We're back in action with the reveal of the new osu! World Cup! As if the new design wasn't already enough for us to get excited over, a number of new announcements were made in this past week. Want to know what's happening around the community? Read on!
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A big thanks to the following contributors for helping out with this week's issue: Raveille, Xylo-
With not a moment to spare, the recap of the september osu! Development meeting has been posted! It looks like steady progress has been made towards the lazer build despite its general absence from public eye for the past few weeks, and we had a slight discussion on the rationale of the new contests as well as collaborative music. If you're interested, you can check out the full meeting on peppy's youtube channel.
If you haven't been hibernating for the past week, you probably have already noticed that the first of our new artists has taken the stage! Along with the heroic arrival of yuki, a rising talent within BMS and rhythm game communities, we have also annoounced a new community sourced mapping contest. This time, instead of having judges labour away at a mass amount of submissions, the winners will be decided by a community vote. If you're interested in participating, be sure to check out the official post for more details!
Have you ever wondered if there is anything beyond the world of pen and keyboard play? Since the beginning of the game, this question has been challenged by the many talented members of our community. Recently, Alepat, one of the members of the community, made a video where he played taiko using the pad on a Nintendo 3DS. While this certainly isn't the most expressive custom peripherals have been, it has reignited a curiosity within me: what have you guys tried to use to play the game before? Let us know in the new community poll!
Hey, it looks like our community mentorship program is back for another round! Are you sad that you didn't get to work with an experienced mapper to make your circle placing and slider sliding fantasies come true? Now's your chance to get in on the fun and work under the loving wing of one of our registered mentors. Register now before you're forced to wait another cycle for an opportunity!
The biggest event of the year is upon us! The osu! World Cup is back in style, sporting a new look straight from the masterful hands of flyte. Additionally, we are introducing a new stylish tournaments page. Does this mean even unofficial tournaments will have a chance at being listed? We will see the progress of this feature most likely within the coming months!
The osu!celebrity bot is back once again for your viewing pleasures, hopefully for good this time! The maintenance of such a bot is no small task for sure, but it seems that the team behind the community spectator srteam has managed to solve the problem for the time being. If you don't know what that's about, the osu!celebrity stream is a bot that takes in the viewer's vote and decides on a player to spectate on stream.
This week has been chock-full of scores, so let's jump right in to the most impressive ones!
Two scores were recently set on beatMARIO - Knight of Nights (The World). WubWoofWolf setting a HDHR 98.69% 2 miss run granting him 510pp, and Reifos, the current No.1 Spanish player, setting a HDHR 99.08% FC granting him 551pp, also setting the first ever HDHR FC on this map.
Two scores were also recently set on Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Uta (Himei). waaiiru broke the 600pp barrier with a 99.18% FC, giving him 602pp and becoming the lowest ranked player to have a 600pp score. ThePooN set the best accuracy on the map with an impressive 99.74% FC, giving him 627pp.
The No.1 mouse player in the game has been going nuts again, setting a HDDT 98.03% 2 miss run on LiSA - Kimi ni Pierrot (Emotions), grabbing a whopping 707pp.
We also did miss out this play last week, but n1doking set a mindblowing score on S.S.H - Holy Orders (Sin) with a HDNCFL 98.92% FC, handing him the top taiko pp play with 738pp. Seriously, check this play out!
In case Raveille's name wasn't prominent enough at the beginning of this weekly, I want to thank him again for giving us a player achievement recap for this week! The content of the weekly really can't be as great as it is without the help of you guys, so please help us out by dropping by the discord channel and telling us what you want to see featured in the next weekly!