all be up to date and in sync with one another.
Participants in officially supported tournaments are expected to adhere to the osu! community rules at all times, regardless of their rank, accomplishments, or other achievements. They are also expected to treat all volunteers involved in hosting a tournament with respect, and to not deliberately attempt to waste their time or otherwise excessively complicate the undertaking of a tournament with their actions.
Additionally, players are expected to have participated in a given tournament in order to qualify for any prizes it may award — simply qualifying as a member of a winning team is not enough. Because there are intangible contributions to teams that players often make without playing maps, only players who do not play any maps at all throughout the course of a tournament may be denied a badge prize.
At the account support team's discretion, offending players may be issued timed or indefinite tournament bans depending on the severity of their behaviour. Repeat offenders may risk incurring an indefinite tournament ban or a restriction.
A major part of being an officially supported tournament is access to the screening process. Similar to the "security checks" undertaken by all World Cup players, screening helps prevent users with recent serious infringements or tournament bans from disrupting play.
Tournament organisers will be expected to provide a comma-separated list (or spreadsheet) including usernames and user IDs. If the tournament is team-based, this list must reflect the grouping of users in their teams of play, complete with any team name or other identifying marker.
The comma-separated list should look like this:
For team-based tournaments, the expected format is:
Once screening concludes, the account support team will provide a list of any users who failed screening and are not considered eligible for tournament play, without providing specific reasoning. Individual users who are unhappy with their screening outcome should be told to consult via email.
Only players who are participating in the tournament or would be likely substitutes for a team made during the course of the tournament should be sent for screening. For example, in a country-based tournament using a tryouts system, organisers are encouraged to send only the players determined to be participating after the tryouts conclude, along with several substitutes for each team in the event they need to participate. For clarifications on which registrants are relevant for screening for a particular tournament, contact the Tournament Committee.
Allowing users that have failed screening to play in your tournament will result in an immediate withdrawal of support and will result in future requests for support to be denied.
Officially supported tournaments that satisfy the expectations above are eligible to request profile badge prizes following completion. We highly recommend requesting profile badge prizes as soon as possible after tournament completion, as this will benefit the review process. Badges will never be approved until after the conclusion of the tournament.
Profile badge images must adhere to the following standards:
Please consult the following examples of approved badge designs:
Use this badge visualisation tool to help you verify that your badge complies with the above standards.
Badge images that do not meet these standards will be refused with given reasoning, and you may be asked to completely redesign your badge in some cases. This is fairly uncommon, but should be accounted for.
In exceptionally rare cases, a tournament may be granted the privilege of awarding badges to its top three finalists. A tournament that has received this distinction is recognised for attaining the highest level of production quality and organisation possible — this is given exclusively at the discretion of the osu! team. If you believe your tournament meets the expectations to receive this distinction, you may request it when submitting your initial badge request.
Note that badge prizes for the top three finalists will only be considered for tournaments without any restrictions in place for participation, such as being limited to a specific rank range or a specific geographic region.
Examples of exceptional tournaments that have met these expectations:
Long-running community tournaments may qualify for additional support to enhance their visibility to the playerbase, namely receiving main-menu banners in-game and publication via news posts on the osu! website.
The minimum requirements to request in-game or website advertising support are as follows:
If you satisfy the above criteria, you may request this support by sending an email to This request should include a base-level history of your tournament and its impact upon the community if you have not received this type of support before. Please also note that this additional support is not guaranteed under any circumstances, and is awarded at the osu! team's sole discretion.
We recommend sending any such requests as early as possible to allow time for consideration. News post requests should ideally be sent at least a month in advance.
Tournaments seeking to be featured on the main menu must also meet the following requirements:
All main-menu banner images must adhere to the following standards:
, meaning that they will be exported at 50% scale into a 1x
image. Design your images appropriately to ensure things are legible at half size. Users will see either image depending on their chosen client resolution.Download a template image for main menu banners here.
Please consult the following examples of acceptable banner designs:
Use this banner visualisation tool to check how the banner would look in-game.
Please do not submit a main menu banner with your original request — you will be asked and pointed to this section if you are authorised to make use of one.
While support for advertising and sharing the outcome of your tournament is available via news posts, there are additional requirements that must be considered:
Requests for news support will be reviewed by both the Tournament Committee and the osu! news team for suitability.
A registrant who has passed screening but has not been scheduled for any matches AND has not participated in any gameplay (including qualifiers) is not yet considered a player/participant of the tournament, and may therefore still be enlisted as staff.
In the unlikely event that a player becomes restricted during the course of the tournament, you may need to replay certain matches where they were involved in order to preserve the competitive integrity of the tournament. Tournament organisers should contact the account support team to receive information and guidance on these (hopefully rare) cases.
Flooding the game with profile badges dilutes the prestige of the prize for everybody else. We do not want profile badges to be something that people 'farm' from a few sets of regular, recurring tournaments.
Yes! See Official beatmapping contest support for details.
Personal information is defined as any information that can be used to identify, contact, or locate a specific individual, either directly or indirectly. This includes but is not limited to email addresses, ID cards, and passports. ↑
Play "commences" once any seedings or brackets have been determined. Therefore, qualifiers may be exempt from this. ↑