22 Mar 2016
osu!weekly #53
by Nyquill

osu!weekly #53

by Nyquill

A couple of interesting new developments around the community! We have a new community contributor badge holder, and several teased new products are finally making their way into the osu!store. Now that I have hopefully lit up your anticipation, read on to get in on the details!

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We have a new recipient of the esteemed Community Contributor Badge! Charles445 has contributed immensely over the years in upholding and improving the quality of mapping, providing assistance on many occasions to help resolve various issues in the community. He is the winner of the only Aspire Mapping Contest we have held up to now, and has also contributed his timing and storyboarding expertise to the mapping community. It goes without saying that Charles has given his all to this game in the past half decade, and the osu!staff wants to thank him for all the great things he has brought to the table for our players and mappers.

The osu!Hoodies teased last week and the new osu!buttons have arrived in the osu!store! Whether you need to keep yourself warm during prime osu! hours between 9PM to 3AM, or crawl out of your cave into the great outdoors to show off your osu! swag, you should check out the new items while they last! Additionally, TWC banners are available now for grabs! If you want to support your players in the form of a stylish header for your profile, go check that out too!

Why yes, I do spin this fast. Why did you ask?

Flyte is back with us for more classic torture featuring holding the camera very close to the screen! Joking aside, the new design for what appears to be the new song selection screen appears extremely sleek and fresh. Just gazing upon the half blurred images makes it seem like you can already feel the new design in action, navigating through the refined and fleshed out UI that flyte has meticulously worked to put together for us. If you happen to get the opportunity, be sure to drop by his blog to show him your appreciation!

-KousakaHonoka- is back with more amazing plays for us this week!

Right off the bat, we had two tiebreakers happen in quick succession. The matches between teams Malaysia and Indonesia and teams France and China saw really some really intense games. Team China lost to Team France three times before coming back 3 picks in a row in order to force a tiebreaker. The match between teams Malaysia and Indonesia saw the teams trading points back and forth before team Indonesia came back with two consecutive rounds to take the match.

Japan didn't end up taking the highest seed going into the round of 16. The team representing the United States ended up with a clean sweep, ending both of their matches with 4-0 results.The Japanese team ended up losing a point to the Spanish team as a result of one combo break on Jutenija.


We have a lot of neat statistics for you guys coming out of the osu!Taiko World Cup group stage! Be sure to check them out if you want in on the details of what happened during the matches, as well as the maps that were most preferred and most avoided.

It looks like we have reached the end of yet another osu!weekly! Hopefully, the new increase in organization of tournament statistics has helped everyone get a better look at what is going on in the matches. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us below in the Disqus comments or in the r/osugame thread. If you have anything you would like to see appear in the osu!weekly, please send us an email over at news@ppy.sh. Until next time!



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